Chapter 9: Dinners and Decisions

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As the sun set, Harry and Ginny arrived back at the Burrow, once again apparating into the small stone out building on the dirt path leading to the house. Harry let go of Ginny and grinned at her as she realised where Harry had brought them.

"Very subtle, Harry," said Ginny, as she put her arms around Harry's neck.

"I just wanted a minute alone with you, Gin," explained Harry a little sheepishly.

Ginny raised an eyebrow, "Only a minute?"

Harry suppressed a smirk as he placed his hands on Ginny's hips and drew her against him. Harry leaned in and kissed Ginny gently, putting all the love and warmth he felt into his kiss, and feeling Ginny's body relax in his arms.

They continued kissing for several minutes, neither making any attempt to stop or go further. Instead, they were enjoying the sensation of being together as they were comfortable, warm, and close; it was all they needed. Eventually they stopped kissing and held each other softly. Harry wondered if he would ever feel so comforted again, as he did at this moment in a small stone shed in Ottery St Catchpole.

"Gin, we need to talk about something," said Harry, barely above a whisper.

"And what's that, my sweet Harry?" asked Ginny as she raised her eyes to look at Harry.

"The past," said Harry.

Ginny felt a small jolt pass through her. So we have finally reached this point, she thought to herself. She didn't know quite what to do now. She had been patiently waiting for Harry to be ready to talk to her about all that had happened in the past, but now that the moment was here she suddenly wondered if it was the best idea to drag up painful memories. Ginny put her misgivings aside as she knew it would help in Harry's recovery for him to talk about what had happened to him, and she knew deep down that she wanted to share everything with Harry; including his heartache.

Ginny sat down on the dirt floor of the shed and Harry followed her lead, sitting beside her as she leaned her head against his shoulder.

"Tell me anything you want to, Harry. I'm here for you."

Harry began, slowly at first, as he told Ginny about all he had learned from Dumbledore during his sixth year at Hogwarts, and he confessed to his long held secret desire for her, and the jealousy he had felt every time he had seen her with Dean Thomas.

Ginny smiled as she listened. While Dumbledore's lessons were fascinating, it was Harry's secret pining for her that made her breath catch in her throat. She knew now that when she first kissed Harry it had been something that was destined to happen.

Harry then told Ginny of his deep regret at ending their relationship, and that he should never have done it; how her safety should have been her decision and not his. He told her of his elation when she had kissed him for his birthday, and of fighting the longing he had to stay with her instead of completing his mission.

Ginny felt the tears run down her face as she listened. The kiss she had given Harry on his birthday had been no accident. She had planned it carefully, hoping it would convince Harry to stay with her. When Ron had interrupted them and Harry had left her room, she had been devastated, believing she may have lost her chance to be with Harry. But throughout the remainder of that day, she occasionally caught Harry looking at her. Her dream of being with Harry had rekindled and she had vowed to herself she would wait for him until he was ready. She knew now that it had been an impossible dream. Harry had to complete his mission if they were ever going to be able to live in peace.

Harry talked about what he, Ron, and Hermione had done following the attack at the wedding, and their quest for Horcruxes. As his own tears began to flow, he told Ginny how he had watched her on the Marauders Map, hoping she was alright and wishing he could go to her.

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