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-It's been two months since I promised an epilogue but I've been dealing with some things, but hey, it's nearly Christmas. Here's a little present!!-

It took five years, five years of pure happiness for it to all break down, Dean was stable, no self harming, no nightmares or monsters in his head... for five years. Then everything went bad.

Dean and Castiel had been planning their wedding, coming up in one month, on their third anniversary Castiel had proposed, replacing the promise ring on Dean's finger for a fancy engagement ring, they had moved in together as soon as they graduated high school and neither of them regretted it.

Dean had left to go talk to the caterer for the wedding, supposed to be home at six ready for dinner. Six o'clock passed and so did seven, eight, nine and so on. At eleven pm Castiel got a phonecall.

"Castiel Novak?" The stranger asked.

"That's me." He said, sitting up from the position he'd been sat in since Dean hadn't come home.

"Okay... your fiancé was in a car crash, he's in a bad condition."

Before they could even stop speaking, Castiel was up and running to the car and starting it up. "I'm on my way." He said as soon as he had the name of the hospital.

Twenty minutes later once he had Dean's room number he was standing outside, shaking like an idiot as he pushed the door open.

Dean was sat up in bed, three pillows propping him up and Sam was there as soon as he saw Castiel he rushed over. "Cas... he can't remember."

"Can't remember what?" Castiel asked.

"Meeting you... me growing up."

Castiel froze before looking over at Dean in disbelief.

Dean was first to break the silence.

"Who are you?"


I believe we need a sequel... oops. If I promised a happy ending, I apologise for breaking that promise.

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