I'm Glad

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Kei was being completely weird this morning. He wanted to do everything for me and he called me "cute" and "adorable." He doesn't ever really compliment me. But those did feel a bit more than a compliment though. I shrug it off as Kei zips up my jacket and hands me my bag. I look inside and he already packed all my homework and such inside.

"Kei  why are you being so nice?"

"I can't be nice every once in a while Tadashi?" I look over to him and he slings his own bag on.

"You've never really done it before through."

"It's something new I'm trying out." He opens the door to his bedroom and walks out. I follow him slowly pacing after him.

"Is this for everyone."

"Yeah I guess so." We reached the dining room and Kei grabs a bagel and stuffs it into his mouth.

"You wanna leave now?" He asks me this but it was more mumbled due to the bagel inside his mouth. The message got through anyway though.

I nod my head and he opens the front door and waits for me to go through. After realizing that is what he wanted I went through apologizing. He told me to shut up.

Karasuno really wasn't far from Kei's house and my house wasn't far from his house either. We would, every morning, meet at the intersection of where our streets meet, which was about three blocks away now.

I look over to Kei who was now holding a half eaten bagel. I look at the bagel and realized I was hungry. I must have been staring at it for a while because Kei offers it to me and I turn it down saying I would buy something to eat.

"We both know that you don't carry money. Take it."

I sigh and take the bagel from his hand and started eating from the side that he didn't bite from. He was right of course, Kei was always right.

Ever since I got bulled as a kid, I never carried money with me again. I didn't care if I was supposed to bring money to school or not. I still don't do it because I am afraid of getting hurt over it. People making fun of me, pushing me, telling me to carry their stuff. I never really got why Kei came and commented on those kids bullying me that one time. I was about to burst into tears and then he comes in and, well, says something about it.

Luckily the bullying did stop when Kei became my friend because I was always around him and no one dared to mess with him. Kei has always been super tall and I do admit he can be a smart ass and even though he is mean to me, I can deal with it because sometimes he really is nice to me and no one else gets to see that part of him.

I take another bite from the bagel and look up to Kei. I'm really glad that I meet him. He has been the only person to care for me really.

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