Home sweet home

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Calum's POV
Today was the day Ash and Mia where finally coming home. Everyone was getting ready even though they're not getting here until tonight because they are probably sleeping. I was just sitting on the couch until Luke came in "Calum did you put hair die in my shampoo again?"Luke yelled from the steps while he stormed into the living room and showed me the bottle of coconut shampoo with a blue tint in it. I pointed up the stairs "Mikey did it." I said and grabbed the TV remote and started channel surfing while Luke stormed off to Mikey's room. I heard laughing but I didn't know where it was coming from so I got up,turned off the TV and started looking around. Once I found out where the laughing was coming from it happens to be coming from the closet in the hallway so I opened the door and both Ash and Mia jumped out and scared the living poop out of me "surprise!" They both said and I laughed while Ash helped me up "what the hell you guys weren't suppose to be here until tonight." Everyone came downstairs and looked at the two love birds with the same confused face as I had. The first person Mia caught eye to eye with was none other then her twin "Lucas!""Mia"they both screamed each others names and ran straight for each other.

Luke's POV
I couldn't believe that they both where here so early and I couldn't contain myself when I saw my beautiful little sister."Lucas" " Mia" we both scream each others names while we ran toward each other. Once Mia and I were in our twin hug everybody gathered around and our twin hug now became a group hug. I didn't realize it until everyone pulled apart Mia was crying so I gave her another hug "why are you crying aren't you glad to be home?" I asked while Mia hugged my shirt tighter "yes I am happy to be home its just I missed you guys so much." Everyone hugged Mia again and she stopped crying. I pulled apart our hug and looked straight at Ashton "why are you looking at me like that?" He questioned I look back at Mia "explain something to me how the hell did you guys get here if your flight wasn't gonna get here until tonight?" They looked at each other "well you see Mia over here couldn't wait to come home or see you guys so she made me call and schedule a new flight that brought us home yesterday." Wait did he just say yesterday. I thought to myself for a minute then it hit me " wait are you saying you guys have been here since last night?" I questioned and they both nodded their heads. Hannah walked down the stairs but stopped at the last step "wow babe you look good with blue hair." She laughed and I just remembered someone put hair die in my shampoo " okay who's thinks it was funny to put hair die in my shampoo?" Both Mia and Ashton walked away slowly "oh so you thought it was funny huh we have an interview later for god sakes." They both laughed and ran up to their room with me on their tails but befor I could catch them they were already in their room with the door locked.

Mia's POV
"Wow that was fun." I said while laughing along with Ash "I know he was so pissed but it was worth it man its good to be home." There was a knock on the door and Ash looked at me and I shrugged and he opened the door "so you guys didn't think of calling me and Niall to tell us when you got home." Bri said while walking into the room and Niall right behind her. I walked up to her "I'm sorry Bri guess we forgot." I said while giving her a hug and she hugged me back while the boys did their secret handshake. After catching up and finding out Niall and Bri finally moved into together I was generly happy for the both of them and after they leave me and Ash start unpacking when there was another knock on our door so this time we I went to go opens it since I was already done because Ash kept trying to steal kisses from me but I wouldn't let him (well maybe for one or two but that was it.) So when I opened the door Luke was standing there but his back was turned towards me "hey bro what's up? I asked confused he turned around and scratched the back of his neck "um everyone was wondering if you guys aren't to tired if we could all go to the club tonight? I looked back at Ash and he nodded his head so then I turned back to Luke "yes that would be great we will get whenever your ready." I said and Luke smiled and we twin hugged each other like we always do. After Luke left Ash came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and aced lovely kisses on my neck and we swayed back and forth for a few minutes and I finally turned around and I kissed him deaply on his pretty pick lips
(AN:I'm gonna skip these part of the story because I don't want to go into detail or gross anyone out but I know someone will figure out what happened.) After me and Ash had our alone time in our room and did things we can never tell anyone else we started getting ready because Bri texted me a little while ago that her,Naill,Luke are getting ready and also told me and I quote"keep it down because nobody wants to hear that" I laugh and showed Ash and he laughed to. So now we are getting ready now after we took our showers. I'm gonna wear my gray dress that looks like it has glitter on it and and my black high heels and Ash is gonna wear some nice blue jeans and a white T-shirt that has the word Marvel's onand his black boots. We finish getting ready and head downstairs and everyone is waiting for us "man took you guys long enough but who knows maybe you guys were having fun up there." Calum winked at us and Mikey slapped the back of his head. Everyone laughed but calmed down and we all got in the vans to go to the club. Once we got to the club we got a table in the back and ordered some drinks and some shots because YOLO haha but yeah we ordered those and Harry clink his beer bottle with his nails and we all looked at him "here's to the happy couple who have just came from there two week honey moon wooh congrats you two may your days be happy and bright." We all cheered and clink our beer bottles together and each took a shot. We stayed at the club for a few hours everyone was hammered excepted for me and Luke because if everyone got drunk then who was gonna drive everyone home. When everyone was done I helped Mikey and harry into the van while Luke helped calum and Louis and Ashton helped Niall and Bri into the van and I went back to get Mikey and Hannah. Once everyone is in the van I get in the driver's seat and drove home. Finally when we got home everyone went straight to bed. I stayed up for a little long so I can clean myself up and take off my makeup once I was done I crawls into bed next Ash who is already fast asleep I lay next to him a lay down where my back is facinf him but suddenly he wraps his arms around me and kissed my check before laying back down and we both fell into a deep peaceful sleep.

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