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Louis was gay, Harry was straight.

It was simple.
Yet, Harry knew that Louis needed some love;  therefore agreed to some 'no homo' cuddling.

Although the cuddling session was established as completely not gay, Harry was definitely, in Louis' eyes, showing blatant, very gay signs.

Louis found Harry extremely attractive, so of course was not bothered having his face buried in the crook of his neck and his soft, slow breaths tickling his collarbone.

Louis felt so safe and warm engulfed in his arms, he forgot for a little while about everything else.

He forgot about his sadness, his neglect, his loss, and Frankie, his black Havanese whom he missed already.

He forgot, and simply enjoyed the security of Harry's large, comfortable arms.

Which, at a time like this, was the one thing he needed.
A break.

That was how Louis slowly faded into a restful, dreamer's sleep, forgetting everything except the warm body pressed lightly against his back, the same warm body that he had hugged, a crying mess, hours earlier.

Louis woke before Harry.

After carefully nudging his arms away from his body, he rose from the bed and began searching through Harry's clothes drawers.

Louis was distractedly searching for underwear when his hand found something plastic.

He pulled it out, almost gasping loudly when it came into view.

It was a tube of sparkly blue something, which he at first thought was glitter glue, but was proven very wrong when he saw that it read EroticLube: now in 4 fun colours!

After the initial shock left his system, he sat on Harry's messy bedroom floor, laughing hysterically into a pillow so as not to wake him up.

Sparkly blue lube? Really?

When the laughter wore off, he stood up and tiptoed over to Harry's sleeping body.

"You're adorable, but I don't think your underwear drawer is the best place to hide sparkly blue lube." Louis whispered, lightly kissing his forehead.

He then placed the lubrication back in Harry's drawer and silently resumed his search for clothes.


Harry was a deep sleeper and he knew it.

He had no problem with it, but when he woke that morning without little, warm Louis in his arms, he wished he could have woken when he left his embrace and gotten up with him.

Now, he was sitting on Harry's dodgy window seat reading a book he must've found somewhere.

What time was it? He sat up quickly.

"11:30 in the morning," Louis spoke without taking his eyes off the novel, and Harry didn't think much of the answer until he realised that he hadn't verbalised his original question.

"How did you-"
"Please, you looked like every frantic school kid when they feel as though they've woken up late." He replied with a barely concealed grin.

Harry could do nothing except flop back down onto the bouncy mattress.

"You know, you've graduated now. We both have. You don't need to worry about that anymore." He said softly, and Harry shut his eyes.

I know, he thought.

I know.

Their following silence was then interrupted by a bubbly voice calling,
"H! Lou-Lou! Brrreakfast!"

"Lou-Lou? Seriously?" Harry mumbled under his breath.

"Personally, I think it's cute."

"It's not cute enough for you. Wait- did I just say that? Shit. That's technically not gay, right?" Louis laughed at Harry's very real panic, rolling his eyes.

"Just because you compliment someone of the same gender, it doesn't mean you're gay... But in your case, it's quite definitely gay."

It was then Harry's turn to roll his eyes.
"I'm straight! And what are you, a gay expert?"


And with that, they raced down the stairs like little children.

"Why can't you be gay like Louis? He's such a beautiful boy."

"Thank you, Mrs. Styles!"

"No problem- and call me Anne."

The conversation topic was causing Harry to feel his cheeks steadily heat up.
"Mum, I'm straight." Harry mumbled, embarrassed.

"Are you sure, Harry? I mean, I support you if you're straight, but... Are you sure you're not gay?"

"Mum! I'm straight!" He exclaimed.
"I am straight and I do not have a crush on Louis!"

"Well, the fact that you pointed out that you don't have a crush on Louis when no one even mentioned it makes it easy to assume that you do have a crush on him."

"Mum, please, just stop and keep cooking- I can see the bacon burning."

"Okay... Sorry. I still love you." Harry's cheeks heated further.

"I love you too," He spoke quietly.

"WELL! This is adorable. This never happened with my parents," Louis grinned as Anne slid two plates of perfectly cooked poached eggs and slightly burnt bacon toward them.

"You never fought with your parents?" Harry was baffled.

"You call that a fight?!" Louis looked even more baffled.
"And, really, I was talking about how you barely had an argument and still apologised and said you loved each other. My parents never even demonstrated affection."

"Oh.." Harry frowned.
"Mum and I will make up for that, I promise."

"Thank you."

And so began a very sombre breakfast.

fun !!! tbh i'm gonna make anne rly cute so

have a good day !!! merry christmas/happy holidays (((:


STRAIGHT; larryWhere stories live. Discover now