Chapter Three

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The front door unlocked and Scott stepped in, quickly taking off his coat. He tossed it onto the table beside the front door and kicked off his shoes. A loud sigh escaped his lips and he shuffled into the kitchen, grabbing a glass to get water. As soon as the glass was filled with water from the tap, he whirled around, nearly dropping his glass with fright. 

Mitch was watching him silently, raising an eyebrow at his reaction. Scott pressed a hand to his chest, as if that would calm his rapidly beating heart, and groaned. 

"I forgot you were here." Scott mumbled, walking over and smiling warmly. His baby blue eyes scanned the apartment, trying to determine whether or not something was missing. Seeing nothing, he turned back to Mitch and let his smile grow. 

Mitch curled his lip and rolled his eyes. "I didn't take anything." He snarled, his tone sending icy tendrils down Scott's spine. Scott's eyes widened and he held up his free hand. 

"S-sorry." Mitch just glared at him and sat down on the couch, folding his long legs elegantly.  Scott stared at him nervously and went to sit on the recliner adjacent to it.  After a few moments of silence, Scott spoke up once again. "What did you do while I was gone?" He asked, turning to stare at the man. The corners of Mitch's mouth twitched with the beginnings of a smile. 

"I just looked around... I hope that was okay?" He suddenly met Scott's eyes, causing the large man to flinch at the attention. 

"Uh..." Scott faltered, trying to regain his thoughts. "Yeah, of course." He mumbled. He turned his gaze to his lap and played with the hem of his shirt. 

The two fell into an uncomfortable silence. Finally, Mitch spoke up. "Can you get me something to eat?" Scott blinked, the question taking a few seconds to process. When it finally did, he nodded rapidly, much to Mitch's amusement. 

"Yeah! I-I mean, of course." He struggled to recover, his cheeks a lovely rosy color. Scott stood and rubbed the back of his neck. "Anything you wanted in particular?" He asked, turning his gaze back to Mitch, who wasn't even paying attention to him. 

The small man was silent for a few seconds before he looked up quickly. "I don't care." Mitch murmured and leaned back, shutting his eyes. Scott hovered for a few more moments before he backed away, heading into the kitchen. 

As soon as Scott left, Mitch opened his eyes, straining his hearing to make sure he wasn't coming back. He sat still for a few moments before standing, brushing his fringe out of his eyes. His hand snaked between the couch cushions, bumping against the cool handle of his weapon of choice. His lips curled upwards into a cruel smirk as he wrapped his long fingers around the handle and pulled it out. 

Mitch placed the knife on his lap and looked toward the kitchen, where he could hear Scott moving around. It pleased him about how eager Scott was to serve him. He bit his lip, feeling tingles of pleasure. He loved it when they were submissive. 

The small man slowly got to his feet and padded to the entrance to the kitchen, holding the knife behind his back carelessly. He leaned against the wall and watched the man, his lips parting as his face relaxed. The aroma of the cooking food got to his nose and he shivered, his stomach releasing an embarrassing growl. Mitch struggled to remember the last time he ate something. Was it yesterday? Or maybe it was Wednesday? He didn't know and he didn't care.

Scott continued to move around, humming softly to himself. Eventually he turned around and immediately released a small shriek of fright. Mitch raised an eyebrow, but stepped into the kitchen, keeping the knife hidden behind his back. Scott cleared his throat, flushing. 

"I was going to bring the food out to you. It's almost done." He muttered, biting his lip.

Mitch shrugged and sat down at one of the stools at the counter, placing his knife on his lap out of Scott's line of eyesight. "That won't be necessary." He paused, as if realizing how sinister that sounded. Inside, he didn't give a shit, but on the outside, he pretended to look stunned. Mitch met Scott's eyes and plastered on a painfully fake smile. 

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