8) I'm in love with you and all your little things...♥

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*Niall's P.O.V.*

I couldn't leave her . I just couldn't. The only thing that came up my mind to be with her forever is to drive home and stay there. Stop touring with the boys and try to return to my normal life again. I knew there would be lots of haters but I didn't care.

"Niall, please tell me where we're going."  She sounded impatient.

"I can't. I'm sorry."

"Why?" She shouted.

"It's...it's a surprise."

"Niall! Tell me where we're going or stop the car and let me go!" She seemed angry but I couldn't tell her.

"Jessica. Please. Wait. We are nearly there."

"But where?" I didn't reply to her question but she wasn't expecting an answer anyway.

In the distance I could see a white house. My house. I haven't been here for a very long time. I stopped the car. " We are here." I said.

"Where are we?" she said and looked around.

"Well...you see that white house over there?" She nodded. "It's mine."

She looked at me. "Why are we here?" 

"Um...Jessica. I...I..you know...I really like you and...I don't want to leave you. I would take you on tour with me but you're 18 and you have to go to school. I wanted..."

"You wanted to stop touring, right?" She asked and shook her head in disbelieve. I nodded. "Niall, you can't do that. Think about all your fans."

"But you...I couldn't live without you. I know it's strange. I mean we just met today but you mean the world to me."

"Oh Niall. I feel the same way about you but you can't stop the tour just because of me."

"So you'll be fine while I'm touring? You know it's still 6 months."

"I'll be fine." She said.

"Okay. But there's still one thing to do before I leave." I said and smiled.

*Jessica's P.O.V.*

He leaned closer and closed his eyes. Is he really going to kiss me? Oh my god! I can't believe it. Is this really happening? Okay Jessica. Calm down! Enjoy it! I closed my eyes and suddenly I felt his warm lips on mine. It was beautiful. It was my first kiss ever. And lucky me, it was my first kiss with Niall Horan. The kiss didn't last long but still I was out of breath.

"Wow" Niall whispered  and smiled. I couldn't talk at all. I just looked at him.

"You are staring at me again." He said and grinned. I realised what he had said and blushed. He started laughing.

"Um...so I'll bring you home now...okay?" He asked and his face turned serious. I just nodded. I have totally forgotten about that. Again. He started the car. While driving we promised each other to talk everyday. It will be a tough time for both of us but we'll manage that. I hope.


"Stop here" I said and pointed at a parking lot in front of my house. "Thank you, Niall! Thank you for everything!"

"You're welcome, beautiful." He pulled me closer and whispered "I will really miss you, Jessica! You make me feel complete. I love you."

"I love you too, Niall." I was nearly crying. He gave me a small kiss on the forehead and I got out of the car. His eyes were a bit wet. I felt a small tear running down my face. He waved at me for a last time and drove away.

My knees got weak and I fell to the floor. 6 whole months! He wasn't even gone for 1 minute and I was already crying.

"Jessica honey! What happened? Did he hurt you?" My mom ran up to me and knelt down next to me. I told her about the concert, the kiss and our goodbye. I cried a lot but after telling her I felt better.

We went into the house and sat down on the sofa. Mom took a big bowl of ice-cream and we watched films until we fell asleep.

I'm in love with you and all your little things...♥Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt