Chapter 10: An Ideal Summer

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As summer began, and quickly passed into July, Harry and Ginny were enjoying the warm days lazing around the nearly empty Burrow. They talked and laughed and cried together as they both started to recover from the ordeals of the previous year. 

Harry could now talk openly with Ginny about the Horcrux he had been, and his feelings surrounding the final destruction of Voldemort. Ginny in turn, was beginning to reveal the details of her horrific year at Hogwarts. Her stories of the treatment doled out by the brother and sister Death Eater team, Amycus and Alecto Carrow, chilled Harry, and he began to bitterly regret his decision to leave Ginny behind when he departed for his mission. If she had come with him he would have been able to save her so much pain.

Ginny had argued that she been able to help so many others by being at Hogwarts that the torture and trauma inflicted on her had been worth it. Harry held Ginny as she cried, his guilt increasing as he realised all the focus had been on him, while many others, including his beloved Ginny, had also endured devastating horrors in their attempts to resist Voldemort and his supporters.

When Harry and Ginny weren't talking about the horrors of the previous year, they often sat by the pond beyond the back garden, dangling their feet in the cool water, as they talked about the upcoming return to school and their plans once school had finished next year. They were rarely apart and neither of them had any desire to be separated. They were enjoying real peace; and while they knew it couldn't last forever, they were going to take pleasure in every moment they could.

Molly and Arthur left them to their own devices, knowing they were both healing rapidly without the need for any interference. They could see the joy in Ginny's eyes, as all of her dreams and hopes had become a reality; while Harry had regained his sense of fun and mischief.

As late July approached, Molly found herself very busy as she juggled the running of her house and the management of Harry's trust fund for the children of victims of the war. Bill had been a regular visitor lately as he dealt with the finances of the trust, as well as overseeing Harry's sizable donation to St Mungo's.

Two days before Harry's eighteenth birthday, the Ministry finally released its repeatedly delayed statement regarding the Battle of Hogwarts and the preceding war. Far from being the one page statement Harry had envisaged, the Ministry released what amounted to a complete history of Voldemort's reign of terror, and the events which had shaped the wizarding world, before his eventual downfall.

The statement ran to thirty pages, organised in a chronological sequence, citing the events, victims, perpetrators or those accused, along with future trial dates. The history of the war had been capped off with the story of the mission Harry, Hermione, and Ron had undertaken and the final battle at Hogwarts.

Harry had read the story with interest, feeling as if he were reading about somebody else, and noted the only change to the truth was more of an omission rather than a lie. The Horcruxes were described as dark magical objects and artefacts, while the fact that Harry had been a Horcrux was omitted completely.

A section had been devoted to Severus Snape and his extraordinary bravery. Harry knew the revelation that Snape had killed Dumbledore, at the old wizards own request, would come as a shock to the magical community. But Harry was glad to know that Snape would be getting the recognition he deserved, with the Minister announcing that Snape would posthumously be awarded the Order of Merlin, First Class, along with having his portrait added to the Headmistresses office at Hogwarts.

He had also felt immense pride as he read about Ginny, Neville, and Luna, leading the resistance from within Hogwarts and their roles in the final battle. Harry knew Neville's Grandmother would be especially pleased by the article, which described her grandson's fierce resistance to Voldemort and his spectacular dispatching of the snake, Nagini.

The list of upcoming trials took Harry's breath away. Gawain Robards and his Auror's had evidently been very busy rounding up Death Eater's and Voldemort supporters since May. He noticed that Dolores Umbridge was to be tried for a long list of crimes, most notably the persecution of muggle born witches and wizards. Harry also saw that Narcissa Malfoy would be tried for her support of Voldemort and for the kidnapping and unlawful imprisonment of an undisclosed number of witches, wizards, and other magical creatures. Her husband and son were to be tried in absentia.

Gregory Goyle was to be tried for the use of the unforgivable curses on children at Hogwarts, while his father, Gregory Goyle Sr. would also be tried for various crimes in absentia, as he had not been found since the battle. Harry had forgotten about Goyle until he read his name, but Ginny apparently had not. She practically danced for joy upon learning of his fate. Harry made a mental note to ask her about that sometime.

The return of Ron and Hermione the following day lifted everyone's spirits after a gloomy day of reading about the war. After two months travelling around in the Australian winter, Hermione had still managed to acquire a tan, while Ron had added considerably to his collection of freckles.

To celebrate their return, Molly had asked Harry if he would mind if they made his birthday dinner the following night a joint celebration. Harry had been happy to share the night with his friends, as his birthday had never been a big event for him. However, after two quiet months with Ginny, Arthur, and Molly, and sporadic visits from a very busy Weasley family, Harry found himself looking forward to a party.



The special edition of the Daily Prophet, which contained the full version of the Ministry's statement about the war, lay torn on the floor at Lucius Malfoy's feet. That the Dark Lord had been defeated by children was a hard enough fact to stomach, but it was now clear to him that he had given a piece of the puzzle to the enemy when he had slipped Tom Riddles diary into Ginny Weasley's cauldron in the book store all those years ago.

Lucius wasn't sure what the Ministry meant when they referred to the diary as a dark object that had to be destroyed before Voldemort could be finished, but he knew now that his petty dislike of Arthur Weasley has caused him to make a serious error; an error which now had no means of being reversed.

He made a silent vow to himself as he looked at his two recently acquired companions. He would no longer be distracted by trivialities. He would attack and destroy that which had taken his world from him. Once Harry Potter was nothing but a memory, then he would indulge his desire for revenge against those who had wronged him in the past.

The two men in front of Lucius Malfoy shuffled their feet as they awaited instructions from their new master, while Draco Malfoy sat in a chair in the corner of the room, a sullen look on his pointed features.

"So, Goyle," drawled Lucius, "they are going to try your son for torturing children. This does seem highly unfair, as he was only following the instruction of his Professor's. Wouldn't you agree?"

Gregory Goyle Sr. looked at Lucius and spat on the floor. "When our numbers are greater, I will retrieve my son from Azkaban," he snarled.

Lucius raised an eyebrow as the corner of his mouth twitched. "You do not think he will receive a fair trial then?"

"Of course not. They have already found him guilty, they just haven't told him yet," declared Goyle, has dark features stretched taut as he bared his teeth.

Lucius turned his gaze to the second man standing before him.

"And you, Vincent, what do you think would be a fitting tribute for your son, taken from you so cruelly at the hands of our most hated enemy?"

Vincent Crabbe Sr. had the look of a hunted man, which of course, he was. His son's death had troubled him, but he had barely known the boy so felt little of the loss expected of a parent who lost a child. He also knew full well that his son had died at his own hand, not his enemies. But Crabbe would endure Lucius Malfoy and his posturing if it meant he could regain the power and respect being a Death Eater had commanded during the previous year.

"The grave of Harry Potter would be a suitable tribute, Lucius, and I intend to ensure that happens with or without any assistance," said Crabbe quietly as his hard eyes glared at Lucius and his spoilt son.

Lucius smiled to himself. Their anger was good. It would help them focus their rage when the time came. For now he would watch and wait until an opportunity presented itself. He was under no illusion; getting to Harry Potter would be extremely difficult, especially as he wished to escape alive. He would not make the Dark Lord's mistake and insist on doing the deed personally. He would gladly let someone else kill Harry Potter for him. He would then simply take the credit after killing his assassin.

Draco watched and listened from the corner. Stupid men with their stupid plans, he thought to himself. He knew the key wasn't to kill Harry, but to kill those who Harry wished to protect. Harry would get himself killed in the process of trying to defend his loved ones. But Draco did not voice his opinion. His enthrallment with the Dark Lord had been dealt a savage blow as he had witnessed Voldemort's treatment of his family.

Draco also suspected that he had not been meant to survive his attempt to kill Dumbledore. He had seen the reports speculating that Harry Potter had been in the Astronomy Tower when Dumbledore was killed. He guessed that Dumbledore had chosen to save his favourite student, rather than himself.

And now it had been revealed that Professor Snape had secretly fought against Voldemort and his father for years. Draco had idolised Snape; he had appeared as a dark and powerful figure to Draco, and his obvious disdain for Harry Potter had amused Draco for years. Now it was all revealed as an act. Snape had already planned to kill Dumbledore because he knew Draco wouldn't be able to.

Draco felt weak and foolish. All he had admired had either turned against him, or had been working against him. He thought ruefully that the dark arts were called the 'Dark Arts' for a reason. Treachery and deceit were just part of the game for Voldemort, Snape, and his father; but Harry Potter and his friends seemed unencumbered by such worries as they fought for their objectives.

A nagging doubt was creeping into Draco's mind that perhaps he was fighting not only on the losing side again, but perhaps the wrong one. All his parent's pure blood mania had done was brought about defeat and humiliation.



The Burrow was a hive of activity as the preparations for Harry's birthday party got into full swing. His seventeenth birthday the previous year had been a low key affair as it had been the day before Bill and Fleur's wedding. This year there were no other considerations and Mrs Weasley was determined that Harry would enjoy a proper birthday.

Harry had woken up that morning to receive a kiss from Ginny. What that kiss led to was something he fervently hoped Arthur and Molly never found out about. After a lengthy shared shower, Harry and Ginny had hopped back into bed just because they could. They had lay in bed and talked excitedly about the party, and what they should do to celebrate Ginny's coming of age in less than two weeks.

True to form, Mrs Weasley had knocked on the bedroom door before opening it and informing them breakfast was almost ready. Harry and Ginny smirked at each other as they made their way down the stairs behind Mrs Weasley, never seeing the smile which had appeared on Molly's face. Molly had noticed that they both still had wet hair, and was in no doubt as to how or why that had occurred. She felt a burst of nostalgia for the excitement of new love, and was glad Harry and Ginny had discovered and experienced their love away from the media glare that would follow them as soon as they left the Burrow.

As Harry reached the kitchen he was startled as the entire Weasley family, including Hermione, Fleur, and Verity, had rushed towards him all at once, embracing him as they congratulated him on the monumental achievement of surviving the past year.

Due to an obvious overcrowding issue, Arthur and Bill then led Harry outside to a number of large tables which had been set up for tonight's party. Breakfast was served in the morning sun and Harry laughed and talked with his family. Ron and Hermione regaled everyone with stories of their trip to Australia, and how Hermione's parents had been less than pleased when they realised they had missed a year of their lives, but had gradually calmed down and enjoyed a long holiday with their daughter and her boyfriend.

Harry had showed Hermione a copy of the statement released by the Ministry concerning the last year and suggested she show that to her parents. They would understand if they knew just how serious it had been, Harry assured her.

As breakfast was cleared from the table, Harry received a large pile of presents which left him a little bewildered. It was more than he had ever received before and he didn't know where to start. Finally Harry had just grabbed for the first present he could reach.

The first present was a pair of Dragon skin boots from Charlie, who quickly assured a glaring Hermione that the beast had died of natural causes.

George and Percy presented Harry with two new Firebolt racing brooms.

"We knew you wanted one, Harry," explained George, "and we checked at Diagon Alley in Quality Quidditch Supplies, and they told us you hadn't bought one yet. Easy decision after that wasn't it, Percy?"

"Indeed, little brother," chuckled Percy, who had undergone a radical change since his resignation from the Ministry. His hair was steadily growing longer and he now sported an earring similar to the one worn by Bill.

"But why two?" asked Harry curiously.

George grinned at Percy before speaking. "Mum told us that you and Ginny wouldn't leave each other's side, so now she can fly with you."

Harry laughed as Ginny stuck her tongue out at her brothers, but he noticed she was still smiling as she did it. Ginny was a great Quidditch player but had never had her own broom before. Harry wondered briefly if George might still be trying to make amends to his little sister for his behaviour that horrible night two days after the battle.

Bill and Fleur's present were two beautiful photo albums. When Harry commented that he would have to get some photo's taken, Arthur and Molly stood and addressed Harry.

"I know you kept the photo from the Prophet, Harry," said Arthur with a smile, "but I think we can do a bit better than that. Molly and I have arranged for a photographer to arrive after lunch today to take as many photos as you can stand."

Harry was touched, and could feel tears start to well in his eyes.

"Right, my turn," said Ron, startling Harry as he got up from the table and ran around the side of the Burrow.

As Harry watched he came back carrying a very large cloth covered item. Ron placed the item on the table in front of Harry and pulled the cloth off, revealing a cage containing an owl. The owl was dark gray with fine white spots on its head and wings. Harry didn't know what to say.

"This is a Sooty Owl from Australia," said Ron. "I know it's not Hedwig, mate, but she's a good owl. Barely made any racket on the trip back, did she, 'Mione?"

Hermione nodded as she looked at Harry and saw his tears. She and Ron had agonised over the decision to get Harry a new owl, with Ron finally making up his mind two days before they had returned home. Now she was worried that maybe this was something that should have been left for Harry to do himself when he was ready.

They all watched as Harry put his fingers into the cage, and the owl nipped at them gently. Harry stood and leaned over the table towards Ron, giving his best friend a hug. "She's beautiful, Ron. Thank you."

Ron and Hermione exchanged relieved looks as Harry picked up the last present off the table. The small neat writing on the label told him it was from Hermione, and its shape and weight meant it was probably a book. Harry smiled as he unwrapped his present, wondering what sort of book Hermione had gotten him this year.

Harry pulled the book free of its wrapping and felt the breath catch in his throat. He looked at Hermione and saw that she was biting her bottom lip as she awaited his response.

"How..." was all Harry could manage.

"I tried to get the original out of the Room of Requirements while you were in St Mungo's, because I was hoping it might have some sort of cure in it that would help you. Unfortunately it had been burned to ash, but I just couldn't let the idea go after that. Minerva gave me permission to go through Professor Snapes possessions as we continued to look for anything that might help you, and that's when I came across a bundle of notes he had written regarding potions."

"Most of the notes were just updates to the potions in our school book, while others appeared to be entirely new potions. While I found nothing that could help you, it felt like such a waste to just leave the notes sitting in a drawer, so I took the standard text book and the notes with me to Australia, and I spent the last two months rewriting it," said Hermione nervously.

Harry looked at the book again. It was titled 'Advanced Potion Making, Revised Edition, by Severus Snape'. Harry opened the brown leather bound book and saw that it was indeed a hand written book now containing numerous updates, including some Harry recalled from the margins of the Half Blood Princes book, now a part of the text.

"I thought you could use it for your Potions class this year," said Hermione.

Harry nodded as he continued to scan the book. Finally he looked up at Hermione and saw that she was still watching him apprehensively.

"It's amazing, Hermione," said Harry, his voice barely above a whisper.

Hermione visibly relaxed and let out the breath she had been holding. "I have checked all the spells just to make sure nothing dark was left in; obviously I didn't want another Sectumsempra being accidentally used in a class room. Everything in there should be safe for you to use, Harry."

Harry looked around at his family and saw them all looking back at him. He had been afraid they may have gotten a bit carried away now that they had money, but instead, their gifts had been from the heart. Bill had been right; no amount of money was going to change these people, and for that, Harry was grateful.

"Hey, Ginny," said Ron, interrupting Harry's moment of reflection, "what did you get Harry?"

Ginny put her arms around Harry. "Never you mind, Ron. That's going to be between me and Harry."

Ron blushed and the other's laughed as Ginny waggled her eyebrows. Harry thought he saw Bill give Ginny an almost imperceptible nod of the head, before Bill joined in the laughter.



The afternoon sun began to set over the Burrow. Harry and Ginny were oblivious to the mayhem inside the kitchen, as last minute preparations were made for the birthday party.

Harry and Ginny sat under the tree by the pond, Ginny lying against Harry's chest while he held her in his arms. They gazed out over the pond and felt their eyes involuntarily blink each time the flash of the camera went off.

They had been standing for photos all afternoon in a variety of places and outfits. During a break while new film was put into the camera, Harry and Ginny disappeared into their room to change into some comfortable old jeans and t-shirts. When they had re-emerged into the kitchen they had been relieved to find everybody was too busy to notice them. Seeing their chance for a few minutes alone, they had run through the back garden and gone to their favourite spot by the pond.

By the time the photographer had found them, the sun was setting behind them as they lay against the tree. Harry and Ginny had gone to stand up before the photographer told them to stay where they were, as he thought he could get a beautiful photo of them without changing anything. As he finished his last shot, the photographer had wished them well before departing from the Burrow.

Harry and Ginny remained by the pond, enjoying each other's company as the sky darkened.

"What's my present going to be?" asked Harry, giving Ginny a kiss on the top of her head.

"Um... I think it might be best to leave it until after the party," said Ginny a little uncertainly.

Harry smiled. Whatever it was, Ginny didn't want an audience when she gave it to him. He happily let his mind wander off and imagine the possibilities.

They soon realised that they were now sitting in the dark, so they had made their way back to the house, walking arm in arm. The passed through the back yard full of bright lanterns and streamers, laughing as they saw the garden gnomes trying to drag some red and yellow decorations down their hole. When they reached the kitchen Molly was waiting for them, looking uncertainly at Harry.

"Is everything okay, Mum?" asked Ginny, seeing the look on her mother's face.

"Yes, Ginny," answered Molly, "Harry, dear, something has come up and I need you to join Arthur and I in the living room for a minute."

Harry was puzzled. "Of course, Mrs Weasley."

Harry followed Molly into the living room with Ginny at his side. Arthur was sitting on a single seat sofa looking at Harry; the same uncertain look in his eyes as Harry had seen in Molly's only moments before.

"Ah, Harry," said Arthur as he stood.

Harry noticed Arthur was holding a letter in his hands, and he felt a moment of fear as he looked at the letter. He didn't know what it could possibly be, but he was now feeling nervous himself.

Arthur held up the letter. "Arrabella Figg sent this letter today. We weren't sure what to do about it, but it is your letter so that decision rests with you."

Arthur handed the letter to Harry and resumed his seat while Molly clutched at the buttons on her dress while she stood beside him. Harry looked at the letter and felt numb for a moment. It was from the Dursley's.

The anger surged through him and he almost tore the letter into shreds right then. He looked at the paper and heard Molly gasp as Arthur stood up.

"It's okay, son," said a very alarmed Arthur. "We'll just get rid of it for you, alright?"

Arthur approached Harry cautiously and held out his hand for the letter. Harry didn't think he had reacted so badly that Arthur would be trying so hard to calm him down.

"Harry," said Ginny gently from beside him, as she held onto his arm, "It's alright, my sweet Harry. Give the letter to Dad and come and sit down with me."

"What's wrong?" asked Harry, feeling a little bewildered by their reaction.

"Your eyes, Harry," whispered Ginny, and Harry could hear the fear in her voice, "they're glowing again."

"Oh..." Harry blinked and his eyes returned to their regular green shade.

Harry noticed everyone relaxed after that, but he now realised why they had reacted so strongly. The last time he had become upset, he had left the Burrow and Ginny behind, and nobody wanted a repeat of that incident. Harry made a note to check with Dumbledore's portrait at Hogwarts if he knew what may be affecting his eyes.

Ginny sat down with Harry on the couch. She had seen his eyes flash so brightly, and a surge of fear had run through her. Following the initial flash, Harry's eyes had dimmed to a steady glow that she had seen a few times before, but she only associated it with happy times. This was different, but it didn't seem to affect Harry at all. He had not tried to run; in fact, he had barely reacted at all apart from the eyes. Ginny knew it was a purely emotional response, but it was still rather startling when he was obviously experiencing a strong negative emotion.

Harry sat and turned the letter over in his hands. He assumed the Dursley's had now come out of hiding and returned to Privet Drive. He wondered why they would even bother to acknowledge his existence now that he no longer lived with them.

Arthur and Molly sat with Harry and watched him quietly, not wanting to interrupt him while he tried to decide what he should do with the letter.

Ginny broke the silence as she put her hand against Harry's cheek. "Would you like me to put the letter away for you until you're ready to read it?"

Harry thought for a moment. "No thanks, Gin," said Harry. "Could you read it for me and tell me if there is anything I need to know?"

"Okay, Harry."

Ginny took the letter from Harry and opened it. She stood and paced as she began to read. Harry, Arthur, and Molly watched her intently until she finished and replaced the letter in the envelope.

Ginny smiled sadly at Harry as she spoke, "It's from Dudley. It says they have returned from hiding and that he wishes you a happy birthday. He also says he would like to see you sometime."

"Anything else?" asked Harry weakly.

Ginny bit her bottom lip, wondering if she should mention this; but if Harry read the letter later and found she hadn't told him, he would be upset.

"Dudley says his father wants to have you arrested for breaking into the house while they were in hiding. Mrs Figg accidentally let it slip that you had been there recently," said Ginny as she watched Harry apprehensively.

Harry almost laughed at the idea of Vernon Dursley trying to file a police report against his nephew for breaking into his childhood home. He was also baffled as to why Dudley would want to meet him, or wish him happy birthday. His cousin had spent years reminding Harry that he always got plenty of presents, while Harry got nothing. He knew family was important, but he couldn't get past his resentment of the Dursley's just yet.

Harry rubbed his eyes and sighed loudly.

Ginny knelt in front of Harry putting her hands on his shoulders. "Harry, they're not your family anymore," she whispered, "We are."

Ginny leaned forward and gave Harry a tender kiss. "Wait here for a minute."

As Ginny stood and left the room Harry sat back on the sofa. He felt very conflicted by his feelings for the Dursley's. Harry hadn't wasted any of his time worrying about his relatives, and he felt a certain amount of resentment that Dudley would now intrude on his birthday by wishing him a happy day, after so many years of hostility.

Ginny returned after only a minute, carrying a package in her arms. She placed the package on the coffee table in the middle of the room and stepped over to Harry. She took his hand without a word and brought him to the table. They both sat on the floor as Ginny opened the package and pulled out a collection of large envelopes. Arthur and Molly leaned in to watch, not sure of what their daughter was doing.

"This is my present for you, Harry. I was going to do this after the party, but I think you could use it now," said Ginny as she handed over the envelopes.

Harry placed the pile of envelopes on the floor in front of him and selected the top one. He opened it and withdrew a photograph. The tears welled in his eyes as he looked at a beautiful photograph of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks on their wedding day, the couple dancing as they smiled and laughed together.

"Oh, Ginny," said Molly.

Harry looked up to see Molly Weasley was crying as she looked at the photograph. Harry turned to Ginny and pulled her into him. He didn't have any words, but Ginny understood.

Harry opened the next envelope and was stunned to see it was a small portrait of Dobby the house-elf. His breath caught in his throat, and his vision blurred as his eyes filled with tears again. As Harry wiped his eyes he saw the little portrait wave at him, and he instinctively waved back as the little house-elf began jumping up and down, the numerous ties around his neck flying into his face.

Ginny held Harry as she spoke softly to him. "These people are your family, Harry, and so am I. Don't let the Dursley's get to you, it will only mean they have succeeded in tormenting you further."

Harry nodded as his tears flowed. "Thank you, Ginny," he whispered.

Harry opened the rest of the envelopes and gazed at the photographs and portraits of all those who had meant the most to him. There were pictures of Minerva McGonagall, Kingsley, Hagrid, Fred, and Andromeda and Teddy; as well as portraits of Mad-Eye Moody, Kreacher, Dumbledore, and even Severus Snape.

A stunning painting of Hedwig in flight rendered him speechless again as he tried to take it all in.

Arthur and Molly shared a look between each other. They had been curious about what Ginny had gotten Harry for his birthday, and had speculated amongst themselves after breakfast. They had not even been close. This was no mere token of teenage love; this was a deeply personal gift that Ginny had organised for Harry, knowing it was something he needed.

Arthur and Molly watched in awed silence, wondering just how deep the bond was between their daughter and Harry. They had their answer when Ginny reached into the package and took out the last envelope and handed it to Harry.

The final envelope contained a painting of Harry and Ginny, but it was a painting like no other. It showed Harry and Ginny playing together when they were only eleven and twelve years old. As Harry, Arthur, and Molly watched, the painting changed to show Harry and Ginny as fourteen and fifteen year olds, sitting on the grass by the Black Lake at Hogwarts, laughing as they talked. The painting changed a final time to reveal Harry and Ginny at their current ages, holding each other and exchanging tender kisses as they walked up the path to the Burrow.

Harry held onto Ginny and let his tears flow, feeling Ginny cry as she held him. Harry would treasure his gift from Ginny forever. They didn't even notice as Arthur and Molly quietly stood and made their way out of the room.



Arthur and Molly stood in the kitchen of the Burrow, both feeling overwhelmed as they thought about what they had just witnessed.

"Molly, how did she do it?" asked Arthur. "I didn't think she had left Harry's side for the last two months."

Molly tried to recall when Ginny would have had time over the summer. "I don't know, dear," said an astounded Molly Weasley.

Ron and Hermione came in to the kitchen from the garden, the smiles on their faces faltering as they saw the red rimmed eyes of Arthur and Molly.

"What's wrong, Mum?" asked Ron, becoming concerned.

"Oh, it's alright, Ron," replied Molly, "Ginny just gave Harry his birthday present and it was beautiful."

Ron's smile returned. "Where are they, then?"

"In the living room," said Arthur, "but just give them a few minutes."

Ron didn't seem to hear his father's last request as he headed for the living room.

"Ron," hissed Hermione.

Ron stopped in his tracks and looked at Hermione. "But I want to see it," he protested.

"If you interrupt them I will personally hex you until you are no longer recognisable as a man," said Hermione, as she glared at Ron. "Sorry, Mrs Weasley," she said, as she recalled Molly's objection to hex threats in her house.

"That's quite alright, dear. I'll help you if needs be," said Molly, also glaring at her son.

Ron began to sulk as he made his way back out into the garden, as Hermione turned back to Molly.

"Was it the pictures?" asked Hermione.

Molly gasped, "You knew?"

"I'm the one who described Dobby and Hedwig to the artist," explained Hermione with a sad look on her face.

 "How did Ginny do it all?" Molly asked Hermione.

Hermione sniffed and wiped her eyes as she looked at Molly. "She had Bill set up most of it. That's why Bill bought Harry two photo albums. He knew about your present and Ginny's present."

Molly felt overwhelmed by it all. It was a beautiful gesture. Molly hugged Hermione, amazed by the efforts her children had gone to in their quest to restore Harry.



The party was a stunning success. Harry was surrounded by family and friends as he celebrated.

Hagrid arrived early, and looking a little downcast, he had taken Harry to one side to confess he had revealed Harry's secret to Kingsley and Minerva after he learned Harry was in trouble. Harry thanked his friend and told him not to worry about it because it had probably saved his life. Following that Hagrid cheered up markedly and began carrying Harry around on his shoulder until Harry thought he might be sick.

Andromeda and Teddy made a short visit to wish Harry a happy birthday. Harry was startled at how much Teddy had grown, and he laughed as he held his godson, whose hair changed to black again. Ginny again felt faint as she watched Harry play with the laughing baby.

Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Seamus Finnigan, and Cho Chang had all arrived together carrying an entire box of Firewhiskey between them. Harry was delighted to see his old friends again, as they discussed their summer adventures and the upcoming return to Hogwarts for most of them. Only Luna would not be returning as she was going to help her father restart the Quibbler. To Harry's surprise, Cho informed them all that she would be returning to Hogwarts despite having left school a year ago. Following the battle she had decided to change her career choice and would now need to return to Hogwarts to study the required subjects.

Kingsley and Minerva arrived wearing novelty hats with little arms on the sides, which reached for peoples drinks as they walked by; the result being they didn't have to go to the bar all night. Minerva also presented Harry with a set of books which outlined the course requirements in all the subjects he and the other DA members would be teaching this year.

The Weasley's all arrived with their partners, except for Charlie who remained a steadfast bachelor. Percy introduced his new girlfriend to the family as Charlie and Arthur began toasting anything they could think of.

Ron, Hermione, and Ginny sat with Harry as they told their tales about the adventures they had had at Hogwarts over the years, while Minerva McGonagall listened intently, as some of it was unknown even to her.

George launched a spectacular fireworks display after the meal was finished, dazzling most of the local villagers, who had no idea what the fireworks display was meant to be celebrating. This was followed by dancing and singing as Harry began to feel a little giddy, not being used to drinking so much.

As the evening started to draw to a close, Harry and Ginny had danced slowly together, not realising they were being watched by most of the guests. Very few people had ever seen Harry and Ginny like this, and they were amazed by the obvious love they displayed for each other. Kingsley and Minerva shared a look as they watched Harry and Ginny, both so glad to see them happy after tragedy had been so close.

An hour later Harry stood a little shakily at the end of the path to the Burrow, bidding his guests farewell, before Ginny led him back to the house. Harry was glad he had no plans for the next few days as he walked slowly with Ginny, declaring he would never drink again.



Mid August arrived, following a far more low key celebration for Ginny's coming of age. She had only wanted her family and Harry to be present as they enjoyed a wonderful dinner. Having received permission from Arthur earlier, Harry had presented Ginny with several pieces from his mother's jewellery collection, including a beautiful gold watch, the traditional coming of age gift. The watch had been given to his mother, Lily, upon her coming of age; and now Harry had passed it on to Ginny, leaving her speechless. She knew Harry treasured his mother's possessions, and now he had given her some of the most precious items.

Two weeks prior to the start of the new school year, a number of owls arrived with the last set of Hogwarts letters for Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione. Along with the usual list of books and equipment came a few surprises.

Harry's letter was the least interesting. It advised him to attend the Headmistresses office following the Sorting Ceremony, but otherwise gave no hint that he was to be a teacher this year.

Ginny was startled to find she had also been asked to attend the Headmistresses office, but was left gobsmacked when a small gold badge dropped out of the envelope as well. She had been made a Prefect. Molly and Arthur had hugged their daughter and told her how proud they were of her. Harry had given her a kiss, knowing she had deserved the honour after leading the resistance during her sixth year.

Ron and Hermione had waited until everybody had settled down again before they stood up together and faced each other. They both pinned badges to each other and turned to face Molly, Arthur, Harry, and Ginny. Molly shrieked as she saw the Head Boy and Head Girl badges pinned to Ron and Hermione's tops.

Harry and Ginny were delighted for their friends. They had missed a year of school but would now be returning as the heads of the student body.

Later that day, Arthur and Molly had gone to Diagon Alley to buy the school supplies for the four students, knowing the media would be waiting for Harry, Ron, and Hermione to show up sometime soon. While there they arranged for the fitters from Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions to visit the Burrow and take the measurements for the new school robes and a formal set of robes, just in case there was another Ball this year.

Arthur and Molly returned with several bundles of neatly wrapped packages. Ginny and Ron were delighted to find they had received brand new equipment for their last year of school. Arthur handed Harry a copy of the Daily Prophet as he sat at the kitchen table, advising him to turn to page four.

Harry did so and felt a strange sensation run up his spine as he saw the announcement confirming his role as the teacher for the hybrid year one and two muggle class. He smiled as he read the names of the other student teachers who would be assisting him; Neville Longbottom, Cho Chang, and Seamus Finnigan. Ginny beamed after she finished reading the announcement and lamented that she would not be taught by Harry this year.

Now that Harry's appointment was official, he started to look into the books Minerva McGonagall had given him, trying to come up with at least the first week's worth of lessons for his students. Harry was left somewhat deflated by his task as he read through the subjects and the course requirements for first and second year students. He began to have his doubts until Hermione came to his rescue and helped him to map out the lessons properly for the entire first term. Now he would just have to decide who would teach which subjects in between their demanding N.E.W.T. level studies.

As the holidays came to an end, Harry found himself doing something he never imagined. He began carrying his new Advanced Potions Book with him everywhere, reading it over and over again, admiring the detail Hermione had put into the book. Ginny decided it probably wasn't a bad idea to read through her books as well before school started, leaving the Burrow a very quiet place as only Ron shied away from the books.

Harry also read through the books for the first and second year again and was stunned by the number of spells he knew, and a little ashamed of how many he had failed to learn. He suddenly realised he would be learning nearly as much as his students this year, and to his surprise, he was looking forward to it.



Lucius Malfoy smirked as he read the article in the Daily Prophet announcing Harry Potter's role of student teacher. So Harry Potter has crawled out from the rock he has been hiding under so he can teach mudbloods, has he? Lucius now knew where Harry would be for the next ten months. That would give him plenty of time to prepare his attack.

"Here Draco, see what your little friends will be doing at Hogwarts," sneered Lucius as he threw the paper at his son.

Draco picked the paper up off the floor and found the article his father was referring to. He considered this development for a moment. He knew Harry had trained Dumbledore's Army, and from all accounts they had been a formidable group during the battle of Hogwarts. Again, Draco started to feel a nagging doubt as he watched his father seethe over another blow to his blood purity obsession.


Molly sat at the kitchen table in the Burrow, pouring over the fresh wave of requests to the trust fund for the students returning to school. One request in particular caught her eye, and she felt a certain amount of ambivalence about it. Her initial reaction was to dismiss it out of hand, before she considered some of the repercussions of doing so. She would have to discuss this request with Harry and Bill before making a decision.

The following night Harry, Bill, and Ginny sat at the table with Molly. None of them said anything for a couple of minutes as they thought about the request they were faced with.

"She doesn't know who set up the fund, does she?" asked Harry.

"No. Impossible," replied Bill. "Your name appears nowhere on any documents relating to the finances. The money was transferred as a blind request from an unnamed account."

Ginny was not pleased by this development. "So we're just going to give Pansy Parkinson money for school because her parents died during the battle?" Ginny seethed. "They fought against us, and Neville told me Pansy wanted to hand you over to Voldemort."

Harry put his arm around Ginny. He was also having a hard time imagining paying to educate somebody who would have happily handed him over to his death. But therein lay the problem.

"What if we reject the request?" asked Harry, "Are we just creating another Death Eater... or if we approve the request, what's the possibility we are funding her plans to take revenge against me?"

All four faces were blank as they considered the options. Harry sighed as he could see no easy answer to this problem.

Bill sat back and rubbed his eyes. "What if we meet her halfway? Until now the approved requests have been paid as a grant. Maybe we could arrange to buy the materials and books Miss Parkinson will need for her last school year, along with the cost of tuition. There would be no extra funds for her to try and use in any illicit way."

Ginny huffed, still upset at the idea. "This girl tortured other students, and she enjoyed it. She was just as bad as Crabbe and Goyle. How she managed to get away with it is beyond me, but I don't think the fund should be helping her. It was set up to assist the children of the victims... not the children of the Death Eater's."

Ginny had fire in her eyes and Harry was not about to argue with her. He would respect her knowledge when it came to the events within Hogwarts during the last school year. Harry knew of plenty of cases of the guilty going unpunished. However, he remained troubled.

He looked at Molly and recognised she was having the same internal debate as he was. Her daughter was very distressed at the thought of assisting this girl, and she was wondering if Ginny had a personal experience that had caused her to become so upset.

Harry took Ginny's hand and tried to soothe her. He turned to Bill.

"Bill, what is the name of the fund exactly?"

"Children of the Victims, Educational Trust," replied Bill, shaking his head as if to clear his thoughts.

Harry pondered his decision. While Bill handled the finances and Molly assessed the requests, it was still his money and his fund.

"Reject it, Molly. She is not a child of the victims," said Harry with a trace of sadness in his voice.

"Are you sure?" asked Molly. "She will now hate all those who attend school that she learns are receiving funds."

Harry grunted. "She already hates them for other reasons, Molly. No... we reject this claim on the basis of her treatment of others during the last school year. Confirm Ginny's comments through Professor McGonagall; she will be aware of nearly everything that went on at Hogwarts"

Ginny tensed as she spoke, "Poppy Pomfrey can also confirm the details. She treated some of the victims herself."

Harry put his arm around Ginny and held her as her bottom lip trembled. He could see she was fighting back the tears and he thought he knew why. Ginny wouldn't want to be made feel weak by any of those who abused her at Hogwarts again.

Harry looked at Molly and Bill as another thought occurred to him.

"We should be ready in case we receive a request from the child of a Voldemort supporter who is actually a victim. There must be a couple of kids out there who didn't agree with their parents."

As Harry returned his attention to Ginny, he didn't see the small smile that passed between Bill and his mother. They wondered where Harry got so much compassion from, that he would even consider helping the children of his enemies.



The night before Harry and Ginny were due to return to Hogwarts, they lay in bed together exhausted. The day had been long as they packed their belongings for the term ahead. Harry had taken special care to pack his presents from his birthday, including the photos they had received from the photographer Arthur and Molly had hired; and one more item he would have to decide what to do with; the Elder Wand he had said he would return to Dumbledore's tomb.

Harry and Ginny had packed as much as they could fit into their trunks, knowing they would not be returning to the Burrow for some time. Even though they both knew they would be able to leave the school at will, because of their ages and their status as a Prefect and a teacher, they also knew they would be working hard and would not have the opportunity to return to the Burrow as often as Molly would like.

Ginny gently rubbed Harry's chest as he ran his fingers through her hair. They were looking forward to the return to Hogwarts, but also felt a sense of loss as their wonderful summer came to an end.

"I'll miss this tomorrow," said Harry forlornly, as he thought of Ginny sleeping in her dormitory at the top of Gryffindor Tower tomorrow night.

Ginny smiled at Harry. "Lend me your cloak and there may be nothing to miss," she suggested, mischief playing in her eyes.

Harry grinned at his lovely Ginny. "I think your dorm mates would notice soon enough that you were disappearing every night."

Ginny's smile faltered a little as she realised Harry was right. She had been so elated when Harry had decided to return to school with her, but she had not considered that she wouldn't be able to share a bed with him anymore. Even though Harry would have his own room where they could spend breaks and weekends together, she would have to sleep in a dormitory with the other students.

Harry and Ginny looked at each other and smiled as they both had the same thought. If tonight was to be their last night together, they were going to make the most of it. Ginny dimmed the lamp as Harry sealed the room. Both of them were already lost in the moment; all thought of tomorrow pushed aside as they came together and Harry's eyes glowed.

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