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"If I had a superpower, I'd want to time travel."
"Why not stay young forever?"
"Because that would be my supernatural power."
"You really are an idiot."

Louis and Eleanor laughed over breakfast at IHOP-International House Of Pancakes (I doubt there actually is one but just go with it dammit haha xx). It's honestly like the best place to get fresh pancakes with some of the most amazing toppings and flavours.

On this day, Eleanor had taken Louis out for the day. Just two former friends catching up. It was nice. Louis felt almost relieved to breathe the outside air again. Away from the awkwardness at the asylum, where there were actual mad people.

Louis was nowhere close to where 3/4 of the population there were.


And he almost forgot about Harry. Almost!

"So what have you planned for my day out of prison, Ms. Calder?"
"It's not prison. It's a help facility."
"Longitude. Latitude. Same shit."
"No Lou, those are most definately not the 'same shit'."

She laughed.

"Oh you know what I mean!"

She laughed and shrugged.


She said in a sing-song voice, eyeing Louis intently with something much more than friendly banter.

"Such a tease."
"I'm still not telling you where I am taking you after this."
"No? Why not?"

A pout forming on his lips.

"Because it's a special place and that would ruin the fun in the surprise."
"What kind of special place."
"For special people."

* * *


Another day off with Eleanor.

He was definately seeing the world on a whole new level.

Not that he enjoyed going out with Eleanor. Nop. It's cause the asylum was suffocating him. Not literally.

He walked back into his room, only to be met face-to-face with a furious Harry.

Oh boy...

"Where have you been?"
"I was out. I told you before I left."
"Out with the prostitute again."
"Hey! That's not a nice thing."
"I'm done being done Louis! So fucking done!"

His eyes turned a fire-red. He had Louis pinned to the door and his breathing was harsh and rugged, almost like he was having an asthma attack or something. To say Louis was scared was a mere understatement. But that didn't prevent him from standing up for himself. Harry wasn't the dominant in this relationship.

He was!

He ducked under Harry's arm and walked to the closet.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."
"You're avoiding me Louis."
"No I'm not."
"Then where on earth are you going?"
"The facility's having a farewell party for Mr. Crook."
"You don't like Mr. Crook Louis!"
"It's a friendly gesture!"
"Your mind is being poisoned!"

Harry shouted and slapped Louis right across his cheek. He let out a shocked gasp and grabbed his cheek, slowly looking back up at Harry who showed no regret.

"What the fuck is your problem?"
"It's you! You and that whore ex-girlfriend!"
"Stop insulting her! You're acting like a cunt!"

Harry scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

Fight To Finish (Larry) ☑️Where stories live. Discover now