Something Is Happening

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"Hey Kei what's your opinion on gays?" Kei stops walking and turns to me with a questioning look.


"I think-" No I won't say names. " -someone on our team is in a relationship with someone else on our team as well."

Kei breathes out looking somewhat disappointed. "It wouldn't surprise if they were. But why the sudden question?"

He starts to walk again and I follow standing beside him. "What if I decided I was gay right now? Would you still like to have me around?"

Kei stops walking completely and slowly turns to me. "Why is there someone you like?"

He looked very eager to hear my answer which confused me. He was never eager about anything.

Ok that was a lie. When he heard that Jurassic World was coming out in Japan, he immediately bought advance tickets. It was 3D and everything you could get bonus ever. On opening night he dragged me by the collar of my shirt all the way to the movie theater.

"No it was just a thought." I say scratching at my face with my pointer finger.

His face flushes with disappointment but also relief.

"You look disappointed. Is there something you aren't telling me?" Kei's eyes widen and he speed walks away from me while putting his headphones on.


"Why is there someone you like?"

Why would he care? Not to be rude or anything but he has never cared for my love life and I'm always somehow asking and am involved in his.

"This girl came to me today asking about you."


"Well she-"

"Tell her I already have someone I like."

Every time a girl comes up to me they always want to talk about him. I hate it and that's why I don't like talking to girls really.

"Tsukki who do you like?"

Every time I would ask he would become extremely flustered and would tell me to shut up. I kinda wish he would just tell me.

I wake up from a nudge on my shoulder. I look around and apparently I fell asleep in class. Luckily I didn't get caught. I stretch and something falls to the floor with a thud. Ah a book, it's Kei's. It was most likely covering my sleeping face and it would have (or did) it's job well. I get up and something else also falls to the floor. Kei's jacket.

I rush to find him and when I do I give him his book (which he gladly accepts) and then his jacket (which he declined) He said to keep it, he didn't need it. He's being really nice to me and its getting weird.

For the rest of the day I went around wearing Kei's jacket because I left mine in the gym during morning practice and it was a bit chilly today, both inside and outside of the school. When I gave the jacket back he seemed a bit disappointed again and I told him so. He snapped at me and wouldn't look at me anymore as he walked away.

"Hinata, Ke- Tsukki is acting weird again." I said as I approached Hinata when we had a little break during practice.

"What do you mean? He still seems like the arrogant jerk we all know."

"He wasn't asking you Tob- BAKAYA- OW!" Kageyama smacks Hinata on the head with enough force that would have knocked some of my teeth out.

"Why do you guys do that?"

"Do what?" Hinata starts rubbing the back of his head while Kageyama sits down beside him. Hinata and I take the hint and sit down as well.

"You guys call each other by your first names. I mean why hide the fact that you are?"

Kageyama sighs and wraps an arm around Hinata and pushes him closer to himself to my surprise. Hinata looks up to Kageyama completely confused and a little scared. Kageyama just nods and Hinata turns to me slowly.

"Can you keep a secret?" Hinata asks tilting his head to the side.

I nod my head eager of what he has to say.

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