Chapter Sixteen ~ Blake

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I cut the engine, and Lavender immediately screamed.

"Oh my god! What was that for?" I joked,pulling the keys out of the keyhole.

"Sorry," she blushed, "I'm just really excited." Branson chuckled at her, and the began to stare into each other's eyes lovingly.

Not again..

"Well, do you guys want to go or not?" I asked, stepping up from the front seat.

I hoped my annoyance was showing, because they seriously needed to stop with the PDA. It was getting really annoying.

"Ok!" Lavender exclaimed, pulling on a jacket. Branson and I both grabbed our own jackets, and I opened the door.

The sky was dark, and the air was cold and silent. Very, very silent.

We looked around, and my arms were covered in goosebumps as a gust of wind blew past. Lavender was shivering underneath her fall coat, a worried expression etched onto her face.

Branson looked around, squinting his green eyes. I placed my hands into my pocket, looking behind us at the dark night.

"This is where they said to meet they right?" Branson asked, his hand intertwining with Lavender's.

"Yeah, but maybe we should walk around a bit," I suggested. From what I could see, there was no sign of human life.

They agreed, so we set off on the paved road. The dark night laying ahead of us.

We wandered the streets of San Diego, a long road laying ahead of us. As far as I could tell, we were walking on a long street of houses. We walked on top of the hard cement, our footsteps echoing through the dark night.

There were large palm trees lining the street, their large leaves casting shadows over the multiple cars that were parked along the street. Large houses were on either side of the road, their tan colours muted by the darkness.

They had large windows, and big archways that opened up the the front doors. Blake looked around in curiosity, ignoring the fact that Lav and Branson were holding hands, pointing in awe at the large properties.

They continued walking, not knowing where they were heading. The long road eventually led to a part of the city, and they soon realized how lost they're had gotten over the last hour.

"How did we get here?" Lavender asked, shivering under her thin cardigan.

"I think we came that way," Branson responded, pointing behind us in confusion.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "I'm pretty sure we came from that way," I said, pointing to the left.

Remembering the tall palm trees and brick building, I was pretty close to being positive that I had a better sense as to where we came from.

Looking at the way Branson had pointed, my jaw fell wide open when I noticed that his way also had palm trees and a large brick building.

I groaned, taking my head in my hands as lavender continued to look around us in fear.

Not only was it dark out, but they were getting a little cool from the night air, and they were also in a city they were very unfamiliar with.

Thankful that I wasn't alone in this large city, i began thinking of possible suggestions that could keep us safe for the night.

Since there was no point in trying to relocate the bus, I began looking for a shelter.

Suddenly, a brilliant idea popped in my head, and I smiled at Branson and Lavender in excitement.

"How about we stay in one of the houses!" I said, causing them to look at me in shock.

I scoffed, they're probably didn't think it was possible for me to come up with such an amazing idea.

News flash, I thought to myself, I'm smart too!

Fighting the urge to laugh at their bewildered expressions, I turned and began walking towards the houses.

"Where are you going?" Branson questioned, but by his breathing patterns I could tell that he was jogging to catch up with me.

Lavenders small legs took a couple more seconds for her to catch up, but soon we were all walking down the way we came, (turns out I was right, again) searching for a place to stay.

Once we were comfortable in a large brick home, we all took a seat in the living room, the dim lights providing them with lighting.

We were surprised when we realized that the electrical lighting still worked, which was confusing, but we were glad for the source of lighting.

I flipped down on the large l shaped leather couch, looking around the room.

Lavender and Branson walked into the room, the hands intertwined. I tried not to look at them, but it was kind of difficult since there was barely anything else to look at in this room.

There were the two main archways that led to rooms I had yet to explore, the couch I was sitting on, a simple coffee table, a dying plant, and the large television.

If I already knew, I never would've guessed that somebody had lived here.

"I'm going to go explore," Lavender stated, and Branson took a seat on the couch beside him.

"Have fun," we replied lazily, and Branson looked over at me giving me a 'what the heck is she doing' look.

I chuckled politely, not really caring about what she did and did not do.

I thought it was pretty weird that she wanted to explore, since they were only in that house until morning, but she could do whatever she liked.

After about ten minutes of her footsteps echoing through the house, she eventually made her way back into the living room, plopping down on the couch.

She blew out a long breathe, sitting back into the cushion.

"It's like people never lived here," she said

"How do you know somebody did?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

She rolled her eyes, pointing at the far wall across the room.

"There was a large hole in the wall, approximately the size of my fist.

I shut my mouth, I had never noticed that, even thought now that I had it was weird to think how I could have missed that.

"I don't know if I'd be able to live in a house like this," she said, her curious eyes glancing across the room.

"Well good thing you don't have to," I replied standing up, "I'm going to bed, wake me if I start to hibernate." I joked, smiling at them as I began down the hallway.

Once I found a room with a bed, I took off my shoes, flopping down onto the mattress.

Not having slept in a real bed in who knows how long I quickly fell into a dreamless sleep that I knew would keep me energized for days to come.

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