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      "You remember that night kid? That night when you woke up cuz I was...crying." Sans said to me.
Oh yeah. I remember when I stayed at Sans' and Papyrus' house I woke up because I heard Sans crying. I was sleeping on the couch so I decided to head up to Sans room. When I did arrive there Papyrus was there hugging Sans. Sans told me it was just a dream, but he refused to say anything else.
   I nodded my head.
   "Well I have been thinking and I want to tell you what that nightmare was about...and all the others." Sans was speaking pretty quietly now. Me, and Papyrus stayed silent.
   "This is the nightmare that woke you two up by the way. So anyways I was watching Mettaton's show on the TV. Papyrus was out trying to capture you Frisk, you know when you two battled each other." Sans paused and we both nodded our heads. "It was talking a long time for Papyrus to come back so I headed out of the house to find Pap. He was supposed to ambush Frisk so Pap could join the royal guard. It's been more than a hour though so I got worried. When I walked to the place where Pap was going to meet you Frisk.....all I saw was Paps' scarf and his dust."
   Papyrus had a shocked expression on his face, and so did I. I would never hurt a soul, and why would I hurt Papyrus? He is so innocent and nice.
   "I was filled with grief. I cried...a lot. Then after awhile I heard a call from Alphys. She told me that some human was in the water fall, murdering every single monster in her path. I grabbed Paps' scarf, put it around my knock, and I quickly headed over to Alphys' lab. I saw Mettaton, Alphys, and Undyne there. Undyne was wearing her armor too. When I looked at this weird big TV thing I saw you Frisk. I saw you kill a monster right in front of me." I sucked in some air. This was all so strange, but I kept listening.
   "I ran over to the three and Undyne said to me 'Hey Sans, can you do me a favor" or something like that. 'Im going to fight that human, and if anything goes wrong you and Alphys have to evacuate everyone.' Alphys pleaded with her, Alphys BEGGED her to stay, but Undyne went, even when everyone knew she was walking to her death. After she left Alphys focused her cameras on Undyne. 30 minutes passed and then Frisk was on the bridge with Monster Kid. Frisk, you were going to kill monster kid, but then Undyne stepped in front of the blade and protected that kid."
   My hands are covering my mouth while Sans told his nightmare to us. This story is very strange.
   "Undyne was going to die but with DETERMINATION she powered up into another form of herself. Me, Alphys, and Mettaton were all filled with hope. The battle was fought hard but in the end..." Sans paused for a second. "Undyne died. She produced so much determination that she melted just like the amalgamates." (Did I spell that right?)
    I felt so guilty. Even if I didn't actually do it I feel bad! I was killing my friends in his dream! Wait...why am I even killing them in his nightmare? Was there a purpose? I decide to ask him later.
   "Alphys called Asgore and she told him to evacuate everyone. Eventually the majority of the monsters arrived and we all headed into Alphys' True Lab, or somethin'. I however...I...I decided to sneak away." Sans looked Papyrus in the eye. "I wanted to avenge you Papyrus." Sans looked away from Papyrus again. "Alphys did discover that I ran away and called me many times, but I refused to go back. I couldn't forgive Frisk for what she done, um, I mean, Frisk in my nightmare."
   I nodded to show that I understood what Sans meant.
   "Well anyways I ended up meeting Frisk in the judgement hall and, well, we fought. The fight was hard, I gotta admit, but I died too."
Oh my god! What is it with everyone dying! That's horrible!
   "And that's when I woke up." Sans concluded his whole story there.
   Me and Papyrus were shocked. We both stayed quiet because we didn't really know what to comment on that.
   "Uh why do you think you would dream that?" I ask Sans.
   Sans shrugged. "Dunno kid, but I think I have an idea of why I would dream it. It's kinda a weird, wild, and wacky guess though." Me and Papyrus listened to every word he said. "Perhaps.........that was from another timeline."
  "Th-that's impossible! I never reset! Not even once!" I was so worried I began to stutter.
   "HM? WHAT ARE YOU TWO TALKING ABOUT? I THE GREAT PAPYRUS WOULD LIKE TO KNOW SO I UNDERSTAND THIS BETTER." Papyrus said to us. Right, Papyrus isn't aware of the resets, and the timelines.
   "I'll tell you another time bro." Sans shrugged Papyrus' question off. "Well, uh. Frisk?"
   I looked toward Sans.
   "To be honest the person that was killing everyone looked similar to you. She had pale skin, with a faint blush, and, well, her eyes were covered by her brown hair but she was also wearing similar clothing as you. She wore a green and yellow striped shirt." Sans said to me.
Hmm, that's strange. All this is very weird.
   Sans let out a loud sigh. "Thanks for listening to me guys, I really wanted to get that out." Sans told us. Me and Papyrus slightly nodded our heads.
   I laid down on the grass and stared at the sky. This is all just so much to take in. Why would that person kill them? Who is that person? Was there a purpose for her to kill them?
   "WELL IM GOING TO HELP JACK MAKE HIS SPAGHETTI NOW. WE SHOULD ALL GO INSIDE." Papyrus walked over to the door and opened it. Papyrus stepped inside.
   "We should probably listened to Pap." Sans tells me. He stands up and lends out a hand to help me up. I grab onto his hand and pull myself up. The two of us walk side by side to go to Jack's house.

-(Is it bad that I did "A New Home" and "Nightmares" on the same day? I just felt in the mood so I guess that's fine. I'm going to post this on 23rd because I'm an evil person >:3 .)
-(I'll give a link to the person that made the art in the comments. It probably won't work and I'll fail horribly. I'll put the link here to so you can copy and paste it.)

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