Chapter Eight ~ Lavender

47 13 11


October Twentieth


Turns out I'm not the greatest cook. The chicken nuggets are rock hard, and even drowing them in ranch doesn't help.

I attempted to eat one more, just to look like I was confident in my cooking but I couldn't hold it down, and I could see he couldn't either. We both spit the "chicken nuggets" onto the floor, and I began laughing so hard my sides ached.

He soon joined, and the sound of our laughter echoed throughout the empty mall, and to be honest. It sounded kinda freaky, but at the same time it was cool, because we were the only people left on Earth.

Throughout the last couple of days, I've felt lonely and confuses, and I'm still that. Minus the lonely.

To me now, being left on earth isn't a bad thing, it's actually kinda cool.

I say that a lot, I'll have to work on that.

Anyway, as he unknown name and I started walking throughout the mall, I began to think. If there were billions of people on the planet before, and they al, got sent to Mars we were the ones chosen.

We, out of all seven billion people were chosen.

Which, is kinda cool, when you think about it.

But, I don't know if there was seven billion exact, well, know that I think about it, I don't remember much.

I remember.... Nothing.

I remember nothing.

"Hey um, whatever your name is, can I ask you a question?"

He looked up from the woollen hats and looked at me funny, "my name is Blake, and sure. Go ahead" he said, and continued shopping.

I walked over to stand by Blake's side. "Do you remember anything from before?" I asked as sweetly as I could, but he immediately tensed up and looked at me in confusion.

"Yes," he said, "I do. Why?.."

"Because I don't. Not a single thing, it's really weird. I try looking into the past, like searching for a memory but it all comes blank and my body goes numb." I explained, picking up a white hat with matching gloves and putting it in a bag that was left lying in the floor.

I imagined the weather would start getting colder soon, so I tried to get as much as I could fit in the small bag of warm stuff, along with a coat.

"That's strange. Bransen and I remember everything, just like it all happened yesterday." The conversation ended there, and I walked over to the girls section to pick up some clothes.

By the time we got back, Bransen was playing around with the engine of the vehicle, but stopped immediately when we arrived.

"I've set it so we can travel further than it would have let us in the begging, so your plan to drive to Disney land can now be accomplished Blake." He said, and I looked at him in confusion.

Who could be that smart to fix a rv in just a few hours.

Blake high-fived him. He explained no so subtly that I was the worst cook on the planet, pun intended, and said he picked him up some clothes.

Bransen thanked him, and then turned to me.

"What's your name?"

I stood frozen for a minute, I was not ready for that. But I quickly composed myself and told them the name that was in the letter.

Blake said it was beautiful, and winked at me. I thanked whoever was in charge of this for leaving me with two hot guys.

Bransen explained the sleeping system, and soon we all hit the hay.

Except, I couldn't sleep, so I just layer there staring up at the roof of the rv. Soon, I couldn't understand why they would leave three teenagers. I mean, wouldn't they leave more experienced adults. I barely know how to cook, and they expect us to be the worlds backup.

But that got me thinking to how we were going to repopulate. Two boys, one girl, how is that going to work out?

But eventually I fell asleep, dreaming of the things we could do alone on this planet.

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