The honey moon

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Mia's POV
"Omg Ash did you see who caught the Flowers?"I asked him while we were on the way to the airport.Suddenly he turned to me "no but I'm guessing you did though and your going to tell me anyways"he said with his hand on his chin and had the cutest smirk on his face and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him."yes I am but if you want me to tell you can't be getting smart on me now" he still had that cute smirk on his face and I was about to tell him but the car had stopped all the sudden and we both decided to look out the window so we did and we saw we were at the airport already."wow it didn't take long to get here anyway I'll tell you when we are on the plane okay that's a promise."Me and Ash got escorted to the gates and we walked hand in hand onto the plane and it was funny because we were the only ones on the plane well besides the flight attendants.I guess it's just the perks of having your own private jets."okay now tell me who caught your flowers?"Ash had asked and got me back to reality "oh yeah it was Bri she was the one that caught them and she had been blushing ever since we left the party!"Ash had this look on his face that looked kind of creepy but then disappeared " wow Ni should be glad that Bri caught them instead of someone else."I couldn't help but laugh at his statement but after a while he joined in and we had to take our seats because the seat belt warning thing had just went off to signal that we are about to take off ."this is going to be a great honey moon because I got my handsome husband who is taking me somewhere special and I can see landscapes from up here!" I said excitedly and Ash just wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him so we were now cuddling on the recliner seats that we were sitting on.

Luke's POV
Its been two hours since my sister and Ashton left for their honey moon."I miss them already guys I don't think I can do this." I said as I sat at a table next to Hannah my new girlfriend in the Ballroom the after party was in because we promised Mia and Ash we would clean up for them."aww Luke it's okay they will only be gone for two weeks they will be back before you know it."Hannah said and I couldn't help but smile and peck her on her lips quickly before everyone else sat at the table." Guys we should leave already I mean we finished cleaning up and the other boys already left!" Mikey had suggested and everyone agreed and we all piled into the van and went back home.Once we got back to the house we all walked into our own rooms and got ready for bed.I wasn't tied yet so I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through twitter.

Ashton's POV
I couldn't help it anymore I had to call Luke ik that right now he would be back at the house trying to fall asleep but can't because he's worried about me and Mia so I grabbed my phone carefully off of the table that had empty plates so that I don't wake Mia up.I got up and laid Mia back down on her chair and headed to the bathroom so I could call Luke so he could stop worrying about us and get some sleep.Finally after about three rings he pick up the phone
"Hey Ash how's my sister is she okay are you okay god I miss both of you so much already!"he said into the phone quickly and I just laughed until he stopped "hey Luke she's fine she fell asleep a little while ago and don't worry okay we are fine."I reassured him and he sighed quietly probably because he's sharing a room with Hannah." thanks for telling me that Ash now I can finally go to sleep knowing that both of you are okay"he said we both ended up laughing quietly at each other "well I should probably go get some sleep and so should you mister."I told Luke and there he goes again laughing quietly I don't know what's so funny but oh well " yeah we both need the rest tonight was fun though and I hope y'all have a good time tell my sister I love her and you both be careful okay love y'all both."and with that we both hung up the phone and I went back to where me and Mia were and sat next to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and drifted to sleep

I hope you all like the first chapter and plz let me know what you guys think okay LOVE YOU MY LOVELIES 😘

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