A Family Meeting

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We'd been home about a month. Andy and I had moved in with Ashley. Ashlynn was the size of a year old baby already, despite only being one month. I was currently lying on the couch with AJ in my arms. Ashley and Ashlynn were sitting on the floor, playing with some Hello Kitty toys. Andy had gone through to our bedroom to take a call. That had been an hour ago. He suddenly appeared in the doorway, his cell to his ear.

"Outlaw, Chuppy, how about I take you to meet my family?"

I frowned.

"We know them, Bright Eyes."

"My vampire family. My REAL family."

Ashley shuffled on the floor.

"I'm fine with it but won't Chuppy get hurt."

Andy shook his head.

"No one will lay a finger on him."

I shrugged.


He beamed and walked off, talking quickly. I bit my lip. What had I let myself in for?


Andy picked up a sleeping Ashlynn.

"I've packed stuff for you two and the kids. Someone is coming to get us."

I nodded and Ashley stood.

"How long?"

"Enough time to eat."

I smiled and Andy went to start cooking. Ashley came and cuddled up to AJ and I. He kissed me.

"I swear, Chuppy, I won't let anyone hurt you. If anyone gets by Andy, I WILL stop them getting to you."

I smiled.

"I love you, Ashley."

"I love you, too, Christian."

"Getting all lovey-dovey without me?"

We laughed. Ashley looked at Andy's empty arms.

"Where's Ashlynn?"

"In her high chair."

I smiled and stood up, putting AJ in the armchair. He curled up, hugging the cushion. I cooed. He was too cute sometimes.

"Guys! Dinner!"


I finished eating and was just finished feeding AJ when someone knocked on the door. Andy disappeared and reappeared with a guy smaller than Ashley. He was pale, had blue eyes, paler than Andy's and long black hair down to the middle of his back.

"Guys, this is Ricky, my brother. Well, brother-in-law."

Ashley smiled.


Ricky nodded.

"Hi. you must be Andy's partner."

I shuffled. Ashley looked at me. Andy coughed.

"He is and so is Christian. We're in a threesome relationship."

Ricky hissed.

"Damn, I owe Chris."

It was Andy's turn to hiss.

"You bet on my relationship?"

"Like you didn't bet on mine."

Andy laughed.


Ricky grinned and nodded at Ashlynn.

"Who are her parents?"

"Ash and I. Her name is Ashlynn."

"She's adorable."


AJ jumped up and ran to Ricky.

"Uncle Ricky!"

"Hey, AJ. You're getting so big now."

He picked AJ up and spun him around. AJ giggled.

"Are we coming to see Grandpappy?"

"I think so."

Andy chuckled.

"Yes, we are. Ricky, why don't you and the others get in the carriage? I'll get the cases."

Ricky nodded. Ashley picked up Ashlynn, I picked up AJ and we followed Ricky to an old horse and carriage. I climbed in and fell asleep next to Ashley.


I woke up to Andy shaking me. He helped me out and I put AJ down. I stared at the massive, antique, gothic mansion. Both Ashley and I were in shock. AJ ran in through the open door and squealed. I ran inside to find a man about Andy's height spinning him around.

"Uncle Chrissy!"

"Hey, AJ!"

He turned to me, holding AJ on his hip. His long black hair was tied back in a pony tail. His brown eyes were outlined with kohl. He sniffed at me.

"This is Mommy."

Chrissy frowned.

"A human?"


Andy wrapped his arm around my waist.

"This is Ashley, my other partner."

Ricky cuddled up to Chrissy.

"CC, Ashley, this is Chris, my brother and Ricky's husband."

Chris put AJ down and walked out with Ricky. A young man of about 30 walked in and picked up AJ.



They hugged and Andy's Father introduced himself to Ashley. He turned to me.

"What the fuck is this?"

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