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OK, so, this is my first story, so please don't laugh if its horrible! Lol :P before you ask, I am a Directioner, but not an obsessed crazed one! Just a person who if they get an idea for a story, they MUST write it down or they go CRAZY!!! XP Anyways, if you like, comment! Compliments and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism are welcome, please, haters, if you hate it, why read it??

Thanks to jandkforever for helping me with plot holes and telling me literally EVERYTHING that it is possible for a fan to know about them! You rock!!!

I also have a story on my joined account with jandkforever our name is crazywriters101. The story is called Once Upon A Time: One Direction Version.

Enjoy! :)


A red haired, green eyed, girl of about eleven walked confidently down the hall of her school. Like everyone else, she was excited that it was the last day of school before the summer holiday. Being keen on detail, she noticed that people stared at her as she walked by, with a few of them snickering. It confused her, but she didn't let it show. Right before she got to her classroom, a girl who was about two grades older, stepped in front of her.

"He's way out of you're league. Give it up, if anyone is going to win his heart, it will be me!" Our suddenly less confident girl finally showed her confusion, to which the other girl pulled a notebook out of her bag and threw it at our girl's face. Little red caught it, and realized it was her journal. She looked up fearfully at the faces around her, who were all laughing.

"You shouldn't leave things out in the field, miss love struck!" The same girl snickered. Our little red ducked into her classroom to escape the laughing faces and she brushed tears offer face, silently hoping that her not-so-secret crush hadn't heard about this.

Our little red sat up against a tree away from everyone while she ate her lunch. A gentle breeze blew as she looked at the beautiful scenery. Someone sat down beside her and she looked over to see who it was. Normally, she would be happy to see the familiar brown haired, blue eyed boy that had been her best friend since she was born and he was two, but today, with her secret out, she was so nervous she almost threw up.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," she responded, trying to sound casual.

"I need to ask you something," he began.

"Oh no," she thought, "here it comes." She swallowed hard. "What is it?"

"The rumor," he said slowly, "the one about you liking me, is it true? Do you really have a crush on me?"

"No!" She said so hard that is scared her, "No," she said gentler, "of course not. It's no more than that, a rumor. You didn't believe it did you?"

"No, of course not." he said with a smile, but she could tell he was lying. She sighed. He believed her, or so it seemed. She still felt too awkward, and she was mad at him when she found out he told his friend about it and helped spread it, to talk to him, though, so when school ended, she did all she could to avoid him. A few months later, her mother passed on, and her father decided it would be best to start new in the States. So she left, having not said anything other then a mumbled greeting here and there to her once best friend, and she figured she would never see him again.

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