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Last night was fun VERY fun Onodera was the first one to wake up but he felt a lot of pain in his lower back.
Onodera : " OW ow ow, ugh damn it he's always too"?
Onodera tries to get out of bed but it felt like something was stuck inside of him.
Onodera : * OH SHIT* Takano wake up your dick is still inside of me".
He tries to pull out but do to his back pain he couldn't move as much as he wanted.
Onodera : " ow ugh my back fucking hurts".
Takano : "mmm......"
Onodera : " You baka I know your awake, please get it out!"
Takano : " 5 more minutes....."
Onodera : " No not "5 more minutes" take it out NOW!"
Takano : " Take what ou-"
Takano : " Oh shit sorry, I guess it felt so good I didn't want it to take it out".
Onodera blushed and he was set free from Takano, they both took a shower and began their day.
Since it was a Sunday they both decided to look for part time Jobs for the up coming summer break.
Onodera : " hmmm maybe I can work at the book store."
Onodera was circling some job on the news paper for part time Jobs, can't do full time do to school and homework.
Takano : " Got a job yet"?
Onodera : " Give me a second, I'm looking, and what about you how is your job searching".
Takano : " I got my job the first time they laid eyes on me, I didn't even get to finish my interview".
Onodera : " EHHHH!, really sugoi Takano-san".
Takano : " Lucky shot I guess".
Onodera headed out to a job interview, he was going to work for a video game store "Game co."
Onodera : " Wow that interview was easier that I thought, well even tho is was ran by a bunch or nerds".
He got the job now he can buy supplies and books for next semester classes.
Onodera : " I'm back, and I got the job".
Takano : " Really, congratulations Onodera, we should celebrate".
Onodera : " Ok how about a BBQ".
Takano : " Sounds good too me and I'll get some beer, this time I'm getting the light beer for you".
Onodera : " WHAT why I'm not a child".
Takano : " Because YOU get drunk very easily you drunk".
Onodera : " Ugh whatever at least I get to drink something".
Takano : " Hmph, well I'll be back later".
Onodera : " Same here".
They both exit put of the dorm and headed to a near by grocerie store to get the food that they needed for tonight's celebration.
Onodera : " I'm back".
Onodera arived at the dorm room and seems like Takano wasn't there yet.
Onodera : " Hmm he's not home yet....... Ah never mind it's not like that I'm worried or anything".
30 minutes passed then Takano stepped through the door.
Takano : " I'm sorry there was a bit of traffic on the streets".
Onodera : " Well as long as you came home safely, don't scare me like that".
Takano : " Awww you really do care".
Onodera : " B-BAKA of course I don't, ugh let's jut celebrate".
Takano cooked the meat to its perfection and Ono seat up the table for tonight's feast, steaks and smashed potatoes with "light beer".
Onodera : " Ugh I told you not to get this kind".
Takano : " Well I have too your tolerance is very low".
Onodera : " I can handle 8 cans thank you very much".
Takano : " Oh 8 new record".
Onodera : " Sheez so mean".
Onodera and Takano sat and ate dinner together it was some what quiet but the mostly talked about their future schedule for their jobs.
Onodera : " So I'm working on Fridays and Saturdays what about you".
Takano : " Sundaysand Mondays".
Takano : " But that means we won't see each other that often".
Onodera face began to frown not that he's depressed but the thought and feeling that he won't get to see Takano on the weekends.
Onodera : " I guess so, but we will make time for that there always will be right"?
Takano : " Who knows we're just gonna have to Wait and see".
Onodera : " Yeah".
Onodera left Takano dorm room for the night he gave him a kiss good bye and went home.
Onodera arived at hid place he dropped all of his stuff at the door and flopped on his bed and went to sleep.
The next day, Onodera went to his counselor office to discuss about his testing scores. His counselor said that he's doing fine but needs to improve in every class an order to major his sophomore class courses.
Counselor:" Yeah I don't know why your professor is freaking out, your scores are above average".
Onodera : " REALLY".
counselor:"Y-yeah just doing what your doing and just pass the class, but I recommend that you use every our of your free time to study your almost there".
Onodera : " A-ah ok I see".
Onodera looked down at his hands with sadness he realizes that he won't spend time with Takano the much as he wanted too. He was starting to accept their relationship but now he has to focus on school.
Onodera : " * I hope this won't drift us apart"*.

Onodera exits out of the counselor office and began to walk to the library like he normally would, he messaged Takano to meet up with him at the library to talk about their relationship. Takano quickly replied and he was on his way.
Takano : " What's up you ok"?
Onodera : " Huh oh no I'm fine its just I want to talk with you for a moment".
Takano : " Ok what's up".
Onodera : " Don't get me wrong I love you and I want to spend my time with as much as I can, but I really need to focus on my classes".
Takano : "I see, and I understand your situation".
Onodera : " Thank you, so what I'm saying is I need to focus on school and my job so I can pay for my upcoming final exams and this means I won't spend time with you for a long time".
Takano eye's widen and his heart sank, but he knows what's Onodera is going threw and not to mention he's in the same situation too with his classes and job.
Takano : " So I guess we have to put our relationship on hold".
Onodera began to cry but at the same time he's holding back the tears.
Onodera : " Just for now and if things gets better I'll let you know".
Takano and Onodera both hugged and kissed and went their separate ways to continue their dreams.

Will this be the end of sekaiichi hatsukoi (transfer student ) or will there be another book I'm not sure I'm thinking about it XD. Well there you have it the last chapter.

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