Fitting In

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   "HUMAN! WHAT ARE WE DOING TODAY AGAIN!?" Papyrus asked me for the third time.

   "We're going to the mall. " I replied to Papyrus for the third time.

   We were all in Jacks dining room eating the pancakes Toriel made for us. We all woke up at 5 in the morning today. Jack told us to. As ussual Mettaton, and Flowey were just hanging with us.

   "RIGHT...WHAT'S A MALL?" Papyrus asked.

   "It's a place where you can buy a bunch of stuff. Me, Mark, and Jen work as security guards in the mall too. We have to work today." Jack told us. I just noticed that Jack was wearing his blue uniform.

   After we were all done eating Toriel's delicious pancakes we all went to the living room and hanged there for a bit. After ten minutes or so we heard the doorbell ring. Jack went over to get it and we heard voices.

   "Hey Jack!" I heard a voice say. It sounded like Mark's voice.

   "Jack! Good to see you. Uh, i think we found another one." I heard a women's voice. It sounded a lot like Jen.

   "H-hi." I heard a quiet voice. It sounded soft and gentle. It sounded a lot like...

   I gasp at thought, but Mettaton beat me to the answer.

   "Blooky? Is that you dear?" Mettaton used his wheel to go over to the door ( Mettaton isn't in his EX form right now in case you didn't know ) . Napstablook went ahead and went inside Jack's cozy apartment. Mettaton used his arm to wrap Napstablook into a tight hug. "Hey M-Mettaton. It's nice to see y-you again." Napstablook said in Mettaton's arms. Mettaton let go of Napstablook and he looked around the room. His eyes stopped when he saw us.

   "Oh. You guys are here? Sorry if i interrupted something." Napstablook said to us.

   I smile to Napstablook. "You didn't interrupt anything. Nice to see you again." I say to him. Napstablook smiles a bit.

   "Nice to see y-you too." Napstablook replied.

   I didn't notice but Jen, and Mark already was inside. They both were wearing their blue police officer uniforms too. They began to throw themselves onto the couches beside us. Napstablook just followed Mettaton to where he was sitting. 

   "You guys ready to go to the mall?" Mark asked us.

   We are. We all had our outfits cleaned so we looked nice, and Jack spared us some of his shoes that he didn't use anymore. Sans just had pink slippers. Toriel, and Alphys didn't even have shoes, and they walked on their own two feet! (I don't know about Asgore. I am just going to assume he has armour boots or something. )

   "I don't know! I'm flower! Are you guys just going to carry me around?!" Flower shouted out. Well he is back to his normal self again. Thats a good sign.

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