1) I'm in love with you and all your little things...♥

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Hi. My name's Jessica. I'm 19 years old and probably one of the biggest One Direction fans in the entire world. I'm just in love with them. Not just because they look gorgeous and sing beautiful (which of course is a big reason) but also because they saved my life.

It was one year ago when I finally wanted to end my screwed up life. I was pretty shy and didn't have many friends. Well, my only real friends were some nerds because I was somehow clever and not totally dumb like some other girls in my class. I was good at school but not too good.It wasn't even that bad having them as friends. They always helped me when I didn't understand something. But still, nobody liked them. As a result, nobody liked me. For some time I even got bullied for hanging out with them. It was a hard time for me but I somehow managed to get through it.

In the afternoon, when all the cool people went out and had fun I was sitting alone at home or was having some discussions with the nerds. I wasn't really arguing because I mostly didn't understand what they were talking about. So, you could say that my afternoon was pretty boring. There was only one thing that always made me smile. Watching one Direction videos on YouTube. I was happy when I watched them. I forgot my real world and jut focused on them. It was the only time I really laughed.

My mom often told me to go out with some friends and not watch those videos like a lonely person. But I was lonely. I didn't tell my mom of course. I always told her I was too tired. First she believed me but after some time she even stopped asking because she knew the answer already.

In the evening when I lay in bed I listened to their music and drifted away. I forgot everything. I was just lying there and listened. But on some days, I didn't get happy while listening to their music. Sometimes I was thinking about my messy life. That I didn't really have friends. That I got bullied. I remember all the mean things they have said and the tears start rushing down my face. In such moments I just didn't want to live anymore. I just wanted to close my eyes and never open them again.


Soooo, first part finished! Wohoo :D 

Sorry that it's so short but it's just an introduction. I will try to write longer parts.  

I really hope you like it and vote or leave a comment. Please tell me if I should change smth. Thaaaaanks! (: 

Chiara ♥

I'm in love with you and all your little things...♥Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt