Chapter Eleven ~ Blake

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Chapter Eleven ~ Blake

The cellphone was on speaker phone, which meant I could hear every word that they were saying. I could also add into the conversation, if needed. Which, I'm guessing would happen if Lavender kept smiling at the phone like that.

I stared at her with a blank expression, here we have the chance to talk to another person, and she's just breathing into the phone?!

Good thing I have social skills.

"Hello? This is Blake speaking, we come from the planet earth. If you are a human, please-" I froze for a moment, what is very humorous that can break the ice? "-burp on command."

Lavender gasped, and the woman on the line burst into laughter. There was static coming from the speakers, but I could tell she was a very beautiful person. Just the way she sounded happy, and her laugh.

I pretty sure I'm going insane. It must be the lack of human interaction.

"Well, I've never been able to do that. Sorry to disappoint." The girl said, and I smiled at Lavender. This was going better than I thought. Not only did we find the fourth person who I personally liked the best, Lavender was getting along with her.

Perfect, just as planned.

Although some things were turning out differently than how I had hoped (like the little romance between Bransen and Lavender), I knew that my father would be proud. He did tell me I was a person who always gets what he wants. And I want Lavender, so that's what I'm going to get. No matter what tries to stop me.

"The name's Avery, what's yours?" Avery asked, and Lavender quickly told her our names, explaining about Bransen and how he was with us. They spoke about our locations, and I quickly left to go to the front of the bus. To be honest, I was getting somewhat bored listening to them talk about locations blah blah.

Although the bus wasn't very large, I could barely make out the muffled voice of Lavender's when I reached the driver's seat. The road in front of us was still black and empty, and I decided to take control of the wheel once again, for safety reasons.

As far as I could tell, Bransen was still sleeping, but I could never be sure with that guy.

Bored after ten minutes of driving, I swerved the bus far to the right, causing Bransen to jump up in his seat.

The frantic fear in his eyes soon turned into anger when he saw the smug expression on his face.

That's what you get for stealing my girl.

"What the heck man!" Bransen screamed, shoving me in my seat while I burst into laughter, "you almost gave me a heart attack!" He attempted to shove me once again, but I moved just in time which was surprising considering the state I was in.

My stomach hurt from laughing so hard, and my throat was drying up. Bransen glared at me from the passenger seat, and stomped off in the direction of the kitchen, slumping down on the bench. His light brown hair shielded his eyes from the world, and for a moment I felt bad.

What i did was rude and uncalled for.

But so was flirting with Lavender. I don't feel bad anymore.

"Is little baby sad." I fake pouted, drawing a tear down my cheek, then turned and faced the road laughing. He was too easy to bother.

I drove, and heard no noise from Bransen for a moment. But then Lavender barged into the room, her brown ponytail bouncing in every which way. The phone was still in her hand, and a pointed look was etched onto her little face.

She looked at Bransen and then at my smug face and glared at us.

"What is going on here?" She asked, demanding an answer.

She looked at bransen and then at me again, and I shrugged.

"I think Bransen is just a little bit scared of me. I mean, all i did was avoid a bird." I said innocently, pouting my lips with a confused face.

This always worked with the girls before...

"That is one big piece of crap." Bransen snapped, and before he could carry on his conversation, he stormed off to the bunks and told us he was going to bed.

Lavender watched as he stormed away, and I smiled at her through the rear-view mirror. She cautiously looked at me, then followed after bransen, still talking on the phone.

The minute she was gone, the smile on my face dropped. So that hadn't worked, but something eventually will right?

_                        _ 

I am so sorry I haven't posted in so long! I literally don't know why, I just didn't have the time, and when I did, I wasn't feeling inspired.

SO I quickly wrote this up and didn't edit it so don't judge! I plan on getting back into the writing thing again, so keep a look out for more updates!

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