Chapter Seven~ Lavender

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Thank you so much for reading! this is the farthest I've gotten on a book that I'm fully committed to, and I'm really proud fir sticking to one story idea, and id to thank you for reading it.
I know none of the chapters are edited, but ill do that later on!
~. ~. ~.

October twentieth

Lavender Gray

I stared at the two boys with the beat confidence i could muster. They seemed like they were getting where i was headed with the three backpacks.

At first I has guessed based on their looks. Not to be stereotypical, but with the black glasses and the pencil that was tucked behind his ear, i was guessing that Bransen was a pretty smart guy.

And just by looking at Blake told me he was outgoing, brave just by the way he carried himself.

Although he stood much smaller than Bransen, he looked much more tough and intimidating.

But now that i actually see how much their lightbulbs seem to click, i know my guess must've been right.

I looked over at the condiments from my bag. There was the average stuff, a cellphone, a key that had a label in the front, binoculars, there was a long silver whistle that sent out screeching sound that was so loud the boys had to cover their ears, a circular object that made a click-click sound that the boy with the black hair said was used for training animals, binoculars and a assortment of vegetables.

The boy with the ginger hair seemed to be focusing intently at the stiff that was laid across the floor.

He grabbed a notebook out of his back pocket and started to wrote at lightening speed.

It was silent for a couple of reasons before the black haired guy tapped my shoulder nodding his head in the direction of the door.

"Have you explored pit there?" he asked, his lips pursed into a thin line.

I shrugged, "not much. All i saw was a mall, and some abandoned buildings." She had of course went into the mall, and found out that there was food there, so I suggested we go there my stomach was rumbling and boy, was i craving Chinese.

He agreed and told the ginger, whose name i found out was Bransen that we would be back soon and then I lead him down the hall back where they had come from and began walking down the yellow brick road.

I had to almost jog to keep up with him, and by the time two minutes had past i had to tell him to slow down, "sorry" he mumbled, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"So what's your name?" I asked, blowing a piece of light purple hair out of my eyes as I looked up at him. He was attractive to say the least. With his dark hair and striking blue eyes, he semmed like the guy who would get all the ladies.

"Blake." He replied casually, looking around us at the abandoned buildings.

"Cool." I answered, I would say my name back, but to be honest it's a little strange. Lavender. Who names their kid after a flower? It just doesn't sound right.

He obviously didn't care about my name because we continued to walk in silence, it was weird. How the world was so quiet. I don't remember anything from before, but I would guess it wouldn't be like this.

Maybe there was cars driving past, their horns honking at every passing rebel. Or maybe there'd be birds, chirping in the sky. Although I couldn't imagine they would take animals with them, but out of all the days I've been stuck here, I haven't seen any sign of animal life.

We continued to walk on top of the post its, but finally they arrived at the mall. He stared up for a moment, confusion filling his features, and I just stood there. Waiting.

"How did you get in?" He asked,mane I smiled motioning for him to follow me. He did, and I led him to the back of the mall, where the broken door laid in the ground, revealing the mall.

I pointed to the broken hinges, I had used a screw driver I had found in the facility to take them off in order to get inside.

I stepped inside, and looked around. I had left somewhat a mess in most stores, throwing books around in anger, and soon I had upgraded to the clothing stores.

He looked at the books, I shrugged.

"So," I said, walking towards the food court, "you a fan of chicken nuggets?"

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