The Scent

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My site is failing me.

From blood loss and lack of oxygen, i feel my body failing me. Blackness takes over the edges of my eyes as I look up to see myself sinking down farther and farther.

My last bubble of air escapes my mouth, unconsciousness takes over my body.

Finn POV:

Why do I have to have a tail?

Seriously! I am a boy, not some stupid frilly mermaid that sings and steals sailors hearts! The only think I can steal is food off of my own plate, yeah doesn't even make sense.

I stare at my tail and pout. Being a young merman does not help your ego. My father always told me that being a Merman is a nobel prize! That I should cherish it! Whatever, I just want to get out of this hell and swim somewhere else.

There are two different mermaids in this world. One is my kind, the type where we celebrate everything and sing all happily. The only thing good about our kingdom is the food and the soldiers. They protect our kingdom from the "others".

Humans and rogues.

Rogues are mermaids that have turned fully. They have sharp teeth, nails like razors and there skin is a nasty green. Like seaweed. You never want to venture into there territory because you never come back. They are nearest to the humans because they eat off any dumb human that fall into the water. But it's rare when humans do, since they blocked there kingdom with two walls.

I sigh and look out toward danger territory, Watching the soldiers guard forcefully. I have always wanted to become a soldier, to actually have a life of adventure and danger.

Maybe that's what I should do today, instead of sitting around. I sit up in my kelp bed and stretch, then swim out my window.

My black tail sways gracefully as I swim. I am the only merman that has ever had a black tail, which makes me feel cool. I swim through the sea village and avoid everyone, but it's hard being the kings son. But I'm the youngest so nobody pays any attention to me.

Everyone was buying what they please for tonights gala. This gala especially was important because it was my birthday. I didn't care though, adventure was on my mind.

I get to the gates, they're surprisingly open, guess more guest are coming then expected. Hiding behind a pillar, I look to the village for an opening. Shells come in full of other supplies and random objects that I don't even know how to name. Color flows everywhere, all the way up to the impending castle. It's not as big as the human one, but it's of great size.

I see no one looking and slip in deeper past the gates. I stay low to the ground so nothing notices me, and so far I have done well. Rocks and other ungroomed weeds rest in desolate places.

Out here it is like a human desert I may say, but with more water then anything.

Creeping around boulders and reefs, I make my way farther, farther beyond my boundaries. I pretend to be a soldier as I stalk my unseen pray. I imagine smelling sweet nectar as my prize, underwater berries were my favorite, but their actual name escapes my mind. I look out into the deep blue and see nothing. Maybe this is why father doesn't let me out here, there is nothing to celebrate. The water is beautiful, as I gaze out once more. I breathe in and puff out my chest to look a bit manly. To bad it doesn't work.

But something catches my attention.

Another smell lurks within the currents, drawing me forward. My mouth somehow waters more because of the lucious smell. Immediately I swim towards the smell, which directs me out father.

My huger intensifies as the smell does. Even my teeth hurt from the pull. I don't know anything, I just swim.

Before I know it, I'm near the sector wall. Where all three worlds are divided into thee parts. One human. One mermaid. And one monster. Monster including the rogue mermaids. The sector wall literally cuts all worlds into thirds.

The smell is closer now, it takes over my body like a mermaids voice. But when I get to the connecting, nothing is there. I touch the walls in confusion.

The smell is still there.

I look for anything to let my see through the wall. Finally, I find something to help me. I peek through the tiny crevice and spot the unexpected.

A floating little girl.

Her hair flows in long strands of copper. Each strand mirrors her heart shaped face, which consists of big bright eyes, perfect lips, and a button nose. She looks so weird, but so perfect.

My moment ends when I catch another whiff of her blood. But I'm not the only one. Or thing.

As she sinks farther down, rogues circle her.

They lick there slimy lips, and grin. My body trembles with rage as it boils inside me.

I growl and do the unexpected.

Swimming backwards, I then charge the wall with force and swim up. I break the surface and are greeted by a horrid storm.

I shiver as I crash through monster territory. Bubbles catch my attention as all settles.

I swim to the girls body and smile. But that all fades when I realize what I have done.

There is only one thing on my mind.



Haha that was long! I feel proud of myself :) hope you guys like it! Took me awhile to think it through! Don't really like this chapter because I feel like its poorly done :P oh well. Again, hope you all liked it :) I will update sooner :)

Catch you on the flip side!

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