Chapter 1

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Chapter one:

"Mia, come on!" My friend, Megan, begs. "Just this once!"

"No, Meg," I roll my eyes. "I'm not interested in partying just so Carrie can go and make fun of me...again."

"Would you forget about Carrie, already and just have some fun?" She pleads.

"No, plus I have plans with my dad." I avert my gaze.

"Well can't you just ask him if you can bail? Just this once?" By this time, Megan is on her hands and knees begging me and now everyone is staring at us.

"Fine!" I sigh. "Just get up, everyone is staring."

"Yay!" She exclaims hugging me. "You can borrow one of my outfits."

"Whatever," I mutter.

Megan is ridiculous. She knows how much I hate going to parties and she still wants me to go? She's going to blow me off anyway like she always does. Once she spots Jake at the party, she'll be all over him and then I'll be standing in the middle of the room alone while everyone around me grinds on each other. I love Megan to death but sometimes I don't understand her. Megan is crazy and outgoing and sometimes I wish that she wasn't because it gets me noticed. I'm not one to be in the spotlight, especially with my 'dazzling' sister around.

My sister, Lily, is a year older than me but we're in the same grade. She's eighteen, and I'm seventeen, along with my twin brother, Aiden and we're all junior's at Melbrook High School. Mom and Dad, for some insane reason, wanted us to all graduate at the same time. They just got lucky that we all popped out around the same time period. I always question my parents decisions and it's not because I'm supposed to, seeing as I'm only seventeen, but they are just...weird. Sometimes, they act like they're teens and I can't stand it. Although I must admit, I sort of like that they are so playful and childish and thinking that it is plain weird kind of keeps me sane.

Sometimes, Melbrook really surprises me. Lily and I are so much different on the social ladder. Lily is way up there in the popular crowd with the most popular girl in school, Carrie, and I am no where near there. I am all the way down there with the freaks and geeks and all of the loners. Unlike Lily, I don't mind being down there. Some of those freaks and geeks are actually pretty nice and interesting. The only ones I don't associate myself with would probably be the gamers. It is always about games and anime with them and sometimes I can't handle it. Don't get me wrong, I love my fair share of video games but they aren't my life.

Aiden and Megan are somewhat in the same general area on the social ladder. Megan is a little bit above him but that's most likely because Megan is really preppy and outgoing and she's not afraid to voice her opinions. Megan and I have some similar qualities but other than that, we're complete opposites. I am pretty shy and I hate voicing my opinions because then if you say something "wrong" you get glares and you feel like you want to die. I swear, people in this school act like you can't even have a different opinion. We all have to think the same way, act the same way, and even party the same way.

"Hey little sis," Aiden greets with a hug and messes up my hair.

"I'm not so little, doofus," I roll my eyes with a smile plastered to my face. "We're twins, or did you forget?"

"You won't let me forget," He pushes me.

"You know, you're lucky we're in public." I say with a death glare.

"Or what?" He teases.

"Or you'd be getting' a beat down," I hiss playfully.

"Yea right," He laughs. "You're all talk but no action."

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