11) I'm in love with you and all your little things...♥

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*Niall's P.O.V.*

I put away the phone and smiled. She was so sweet. Of course I knew who was ringing the door bell. But i didn't tell her. It was a surprise and i hope she liked it. It was a good friend of the boys and me.

"Hey smiley boy. Why so happy?" Harry said and punched me in the arm.

"Um...you know...I just talked Jessica and she is just so beautiful. I couldn't imagine a world without her."

"I'm happy that you finally found your dream girl." He said and smiled.

"Hii boys!" Liam shouted as he came in. I immediately had to think about Leeroy and started laughing. Harry and Liam joined in. "What are you talking about?" He asked and sat down on the floor.

"Niall's girlfriend." Harry answered.

"She's not my girlfriend. Yet." I said and grinned.

"And what were you talking about?"

"Oh not much. Her door bell was ringing and we had to stop."

"Was it...?"

"Yup." I interrupted Liam. "And Meghan. I hope they'll get along well."

"I'm sure." Zayn said as he came out of the kitchen. "She's such a nice girl." He smiled and sat down next to Liam.

"Have you been listening all the time?" I asked.

"Of course!" Louis said and walked out of the kitchen as well.

"Well then. Any more questions or can we finally watch the film?" I asked.

"Nope." The boys said.

"Okay. Then let's watch the film. Louis, gimme the popcorn!" Harry shouted.

"Never!" Louis screamed and ran away. Harry chased him around. Like in the old days, I thought. 

"Now see what you have done!" Liam shouted. "You've dropped all the popcorn!"

"Sorry." Louis and Harry said doing puppy eyes.

"Actually boys. I'm really tired and as there's no popcorn...I'm going to bed. Night!" Liam said and yawned.

"Me as well. Good Night! See ya tomorrow." Zayn said and waved.

"Night!" The rest of us said.

"Um...Niall? Harry? Can I sleepover in your room today?" He asked doing the puppy eyes again. I couldn't stand these eyes and we both said "Course!"

"Yay!" He shouted.

"Ouch Louis! You're so loud!" Harry said.


"So...where do you want to sleep?" I asked.

"Um...maybe on the sofa. I don't know..."

"Rubbish! You can sleep in my bed." Harry said and smiled.

"Okay. Thanks Harreeey!" He said and grinned like a little child.

"Well then. Good Night!" I lay into my bed.

"Night, smiley boy." Harry said.

Goooooood Night!" Louis shouted. I smiled. I just loved these boys. A world without them? Impossible. They were like brothers to me.

I heard Louis turning on the TV and their laughs. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

I'm in love with you and all your little things...♥Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt