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Dedication to @Larry_Lashton for the pic on the side xx...

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"Our next guests have been on break for over 17 months now. Ladies and gentlemen, we've missed them, it's One Direction!"

*applause* *screams*

Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson walk on stage, waving to the inhouse audience, that is going crazy; screaming, hugging and crying.

They greet Ellen DeGeneres and take a seat on the white couch.

(E-Ellen H-Harry L-Louis N-Niall Li- Liam)

E- So boys, this interview has been awaited with such eager and zeal by many.


E- How does it feel to be back?

Li- Oh wow! It feels amazing!


N- We were talking on the flight here and were just saying how much we missed this side of our lives.

E- How were your breaks?

L- The break was much needed. But there was that point when we'd call each other and just go, 'how much longer?'


E- Do you think it may have been too long?

H- Ok maybe 18 months may have been too long. That we can agree.

The younger audience agree and Harry looks up at them.

H- Oh stop! We're back and that's all that matters.

*applause* *screams*

E- Each of you has been super active last year. Harry and Niall went into Hollywood.


E- Louis you've been doing promo for your album as well as a ton of charity work and I think that is very commendable.


H- Excuse me! But we did promo as well.

E- I know Harry. People see your all your faces and go, 'what's the latest thing they've done?'


E- But Louis has received a lot of hate for what he's been doing. Tell me about that.

L- Honestly, I kind of just ignored it. People were saying that I'm trying to raise the band's name higher than it already is cause I won't be coming back and that was just ridiculous.

E- That's true. People were saying you'd be leaving cause now you're what? 25? Apparently that's too old to be in the band and you would leave.

L- I highly doubt I would leave even if you beat me with a buttersock.

*laughter* *applause* *screams*

E- And how did you guys react to this?

Li- To be honest? Harry cried.

Harry buries his pink face into his hands, Louis pulling him to his chest.


The younger audience silently chant 'Larry!'

Fight To Finish (Larry) ☑️Where stories live. Discover now