The Skype Call

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Mia's POV
I woke up feeling extremely hot so i pushed out of Ash's grip and walked to the bathroom to wash the sweat on my face. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around my waist and I knew they where Ashton's so I turned around a kissed him. Within moments ash start to kiss back after his surprise expression left his mind and his face. I laughed because he looked so cute when he got surprised and he just looked so confused. "Why are you laughing?" I calmed down and looked at him and just smiled "what I can't just laugh at my husband for being and looking so darn cute?"I asked and pretended to be sad and pouted. He laughed again and I can't help but to put my hand on his check and pull his face closer to mine until our lips where attacked to each others once again.

Ashton's POV
As she turned around I didn't know she would kiss me out of nowhere but after I got that out of my mind I started to kiss her back. Well until she started laughing and I didn't know what to do so I stood there with an confused expression on my face "why are you laughing?"I asked and she calmed herself down "what I can't laugh at my husband for being and looking so darn cute?"I laughed at how cute she looked with that pretend sad and pouty look she had on her face and with in minutes our faces were connected again. We finally pulled away and looked at each other for a few seconds "hey ash I need to take a shower can you please go wait in the dining room until its your turn?"Mia had asked and I nodded and walked out of the bathroom and went to wait in the dining room as told and sat down at the table and started going through my twitter feeds until my phone started to go off so I answered it after I check who was calling "hey Luke how's it going its been a while."I could hear a soft chuckle from the other side of the phone "yeah it has hasn't it well any way me and the everyone else wanted to know if we could Skype with you guys later on before we go to sleep if that's okay with you guys?"I thought about it and remembered me and Mia wanted to Skype them to and hah guess they thought the same thing "yeah that's fine we actually wanted to Skype with you guys so yeah that would be great I'll tell Mia when she gets out of the shower."I could hear a lot of cheering in the background and I laughed at how they all were acting like little kids that just got sugar or something."okay will do see you guys in a little bit."Luke said and he was about it hang up the phone but I stopped him "wait Luke I need to ask you something really fast!"Luke laughed "okay what is it?"I cleared my throat "um why are you always the one to call and make plans for everyone else?"I asked and again Luke laughed "I don't actually know everyone always wants me to be the person to get the plans out to everyone else but I'm cool with it."I laughed and do did Luke "well better get going Hannah wants me to help her with her math homework since she forgot to do it this weekend and its due tomorrow."I laughed "that girl needs to get her head in the game and okay we'll see y'all in a little bit."and with that we ended the phone call and right then Mia came out of the rest room looking beautiful as ever and started doing her hair "hey babe so they wanted to Skype us to so that a win win if I say so myself."I looked at her puzzled and she just looked at me and smiled"you heard everything didn't you?"I asked and she nodded. "Well I'm gonna go take a shower now and get ready for the call okay baby girl."again she nodded and I walked into the bathroom and started taking my shower.

Luke's POV
" hey guys we actually read their minds they want to Skype us to so that's a win win situation don't you think?"I asked and everyone laughed "so when are we going to Skype them?"Louis asked "when they finish getting ready or that's what ash told me Mia was in the shower as always."everyone nodded and we watched movies until it was a time to call the two lovebirds."hey everyone lets get ready to call the happy couple okay."I told everyone and they all went out their room s and got ready and I waited for them to come back downstairs to the dining room. Once everyone got back downstairs there was an incoming call and we answered it and sure enough it was the happy couple. "Hello there my beautiful family."Mia said with a smile on her face. Everyone laughed"I can't wait to see you again bestie."BRI said and Mia smiled "how is everything at the house you guys didn't break anything did you.?ash said looking straight at Cal and Mikey. They both looked at each other then back at Ashton's who had his dad face on "no we didn't we swear!" They both said with the hands up in defense. We all laughed including Mia and Ash from the screen "take it easy guys I'm pretty sure Ash is just playing."Mia smiled at us then looked at Ash with a stern look "oh yeah just playing sorry guys."Ash said while scratching the back of his neck. Man I miss them so much and its great that they are coming home tomorrow."hey you guys are coming home tomorrow right?"they both nodded and we all cheered maybe a little to loud because Mia and Ash had covered their ears until we stopped cheering. After we all calmed down we apologized to them "nah guys its okay we would have been the same way if it was the other way around."everyone nodded and smiled back at Mia and Ash until there was a knock from their side of the screen "hold on guys I'll be right back."Ash said before he walked off to answer the door and we could hear him and another male until he came back after pushing a small cart to the other side of the table."who was it Ash?"harry had asked "oh it was just room service he brought us breakfast for today."Everyone nodded and whispered to one another until it came to me and they all agreed that they wanted to let Mia and Ash go eat breakfast and us to start getting ready for bed I nodded and looked back at Mia and ash and they had confused expressions on their faces"hey guys everyone has agreed to let you go and eat breakfast."they both nodded "well then we will be off and we will keep you guys updated on what we are up to okay." Mia said and everyone nodded and we all said our goodbyes and ended the Skype call. Once that we ended the phone call everyone went to there rooms and got ready for bed.
Ashton's POV
Me and Mia put up the laptop and went back to sit at the dining table and started eating breakfast "well that was nice to see and hear how everyone is doing and all that stuff."Mia had said and I nodded "yeah that was really fun."we finished eating and cleaned the table a little bit so nothing will fall when the room service guy come and take the cart back to the kitchen. Then finally got to be lazy for a few hours of movies and being with each other until Mia sat up straight from the bed and after a few seconds I did to "baby I can't wait to go home I miss everyone." Mia looked at me and she looked like she was gonna cry so I pulled her towards me and hugged her tightly she cried into my shoulder "hey babe its okay if you wanna go home we can." Mia nodded her head against my shoulder " I love you Ashy."Mia said and placed a gentle kiss on my check. I places her on the bed and she went to sleep right away she looked so adorable. After a I did my business in the restroom I called management and they booked us a flight at three so we can have a few more hours to get ready to go home.

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