Chapter Two - Failure of a son.

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It had been a week since Gabriel's birthday, every single day Castiel had been texting Dean, it put a smile on his face and his family had noticed, but they didn't say anything. It was nice to see Castiel happy again. He normally put on a smile so nobody would see the broken side of him, he didn't like people seeing him weak.

So you in school tomorrow?

Castiel sent the text and then pulled out his sketchbook, bored, ten minutes later his phone buzzed, he couldn't help but grin, he seemed to have grown attached to Dean in the small amount of time he'd known him.

No, I haven't been in school for the last three months.


It doesn't matter.

Will you come back?

Maybe after the holidays.

I hope you do, school would be more fun with you.

I have to go, I'll text you later.

Castiel put his phone away and continued his drawing, but a single thought was stuck in his head.

Why hadn't Dean been in school for over three months? He could ask somebody, that would probably seem creepy and he didn't want to scare the boy off.

He put down the drawing and decided to go for a walk, he needed to clear his head, he was way to attached to this boy.


Dean put his down phone and ran downstairs, after hearing Sam yell for him ten minutes straight, he wanted to keep talking to Castiel, but he had a feeling Sam would grow angry if he didn't move.

"What do you want Sammy?" Dean asked running into the living room, and standing about three feet away from his brother, still smiling.

Sam looked up at him, with a blank expression, he was already sixteen and Dean knew, he'd caused his brother to grow up to fast, it was his fault Sam had his life ripped up, his brother was stuck helping him.

"It's dad." Sam muttered his hands curled into fists by his sides.

"What about him?" Dean asked, their father hadn't been home in two weeks, but that was normal, he tended to avoid Dean as best as he could, he sighed, he knew this couldn't end well.

Sam looked pissed, Dean hated him seeing him angry, his brothers anger was worse than his when he was pissed off enough. Sam didn't get angry a lot around Dean because of how it could effect him, but obviously whatever had happened it was bothering him.

"Tell me Sam" Dean demanded.

"He's not coming home." Sam muttered through clenched teeth.

"Today? Damn." Dean shook his head, he wanted his father to know he was getting better, that he wasn't such a failure that he assumed he was, that he didn't have to keep avoiding him.

"No he's never coming back, he said..." Sam cut himself off, looking at Dean with sad eyes.

"He gives up on me doesn't he? I'm a failure of a son, I killed mum." Dean quoted his fathers words, from years ago, he knew he'd finally give up him one day.

Dean didn't even know why, but he ran straight out of the house, he ignored Sam's shouts from behind him and kept running, twenty minutes later he found himself near a park, he found the nearest bench and laid down, hugging his knees, he tried not to cry, but couldn't stop himself. His father hated him, he couldn't help what happened to him, he didn't ask for it, he wanted to be normal.

Ten minutes later he heard footsteps, he kept his head down, he didn't like people seeing him when he was weak. They saw him as a target, thought he was weak and could hurt him as much as they pleased.

"Dean?" a sympathetic voice whispered, he recognised the voice straight away.

Dean sniffed and ran a hand over his eyes "Cas?" he whispered.

"What's wrong?" Castiel asked worried.

Dean shook his head. "Nothing, I need to get home, before Sam worries." He whispered.

Castiel nodded "I'll give you a lift."

Dean smiled lightly "thanks Cas." He voice was almost to quiet for Castiel to hear.

Ten minutes later Castiel pulled up outside his house.

"Come in?" Dean whispered, he didn't want to face Sam alone after running out.

Castiel nodded "of course." He muttered after seeing how upset Dean looked.

As soon as Sam heard a car pull up outside he ran out.

"Dean? Where the hell did you go? And no offence Casti...Cas, why the hell are you here?" Sam didn't bother hiding his anger, he hated that Castiel was lying to his brother.

"I offered him a lift, he was on a park bench crying."

Sam nodded "I had a phone call, our dad, he decided he doesn't want to come home, and has left us on our own." He explained, as Dean walked inside leaving the two of them alone.

"Oh but he's your dad, how could he do that?"

Dean scoffed, turning on his heel to face them. "Father? He was a useless father, he left us for months on end anyway, he doesn't deserve to be a father."

"Then why are you so upset?"

"Because I wanted him to know I'm not a failure, then there's the fact I'm eighteen so they can't take me, but they can take Sammy." Dean began to cry again as he stared at the floor.

"Who will?" Castiel asked.

"Social services," Sam mumbled "that's why we moved here a year ago, dad left for a trip and they showed up to take me, something about not having a responsible adult in the house, he's worried they'll show up again, though they probably won't." Sam shrugged, not speaking the real reason why they wouldn't leave him with Dean

"We'll figure something out," Sam added to a panicked looking Dean. "Cas could you go? Sorry, but this is family business."

Cas nodded, "bye Dean" he whispered.

Dean simply waved "I'm going to bed." He whispered to Sam and headed up to bed ignoring the fact it was only 7pm.


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