My Little Voice

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// If you know me well I don't really like doing author's notes but I think this one is necessary. As you know its the month of may and all this month I have been having nonstop tests and such. I had to take and prepare myself for those and not even gonna mention the stuff we are starting for band to get ready for next year.But now it is summer (which equals no more school) and I shall update once again!so please excuse my absence and this story being gone for so long. thank you for your understanding and patience with me!

// also to clear things up since there seemed to have been a bit of confusion. they did kiss in the last chapter because Kei smelled of strawberries and mint and Tadashi was curious of what it tasted like. And when Kei kissed Tadashi, Tadashi no longer what wondered they tasted like together due to the kiss. I hope this clears up some confusion a bit!


"Tadashi why are you home so late?"

"I just got confessed to mom!" I naturally just yell as I walk into my room slamming the door. I hear the shout of a "What!" but nothing else as I flop onto my bed.

Wow out of all the people in the world it had to be Kei. It just had to be.

I open my phone up and was about to naturally text Kei but I close out of it and went to a different number to text.

>Are you up? I need to ask about something

I set my phone down and just lay on the bed waiting for a response. I didn't get one till ten minutes later, which I was almost asleep. The vibrating of my phone on my stomach woke me straight up.

>Sorry I'm at Kageyama's house. just got here

I highly doubt you just got there but it doesn't matter since you replied.

>Tsukki says he likes me. what do I do

A two minute pause and then a response. Hinata probably asked Kageyama what to say back or something, making sure he didn't mess up.

>The question is do you like him back?

Did I honestly like like Tsukki the way he claims to like me?

Somewhere in the back of my mind a little voice was saying "yes" but could that be just me thinking I like him back because he's the first person to ever confess to me?

I never did answer Hinata's text and instead I just started at it. "The question is do you like him back?" The little voice kept telling me yes but for some reason I'm still not sure.

In the morning when I walked inside the gym of Karasuno everyone was already there. I felt a little embarrassed being the last one to walk in. When I was tying my shoes I realized that it's because of Kei that I get here so early and without him I never really been anywhere on time. He was always the one to push me along and I was always ready whenever Kei was ready.

"Yes."  I shoved the voice back down in my mind when Daichi-san called all of us to gather up to explain what this mornings practice was going to be about. He said that we need to find a partner to practice with receives with since that seems to be our sort of lowest point over all. Sugawara-san tried to cheer everyone up by saying that there's always room for improvement since we've all have grown so well in different ways but we also need a strong defense as well as offense.

I liked how Sugawara-san said it better a bit.

I found myself naturally scanning the room for  Kei who happened to be actually standing right behind me the whole time. I smiled up at him and he gave a faint smile back and asked if I would like to be his partner. I said yes without hesitation with that little voice in the back of my head who keeps saying yes as well, but after saying yes I immediately thought of what happened last night, but its too late to say no.

Kei seemed to stand up a bit straighter and he was smiling a bit bigger and I realized that he was actually was leaning over a bit and his hands were clasped together like they usually are when he's nervous about something. Kei was getting nervous over me?

"Yes," called out the little voice in my head again.

I followed Kei outside the gym after he grabbed a volleyball from Sugawara-san, who gave him a really proud smile when he saw me standing beside Kei. I inhaled and instantly thought, He knows what happened, that's why he said "good luck" he said it not to me, but to Kei.

I tried to not make eye contact with Sugawara-san when we walked away and once we were outside I asked Kei "Why are we going outside, when its very hot out here?"

"It's a nice day outside and we don't have to listen to the screaming and yelling of the King and Queen if we come out here. Everyone's going to be in gym too, too crowded" Of course Kei would have a fully thought explanation. Kei had a point, it's true, its nice outside and sometimes Hinata and Kageyama do give me a headache just listening to them, but also...

This was a sign that Kei wanted to talk and didn't want anyone else to hear about what he going to say. Which usually Kei never really cared about what others heard from him. He liked making people upset really and although it was somewhat amusing, its still somewhat kinda mean. Could never tell Kei that because like I said its kinda amusing to watch whatever snide comments Kei comes up with.

Kei stops walking and holds out the volleyball to me in his left hand. "Do you mind if I ask you what your answer is?"

I wasn't really surprised that he asked. Of course he would want an answer and the signs were their that he wants an answer too.

"What do you think it is though?" I ask getting myself in position, ready to receive once Kei sets the volleyball to me.

Kei sighs and lowers his arm with the volleyball in it. He looks at the volleyball for a moment, holding it high above his head with both hands. "I honestly don't know but I'm hoping for a yes. A no is cool too though I guess."

That last part was obviously a lie. 

Kei glances over to me before he sets the volleyball over and I receive it sort of alright but it doesn't go back over to Kei at all. It just went up in the air and before I could figure out where it would land, it hits me on the head.

Kei rushed over to me and checks my head but I kept insisting I was fine as he pulled up my face to meet his. Redness crept into his cheeks and he shoved my face back down to look at the top of my head again. "It looks fine," he comments before releasing me.

We kinda just stand there an arms length away from each other. If I could stretch out my arm I could touch his face and pull him closer to me and...

Woah, woah wait there Yamaguchi Tadashi. You are still in the middle of practice!

I close my eyes and once I hear footsteps I open them. I was expecting Kei to be standing in front of me but he wasn't. He had already picked up the volleyball that hit me on the head and he had it in both of his hands and just stared down at it. He was breathing in and out slowly like he was trying to calm himself down.

"Kei?" I said walking over to him and bending down to me in front of his face instead of the volleyball.

"Yes?" He asks his breath landing on me, he once again smelled like strawberries and mint. I liked how it smelled, but I liked how it tasted much better.

"About my answer?"

Kei's eyebrows shoot up as he studies my face, not replying.

"Yes." I say rather confidently with my little voice in my head. "Yes I do like you as well."

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