Chapter 17: Wretched and Divine

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*Ashes p.o.v

"AHHH!" I screamed as Andy unexpectedly jumped on my back. He giggled and wrapped his arms more securely around my neck. I rolled my eyes but nonetheless grabbed his legs so he wouldn't fall. Its been two days since we had been working on the new album and it was coming along famously. Since Andy's been dating my best friend we've gotten a lot closer. In fact I've gotten close with everyone on this tour. Jake and Jinxx were the older brothers that you don't want but once you have them you never want to let go, Ashley was the perverted little brother, CC was the evil twin, Andy was the protective older brother but in reality your older than him, Dahvie was the brother who understood you and could come to him for anything and vise versa, and Jayy he, was special, he was someone that truly understood me and don't get me wrong I love my "family" but I want someone to hold me and kiss me and tell me everything's gonna be alright and I FINALLY have that. "I'm so excited!!" Andy shouted. Me and him had just left the studio, BVB'S new album was coming out next week and Selfishly Alone's album was scheduled to come out in a month but processing went by faster than expected so we're going ahead and letting it come out a week after Wretched and Divine. Except no one but me and Andy knew that. And the producers and managers of course, Amelia told me but made me promise not tell anyone else. Not even the rest of the band. Apparently the bands gets their own copy of the CD a week before it comes out so Andy went to pick their copy. "Do you know what's gonna happen after the end of the tour?" Andy whispered to me after we walked in silence for a few minutes. I sighed and put him down and walking over to the swings. We had two months left of the tour and everyone felt the weight of the impending goodbyes already. "No, Andy, I don't." I told him looking at him. He bowed his head and his recently cut hair didn't quite fall into his eyes like I knew he wanted it to. "I'm scared, Ashes." He whispered looking up at me. I grabbed his hand, "Me too Andy but you have to believe me when I say this, I know Blade I know that when he falls, he falls hard. I see the way he looks at you, the way he LOOKED at you when you first met, he doesn't just love you, he's IN LOVE with you and he would follow you to the ends of the earth just to make you happy. Besides SA was already talking about moving to LA before we started this tour, maybe it will all work out for the better." I told him smiling. He blinked back tears that had gathered during my speech. "Really?" He whispered, damn this boy is insecure! All his fans thought he was so sure of himself but he was still human like the rest of and still had his doubts. "Really, no come on! I want to hear this album!" I said getting up. He nodded smiling and laughing when I jumped on his back. "Hey!" I shouted when we made it to the bus, everyone looked up from what they were doing. Jake and Jinxx had been fighting in the floor, Dahvie and Jayy were smoking weed, CC and Ashley were on their phones, Sam and Kathryn were watching videos on Youtube, Andrew, Blade, and Stone were having a three way staring contest, and Amelia just walked in from the back room. "Did you get it?" Ashley yelled jumping up from his spot on the couch. Andy nodded holding up the bag Jon put the CD in. "Okay, lets go to back room!" Jinxx shouted as BVB started to get up. The rest of us looked around confused, "Why? We can listen to it out here!" Andrew said pointing to the stereo by the door. "Nu uh! This album doesn't come out for another week! So you guys have to wait and buy the album!" Jake said teasingly, I glared at him. "Or we can just go on Youtube and listen to the leaked copy..." I said inching to my laptop. Andy narrowed his eyes at me, "You wouldn't!" I smirked "Oh wouldn't I?" He sighed and looked at the guys before they nodded. We all cheered and sat down while CC put in the CD. I was sitting on Blades lap holding Jayy's hand as he was beside me. We listened to all of I before we started talking about it. "I loved all the songs but my favorite was "New Years Day!" I said and got a nod from Andrew, Dahvie, Stone, and Jinxx. Jayy was about to say something when CC jumped up, "LETS GO CELEBRATE!!!!" He shouted cueing a bunch of cheers. We got up to go get ready. I put on a white wife beater with a skull on it, white and black striped skinny jeans, a black leather jacket, black studded stilettos, a gold crescent moon necklace, a silver wire chain bracelet, stud earrings, a diamond leaf ring, smoky eyes, black nails, and ruby red lips. I made sure my hair was in its natural waves before walking out to the buses living area. "Hey we match!" Andy shouted pointing at out pants. I laughed realizing we were both wearing black and white striped pants. "Do do dodadoado do do." Ashley sang the tune to the circus theme smirking at us. Everyone cracked up, "Your just jealous of our great fashion sense!" I shouted laughing also. I finished laughing before everyone else so I hooked my arm through Andy's and stuck my nose in the air before we "stalked" out of the bus going to one of the cars. Once everyone noticed we were gone they trekked out of the bus and split up to fit into the three cars. I had never been to Sweden so I was following behind the car CC was driving. We finally made it to a club called "The Clam" we walked up to the rope dude and told them who we were and he let us through. Okay so I had been to my fair share of clubs in my life time but let me tell you, "The Clam" put ALL of them to shame. We unconsciously split into groups. Me, Andy, Blade, Jayy, Dahvie, and Sam. Kathryn, CC, Ashley, and Andrew. Stone, Amelia, Jake, and Jinxx. The last thing I remember was going to a bar and Jayy ordering us all shots of ever clear, 7 times.

~~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~**~*~*~* time skip~*~*~*~*~**~~*~**~~*~*~**~*~\*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~

"Ughhhhhhhhhhh!" I groaned as I rolled over in my bed. Wait! My bed? When did I get here? The last thing I remember is drinking at the bar with Andy, Jayy, Blade, Dahvie, and Sam. I sat up and looked around, I was in a hotel room, I had my knickers and a camisole on, and Jayy was laying beside me in nothing but his underwear. I started to panic a little, we didn't, did we? No we couldn't have it would have been my first so I would still be sore. I calmed down enough to realize something vital. "Where the bloody hell is everyone?!" I asked myself out loud. Apparently too loud because Jayy groaned in pain and rolled over. I stood up, and got an immediate head rush and my insides felt like churning butter. Ugh! I abhor hangovers. I stumbled over to the bag I was carrying last night and saw some painkillers in the zipper pocket. I quickly took some and got some out for Jayy. "Love! Get up!" I whispered gently shaking him. He groaned as he blearily opened his eyes. "Ashes?" He asked in a groggy voice squinting his eyes. I nodded trying not to make to much noise. "Here love, take this." I said handing him the pills and water bottle. He sat up slowly and took the medicine. He slowly started to open his eyes and opened his arms so I could settle in them. "What happened last night?" I asked him after a moment of silence. "Not much, everyone got shit faced and we couldn't find the bus and didn't want to drive so we walked to the hotel and crashed, the others should be around here somewhere." He told me laying back down. I rolled my eyes and looked around for my clothes and found them over by the bathroom door. I walked over to them and carefully put them on. "Come on Griffis! Get your arse up, we have to go sound check." I said grabbing his clothes and chunking them at him. He groaned and sat up. He eventually got dresses and we went in search of our friends. I knocked on the door closes to us. Andrew opened it looked disheveled. I raised an eyebrow at this and the fact that her clothes were backwards and it didn't look like she had just gotten up. She blushed but nodded at my unspoken question. I threw my head back and laughed. "I'll let you get back to your business but remember we have sound check at 3:00." I told her before I walked away knocking on all the doors around us and finding everyone. We decided to go ahead and get the cars and that, that would be enough time for Ashley and Andrew to...finish.....

~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~**~ time skip to concert~*~*~*~*~~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*|*|**|**|*|*|

We were back stage getting ready for the concert when Andy spoke up. "So me and CC have to go to an interview in a second." "You do?" Blade asked putting in his black hoop snake bites. Andy nodded grabbing his waist. "With who?" I asked putting in my canines. "Bryanstars." CC said fixing his bandana. Me, Sam, Kathryn, and Blade perked up at that. We had spent soooo many hours on Youtube watching soooo many of his videos. "No way really?!" We chorused. Ashley laughed at our starstruck gazes. I was about to stick my tongue out at him when I saw a microphone slowly coming down from the ceiling. "Hey guys is that microphone supposed to be there?" I asked pointing to it when everyone turned. It quickly started going back up but not before I caught a glimpse of the blue block type thing on it. That could only mean one thing, Bryanstars was upstairs. We all laughed and it started coming back down again and Jake made a grab for it but shot back up. "Damn!" He cursed laughing. "Okay well we should be getting up there." Andy said just as the security guard "Muscles" came to get them. Andy gave Blade a peck on the lips and turned to go up the stairs. "Good luck out there." CC said before going up also. "Selfishly Alone your up!" Jon said coming up to us. We all nodded before going to the side stage where we would enter. The guys ran out leaving me to wait for my cue. The intro for "Looking Up" started and I ran out starting to sing.

AUTHORS NOTE: So I know this chapter sucks and I know it's very short but as my friend was so kind to remind me, I haven't updated in a month. A WHOLE MONTH!!! I had no idea it had been that long!! Also this story is going to be ending soon. I'm at least going to 20 but I'm not sure if I'm going past that. And as I told you in the very beginning chapter there would be no sequel. Hope you enjoy! :)

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