Chapter One - Casti... just call me Cas

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Castiel faked a laugh and looked at the large group surrounding him, he finished off his beer and stood up, stretching his arms above his head with a groan, he ran a hand through his jet black hair.

"See you in a bit," he smirked and grabbed another two beers, the boys around him smirked. He didn't know how this particular rumour began, but everybody believed he slept around, and he'd didn't bother try to correct them. He gave up after a few weeks of people starting rumours about him, that was three years ago when he was fifteen, he was now eighteen and the amount of rumours going around about him was unbelievable. Very few were actually true.

"Off to see somebody?" One laughed looking at Castiel.

"Of course," he headed towards the huge back garden, he liked it on nights like this, where you could see the stars covering the sky. He walked towards the pool he pulled off his shoes and dangled his feet into the water, he leaned back on his elbows, closing his eyes, letting the cool air hit his face. He played with his lip ring, completely ignoring his surroundings.

He hadn't noticed the tall boy with beautiful green eyes walk outside, the boy stuck to the shadows, it was a skill of his to go unnoticed by anybody if that's what he wanted, not that many people noticed him anyway, and he liked it like that. He was the outcast of the school, when he was actually in school, which was rare. He didn't speak to people, the only time people saw him speak was with his brother, the boy noticed Castiel sitting by the pool his eyes closed facing the sky, he carefully and quietly sat next to him.

"Hello." He whispered, it was almost silent and Castiel barely heard him, Dean couldn't help but stare at the boy, he had his hair shaved at the sides, a lip piercing, ear piercing and an eyebrow piercing, he looked different to most boys he had seen.

Castiel tensed, jumping slightly and almost slipping into the pool. "Jesus Christ," he murmured.

"Nah, quite the opposite really." The boy whispered, looking at his hands.

"So what brings you out here?" Castiel asked, looking at him curiously, he hadn't seen the boy before, "not enjoying the party?"

"I don't like the family." Dean muttered "It's the Novak's, they're spoiled brats who show off."

Castiel smiled at his honesty, even if he was a novak and was slightly insulted by the comment. "What's your name?"

"Dean," he whispered "yours?"

"Casti... just call me Cas," This boy obviously didn't like his family, so he decided against telling him who he was straight away.

"Here have a beer." Castiel held out a beer towards him, which he pushed away shaking his head.

"Do you know the Novak's?" Dean asked curiously.

"Not brilliantly." Castiel muttered, it wasn't really a lie, he barely paid attention to his family anymore, but they loved to annoy the hell out of him when they could.

"So who did you come here with?" Dean questioned.

"Their cousin, Inias, you?"

"My brother Sam, I think he's friends with Gabe, it's his birthday right?"

Castiel nodded.

"You should probably go back, I believe those are your friends staring out the window."

Castiel looked back and sure enough his friends were watching, he rolled his eyes and looked away, his friends could be pains in the asses when they wanted to.

"Not really my friends, so I don't really care if they want to talk to me."

"Tell me about yourself." Dean smiled lightly.

"What you need to know is, don't get involved with me, I'm chaos, I lie, a lot, nobody knows the real me."

"I'd like to." Dean whispered.

"What about you? I want to know what you're like."

"In school I'm known as the freak, the outcast, I don't talk much, unless it's my brother, but it doesn't bother me, I'm never really in school."

"Why don't you talk much?"

Dean shrugged "in all honesty? I hate the world, I felt like giving up, just letting myself fade away, but Sammy helped, he made it okay"

Castiel smiled "I'm different to," he smiled "maybe we'll be weird together."

Dean smiled "before my mum died she use to say to me 'everybody is different, but no matter what, you'll always be perfect to somebody' I'm scared I'll forget those words, but they help, so hopefully I'll always remember."

"She sounded like a wise woman."

Dean nodded "she was amazing, I can remember her sitting there singing 'Hey Jude' it was her favourite Beatles song, that was her lullaby for me and Sam."

Dean checked his watch "I should head home, I just need to find..." Dean was cut off by a boy behind him.

"Dean," he called.

"Hey Sammy, we heading home?"

"Yep, I'll just say goodbye, I'll meet you out the front"

Dean nodded "bye Cas." He smiled lightly, before he could walk away, Castiel caught his arm and wrote his number on it.

"Call me, if you need somebody to talk to."

Dean nodded and left.

Sam waited till his brother was out of earshot, "Castiel Novak, don't play my brother," he warned "he's in a rough patch and I don't need you hurting him.

"Sam please," Cas mumbled "he can't know who I am."

"What are you on about?" Sam raised an eyebrow, looking at him suspiciously.

"He doesn't know I'm a Novak, he obviously hates them, but he's amazing, I've only just met him but I got to be myself." Castiel smiled and looked at his feet, kicking the ground. It was stupid taht he could grow attached within seconds, but that's what he did.

Sam sighed "look Castiel, I won't tell him, but I won't lie to him, if he asks I will tell him you're a Novak, and if he asks you, you tell him, my brother does not deal well with liars, he won't talk to you if finds out you lied."

Castiel nods "goodbye Sam."

"Goodbye Castiel," with that Sam walked off to meet his brother, and walked home together, he looked at Dean, who was silent but still had a smile on his face, Sam didn't have the heart to tell him who Castiel was.


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