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After a few weeks went by the school was getting ready for their mid term exams.
An-chan : " Aw man I'm gonna fail my mid term exams I don't think I can do this".
Onodera : " Yes you can all you need to do is some studying".
An-chan : " Even if I do study I won't get it".
Onodera : " I herd the college had a program for individual students who have a hard time to study alone why won't we take it together".
An-chan : " YEAH LET'S DO IT"!
There's 2 weeks bofore the mid terms Onodera and An-chan sign up everyday after school to get some work done. Each group of students have their own student teacher to help them.
Takano : " Hello my name is Takano Masamune and I'll be you group teacher.
Onodera spits out his coffee and caused an uproar.
Onodera : " EHHHHH! We don't need you we want an actual professor"!!!
Professor: " Hahaha don't get angry Onodera, Takano have the best grades in the class so I thought he would be a good example for you guys".
An-chan : " Aww this would be like a little study date hehehe".
Onodera : " I refuse the offer let's go An-chan".
Takano : " At least I don't have low standard grades at the moment".
Onodera stoped at the door and he realized that his studies wasn't great either so he put a fake smile on his face and went back to his seat.
Takano : " Now we can began the lesson".
When the study hour was over Takano gave Onodera and An-chan a big thick packet to do to help them study for the mid terms.
An-chan : " Aw man this is a lot to do I won't able to play my otome games.
Takano : " See that the problem you play more games than doing your work gosh no wonder your grades sucks".
Onodera : " Hey don't put it that way you will hurt her feelings".
Takano : " I only speak the truth".
Onodera : " Well it can hurt others you know".
An-chan started to her studies while Takano and Onodera was having a little argument.
Onodera : " Look all I'm saying is to be a litter nicer next time can you do that for once"*damn so crule*
Takano : " Fine but when it comes to fooling around I don't play, like we did last ni-.
Onodera : " AHA! OK let's get to work ahahah"*shut your mouth*.

Takano : " Hmph".
The three of them studied for hours and hours they studied English, math, science, History anything they covered from their classes.
Onodera : " Ah shit it's 1 am we should get to bed".

An-chan : " Yeah your right I should get going".
Takano : " Not so fast"
An-chan : " Eh?"
Takano : " It too dangerous for you walk alone at night just stay here".
Onodera : " Yeah he's right".
An-chan : " Ah ok but I get to sleep on the bed".
Onodera : " Eh but-
Takano : " Of course you will we don't want you to catch a cold, Onodera sleep on the couch"
Onodera : " *And all of the sudden I have people telling me what to do in my dorm room"*.
They went to sleep Onodera have one of thoes couches that have a bed inside, so him and Takano slept in the same bed in a separate room from An-chan.
Onodera : " Um can you move over some I'm on the edge here".
Takano moved over and wrapped Onodera into his arms.
Onodera : " Ugh Takano-san let go".
Takano : " Just let sleep like this for awhile".
Onodera : " Ah geez".
In the morning they started their first exam.
Teacher : " You may start now!".
Onodera : " Ok question one".
All of them was testing for a nice long while but on the other hand they was also timed.
Teacher : " You have 10 minutes left!
An-chan : " Oh no I have 20 questions left I can't finish in time, I guess I will bomb the last hand full".No that wouldn't help me either.
Onodera : " Oh no she's freaking out I should at least something".
Takano went up to the teacher and whispered to him about something.
Teacher : " Time is up"!
An-chan : " Oh no I only have 9 more to go".
Teacher : " For thoes who need extra time please remain seated".
An-chan : " *Yes this is what I need I hope I'm not the only one"*

It's was An-chan  and 15 other people left in the room. An-chan finished her exam and the only hope is to wait for her results.
Onodera : " Man I thought I was gonna die on the middle of the exam".
Takano : " Did the study guides I gave you two helped at all"?
Onodera and An-chan : " Yeah".
Takano smerks with success and carried on his day.
Onodera : " Man my neck hurts from all that testing".
An-chan : " I know my palms started to get all sweaty, but the hard part is over now".
Onodera : " Your right now we have to focus on the actual Finals that's coming up".
An-chan : " Yes and we have to study like it's no tomorrow".
Onodera : " Right!".
When the mid terms was officially over Onodera and An-chan made a decision to study every weekend together with a little help from Takano even though Onodera didn't like the idea but he needs the extra support an order to pass all of his classes.

Sekaiichi hatsukoi ( transfer student ) Where stories live. Discover now