Chapter Nine

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Mitch walked into the small convenience store with his head held high and an air of superiority surrounding him. He felt like a queen; he was proud of how easily he was able to outsmart his Scott. Scott proved to be smart, an excellent challenge, and Mitch enjoyed it. He was somewhat tired of having to kill idiots. Oh well. He was probably taking them out of their misery anyways. 

The purple-haired man adjusted his cheap pair of sunglasses and began making his way towards the makeup aisle. The store was crowded, making the task of maneuvering around the mass somewhat difficult. Mitch didn't mind as much; it was probably keeping him agile. 

Finally, Mitch got to the makeup aisle and began searching for some foundation and concealer that matched Scott's shade. He tapped his lips, picturing Scott's skin color in his mind. It was somewhat tan, but still pale in certain areas. A sigh escaped. Why couldn't he just tan evenly? 

A quiet grunt alerted Mitch and he whirled around, his eyes accusing under his shades. "What?" He asked harshly, tilting his head up to look at the rather tall man. He cocked his head and let his eyes wander over the stranger's body shamelessly. He was very tall, probably an inch or two taller than his Scott. His brown hair was tousled expertly and his facial structure looked as if someone had carved them from stone. The man was muscular, as if not an ounce of fat tainted his body. He was smiling at him lopsidedly, giving Mitch the feeling he was a player. His brown eyes twinkled as he looked at the smaller man. 

"Do you need any assistance?" He chirped, tilting his head. Mitch curled his lip. Holy shit. He has never just wanted to rip someone's throat out as much as this man. 


"Oh? Are you sure? You look confused." Is this man serious? Mitch examined him for a few seconds and read his name tag. 

"I'm positive, Alexander." Mitch snapped, causing the bigger man to shrug, not a tiny bit phased by his harsh tone. 

"Alright, sir! If you need anything, feel free to find me or another employee!" Alexander said happily and turned on his heel. Mitch involuntarily shuddered at the title. Granted, it was probably done out of politeness, but he still was turned on. His mind drifted back to the position he left Scott in and he moaned under his breath. 

"Fuck," He whispered and ran his hand through his hair. Great. Now he was horny and couldn't find Scott's damn shade. With a shake of his head, he looked back over at Alexander's departing body and sighed. "Wait." He called. Immediately, Alexander turned around and walked back to him, as if he was expecting him to call him back. 

"Yes?" Alexander prodded, leaning down slightly to be closer to Mitch's face. Mitch leaned back slightly. 

"I suppose you can help me find my boyfriend's shade..." Mitch muttered, turning his head back toward the foundations. Alexander chuckled and shook his head. 

"Boyfriend?" He inquired, already searching. "Do you have a picture or anything?" 

Mitch rolled his eyes. "Yes, boyfriend," he retorted and shook his head. "No. He's camera shy." He lied through his teeth, rubbing the back of his neck, as if he was embarrassed for Scott's behavior. As if. 

Alexander smirked and shifted through the different brands. "Can you describe his skin color to me?" He asked politely, turning his head so his brown eyes met Mitch's through his glasses. Mitch sighed and explained it to the best of his ability. 

"His skin is slightly paler than mine and kind of glows. Maybe that's oil. He does have pretty oily skin. It's also flaky and-" Mitch tried to explain, tapping his lips. Much to his amusement, Alexander started laughing, abruptly cutting Mitch off. 

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