The storm

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Blue crystal waters surges around me.

Bubbles trail from the surface where I had entered.

Normally, I would take precautions in securing where I have gone, but for once everyone wasn't woried about me. They were worried about my party.

Why couldn't I be a normal peasant girl, the ones where they didn't care if they went to the ocean. Being a princess, everyone was In your business, and they made up rules that made my life a living hell. Of course, making my name come alive, I go against the authority and "do what I want" that includes breaking the biggest rule, venturing out beyond the castle walls and entering the ocean.

I swim and dive joyously in the water like a happy seal. I love these moments where the water is cool and soothing and also calm.

I climb onto the rock wall that separates the castle and the actual deep blue sea.

When a storm comes, this protects us as well as the surrounding wall around the castle. Access water rests on our side, but it is enough to swim and such.

Dangling my feet on the other side, I think to myself and wonder. Why is the ocean feared? To me it's the best place an eight year old could ever be! Am I foolish to think so?

I brush the subject off my shoulders and sigh.

"REBEL ROSEMARY CORDELIA MAE! GET BACK HERE AT ONCE!" my first maid, Lady Watson literally screams at me.

Over the waves I hear only certain things so I ignore her pleas. After a minute, I roll my eyes and look back at Lady Watson. Her eyes big and she has lost her voice screeching at me. I turn back and sigh once more, looking at the horizon. Slowly getting up, I stretch and wave at Lady Watson to show that I was coming.

Suddenly, a gust of wind pushes me back toward the ocean and I stumble. I gain me balance back, but panic arises inside me.

Lady Watson begins screaming for help now as more people come. They filter out and watch there poor princess struggle. Butlers strip their petty coats and try to swim to me, but the tide has come in, making it difficult to swim.

I grip the rocks and breathe, scrunching my eyes tight together. The once bright day turns horrible in less then a moment. More screams come from the shore as people gather. My limbs go numb from pain and the cold, I try to move but another wind comes, knocking my more over the edge.

I climb back up and stand, fright it written over everyone's face, even my own. My clothes whip painfully In the wind, along with my hair. I crouch low but that doesn't aid me at all.

Once last gust of wind comes, but the force is gale (really big) and flings me backward.

I scream and try to reach for something, anything. I hit the ocean on the other side of the wall hard, along with rocks.

Blood wisps around me, again my limbs go numb with pain.

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