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In dedication of my Boobear who is 24!

*wipes tears dramatically* They grow up so fast...

Dedication also to @thedreamerkid you'll see why my dear...

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"Harry was not funny,"

Niall started and the congregation let out a few chuckles.

"But he tried to be. Although he did have the funniest of falls,"

Laughter from the audience because these falls were life. (Video on the side haha)

"I never shared a room with him on tour or sat next to him on a plane cause he was always getting naked. That boy had no chills. Nop. That was Louis' job,"

Some more laughter as Louis looked downwards smiling and blushing like an idiot.

"He aspired to learn how to dance. We'd come up with ridiculous moves and do them onstage and just have fun."

He took a deep breathe before continuing.

"I still never taught him the irish dance. That's a promise I will keep, till the next lifetime."

His eyes became glossy.

"M'gonna miss our inside jokes cause no one's gonna laugh about them but us."

A smile broke out on his face.

"And our stupid moments during interviews. He was such a screw up. With a very perverted mind."

A few more chuckles from the audience.

"But I'm really gonna miss you most Haz. No one's ever gonna replace you. Forever."

He finished as the first tear rolled down his cheek.

* * *

"I'm not a man of many words,"

Laughter from the crowd who know better, as Liam stood at the podium at the front of the cathedral. You could basically hear fans worldwide saying 'yeah right!'

"Ok occassionally. So I wrote a letter to my dear best friend."

He reached into his coat pocket and removed a white envelope. He opened the unsealed object and removed a piece of paper. He unfolded it and read it:

Dear Harry,
     I'm not writing this letter to give the Story Of My Life. I just want to briefly replay our Moments all Over Again.
     Since day one, you were Strong. And you didn't care that you were not funny. You And I can both agree you seriously weren't, yet you would Stand Up and say the dumbest of jokes and we would still laugh. I salute you for that and all the Little Things you constantly did.
     I will not Change My Mind when I say I Wish you weren't Taken. We need you Right Now because Nobody Knows what you mean to us.
     It's Gotta Be You. We want to make our Same Mistakes again with you and only you. I Want to see your smiling dimpled-face again. I Would never let you fall because don't deserve to. We want to Save You Tonight. Cause we are Ready To Run.
     If you weren't counting, that was the 18th song. You deserve Something Great. And for number 21, I'm gonna say,
Love Liam :)

Fight To Finish (Larry) ☑️Where stories live. Discover now