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Louis had never known anyone in his life as well as he knew Harry- not even River.

Quantity isn't quality, he told himself, as he sat on Harry's bedroom floor, remembering all the times he'd spilled his heart out to the curly haired boy.

Louis heard a soft knock at the door. Should he answer it? Considering it wasn't even his house, he probably shouldn't have, but his legs betrayed him as he found himself at the door.

A muffled scratching sound emitted from behind the wooden object, baffling Louis. He cautiously reached for the handle, turning it slowly. His stomach twisted with fear at the suspense.

Finally, he pulled the door away, and saw nothing at first until he felt something brush against his leg. His gaze lowered and he gasped once he saw a familiar ball of black fur.

"Frankie? FRANKIE!" Louis screamed, accidentally waking Harry and Anne in his excitement- something he would learn in the following 30 seconds when the pair came bolting down the stairs at a dangerous pace. Louis had accidentally raised alarm.

It was Frankie. His beloved, fluffy dog was here and Louis didn't care how at the time. His tiny baby (who was actually about two) (still tiny though)(also still a baby) must have been miserable without Louis- she probably wasn't even fed.


Harry stopped in his tracks as he saw Louis sobbing and holding a small dog- a peculiar yet relatable sight, but perhaps it was not the time for humour.

Louis turned to Harry, clutching the dog tenderly and he couldn't help but reach for the little fluff-ball.

Frankie's soft fur was like a comforting hand that gave Harry an unruly confidence. No one to this day is sure what happened, but suddenly Louis broke his loving gaze from Frankie and made eye contact with Harry and then they were kissing.

Frankie leapt out of Louis' hands as their lips connected, and Anne, feeling as though her dreams had been fulfilled but also slightly uncomfortable, scooped up the dog and ascended into the kitchen.

this is short and that is because i felt obliged to update n i was stuck on how to continue it without it sounding terrible

love u guys hope ur still enjoying this bye !!!


STRAIGHT; larryWhere stories live. Discover now