Chapter 5: A Sacrifice For Love

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The Weasley's children and Hermione sat around the kitchen table, nobody speaking as Ginny continued to cry quietly while Hermione tried to comfort her. The others looked frightened by what they had witnessed, and George was inconsolable. He blamed himself and he was ashamed of his behaviour. He knew Fred would have been appalled with him for the way he had treated Harry.

Arthur and Molly Weasley stood in the lounge room with Kingsley, who had briefly explained what he thought had caused Harry's trauma. He was going to tell the whole story as soon as Minerva McGonagall and Hagrid arrived, but after what he had seen tonight, he didn't think he knew all the details himself.

After Harry had disappeared Kingsley had immediately contacted the Ministry and organised several places he thought Harry might go to be watched from first light tomorrow. Ron and Hermione had also added some suggestions and he arranged to have them all monitored.  He just hoped they could find him before a tragedy occurred.

They all waited silently until the rest of their guests arrived. Minerva McGonagall and Hagrid arrived together, followed shortly after by Bill and Fleur. Arthur updated the new arrivals on what had occurred tonight. Arthur led them into the kitchen to join the rest of his family and begin to try and make sense of the terrible night.

Hermione and Ron reluctantly retold the story of their previous year with Harry, fearful of the impact their words were having as George began to tremble. They covered the story quickly and sat down holding onto each other. Arthur produced a bottle of Firewhiskey and indicated everyone should help themselves as they were probably going to need it before the night was through. Hagrid produced his own bottle of single malt whiskey and began to take huge gulps in between heavy sobs.

"Hagrid," said Kingsley kindly, "why don't you tell us what happened in the forest and then I will tell you all why it happened."

"Right, Minister," began Hagrid, "Voldy and his followers had grabbed me and taken me to a clearing in the forest. Tied me to a tree, did the bastards. Anyway, Voldy was talkin' 'bout how 'Arry hadn't shown 'imself, and how he thought little 'Arry would come to 'im, when bold as you like, 'Arry stepped out o' the dark. I told 'im to run before one o' them Death Eaters shut me mouth for me." Hagrid paused as he dabbed at his swollen eyes.

Hermione and Ron were both crying silently as they tried to imagine why Harry had given himself up. Arthur and Molly held onto George and Ginny as they both trembled.

"'Arry never said another thing, just stood there starin' at Voldy. And then it happened. Voldy hit 'Arry with the Killin' Curse... and 'Arry fell to the ground. Not movin' or nothin'. Looked so small, layin' there, he did. I picked his body up and carried 'im back to the castle."

Hermione gasped. It was becoming too much for her to take. Ron tried to hold her but she was becoming distraught.

"He just gave up," sobbed Hermione, "why would he do it? He knew we would keep fighting with him." Hermione slumped back into her seat.

Ginny felt numb. He had walked into his own death and left her to go on alone. She felt sick to the stomach as she tried to take deep breaths.

Kingsley helped himself to a glass of Firewhiskey before he stood to tell his part of the story.

"He did it because he had to," said Kingsley flatly, ignoring the looks of disbelief that now focused on him.

"Ron, Hermione, you told us how Harry had taken Snapes memories and had gone to watch them before he went into the forest. It was what he saw in those memories that convinced Harry he had to die that night. Now, what you hear tonight must never go any further. You have seen the horrible impact these events have had on Harry and I am sure it would only get worse if the story spread any further." Kingsley scanned the faces in the room, making sure they all understood the gravity of the situation.

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