Chapter Ten - The Only Person I Care About

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Castiel was woken up by the shrill noise of his phone, he groaned and looked at the clock and grabbed his phone.

"Who the hell is this? Why am I being phone at three am?" he almost yelled.

"It's Dean," Gabriel whispered "he tried to kill himself, we don't know if he'll make it, we're waiting for the ambulance now."

"I'll be there I'll get Lucifer to drive me" he said, getting of bed quickly.

"Hurry Cas, I don't know if he'll make it."

"Okay," Castile hung up and ran out of his room and straight to Lucifer's.

"Lucifer wake up," he yelled jumping on his bed, attempting to hold back his tears

"Cas... what the hell?" he mumbled groggily sitting up looking at him "why are you crying? What's wrong?"

"Dean... he's in hospital" he sniffed "we need to go."

"What the hell is going on?" Balthazar grumbled from the doorway.

"Lucifer we need to go." Cas mumbled pulling at his arm.

"Okay, okay." Lucifer jumped out of bed and looked around "fuck it, I'm going in my pyjamas." He muttered.

"Going where?" the three siblings demanded from the doorway.

"Hospital, now move it Luce."

Lucifer nodded and grabbed his car keys.

"Why hospital?"

"I don't know, something about Dean" Lucifer muttered.

"He tried to kill himself." Castiel muttered

"We're coming." They all shouted.

"No, he doesn't know I'm a Novak, it's bad enough he's done this, he does not need to find out who I am today."

They all nodded "call us though."

Castiel nodded and dragged Lucifer to the car, he drove fast, way over the speed limit and pulled into the hospital ten minutes later, Castiel didn't even wait till the car stopped before jumping out and running to the waiting room ignoring the looks he got for being in only his pyjamas.

"Dean Winchester?" He asked the receptionist.

The woman looked at tired messy haired boy and smiled sadly "you can't see him, sorry, but there's two other boys over there waiting for him." She said gesturing to where Gabriel and Sam sat.

"Thanks" he mumbled

"Castiel, you could've waited." Lucifer mumbled catching up.

He shrugged "can't see him anyway, c'mon there's Gabriel."

Lucifer nodded and followed Castiel over to Gabriel.

"What happened?" Castiel demanded.

"It's my fault." a still crying Sam whispered.

"I don't believe that, how the hell is your fault?"

"He was so happy," Sam whispered "I should've left it, I told him you would hurt him, and he told me he could handle himself and I shouted at him I told him if he could handle himself he wouldn't have been to four mental hospitals and wouldn't have tried to kill himself, I brought this on, it's my fault."

"Sam..." Cas started.

"Don't try saying it's not my fault, I shouldn't have said it."

"No you shouldn't have, but what can you do? You can't go back in time and change, but you can be here for him now, you can be there when he wakes up, because he will."

"Do you really care Castiel? I've never seen you like this."

"You've seen the facade, I make people think I don't care what they say, I make people think I'm some kinda whore, nobody knows the real me, but Dean does, so yes I care about him and he's probably the only person I care about, other than my family."

Sam stared at Castiel shocked.

He shrugged "not that big of a deal."

"Aww little Cassie is growing up" Lucifer snickered from behind.

"Shut up Lucifer" Castiel mumbled.

"Wait, your name is actually Lucifer? Like the devil." Sam questioned.

"Yes, and who are you?" Lucifer smirked.

"Mine." Gabriel muttered protectively wrapping his arm around Sam.

"I'm Sam."

Lucifer grinned "so you and Gabriel, huh? That should be fun."

"Shut up Luce and do not tell Balthazar, I'll never hear the end of it."


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