18th Birthday.

18 0 0

"Happy Birthday!" They sang. I gathered the strength to prop myself in my elbows and lean up. I rubbed my eyes and slowly opened them. My mum say there excitedly holding an little box in her hand with a bow. My dad smiled at me holding Artemis, our husky puppy. I held Artemis in my arms, cradling her as if she were an baby.
"Thanks mum, thanks dad." I smiled. My mum was very excitable when it came to celebrations. My dad was okay with them. Just not that excited.
"We got you a little something. The rest is downstairs." Mum thrust the tiny box into my hands and Artemis sniffed it cautiously. I opened it slowly and stuck the little bow on Artemis's head. She didn't seem to mind. I opened the box and inside was a little globe necklace in black and white.
"It's beautiful mum." I held it in my hand, I smiled.
"It's alright darling. We thought you'd like it." Dad said. I fastened it around my neck and got out my bed, and put Artemis on my dressing table. She laid down on my makeup wipes and seemed quite comfortable. She was only 5 months old. She was the cutest, most chubbiest husky puppy I've ever seen.
When mum and dad went out the room I started to get dressed. I folded my pyjamas carefully on my bed which Artemis decided to go lay on instead. Then I put on a crop top with lace and some grey ripped jeans. I did my makeup and straightened my hair. I picked Artemis up, held her like a baby with her head against my chest and walked downstairs. I walked into the living room and let Artemis run free. I sat down on the carpet with my legs crossed.
"Open this one first." Mum said and handed me another small box with a bow. I opened it carefully and saw a beautiful passport cover with Artemis on.
"Wow mum!" I giggled, "She looks so cute."
"I had it personalised for you." Mum said. I opened another present and inside was a white large suitcase.
"This is quite big" I said, laying it down on the carpet beside my passport cover. I opened another. Some more makeup and clothes and hair products. Finally I grabbed all my stuff and went into my bedroom. Artemis was trailing behind me. I think she imprinted on me on birth or something. She always followed me around. Then again, I always fed her and gave her cuddles.
I was wondering why mum got me those things, like the suitcase and the passport cover. I wasn't even allowed down the road unless under supervision. My mum was very protective of me. Probably because I'm an only child. I pack all my new clothes and organise my new makeup. My mum came into my room and told me she had big news. I could smell bacon and eggs downstairs. I think my dad was cooking breakfast.
"Okay, so, Zola. I know how you always wanted to travel the world and go see places." Mum began.
"Mhm" I said.
"Well, now you can!" She said, "You're 18 now I think it's legal for you to drink and I think it's time for you to, you know. Spread your wings and fly out a bit." She smiled. I threw my arms around her.
"So that's why you got me those gifts!" I said.
"Well, yeah. And me and your father will pay for your first few flights but after that you're gonna have to find money on your own." She said, "Come back after every trip, because us and Artemis will miss you." Artemis looked up at me with sad eyes. I cuddled her close.
"Don't worry. I'm gonna stay here for a while and bank up some money. After that, I'm off to.. Greece, maybe." I pondered.
"Oo good idea! That's where my dad came from." She smiled.
"Should we invite over Grandma?" I asked.
"Sure honey. I'll go call her now." She got up and walked out. I cradled Artemis like a baby and kissed her furry head. She snuggled into my chest and I fell asleep. So did she.
"Hello dear." Grandma spoke and opened the door.
"Oh hey Grandma. Come in." I said, opening my eyes.
"I was gonna do anyway." Grandma laughed. She was about 70 but had a lot of sass for an old lady.
"Hello Artemis." Grandma said and fed her a treat, "So I heard in a couple of months your off, eh?" I nodded.
"I'm off to Greece for my first journey." I said.
"Great place." She said, "I would go there again. Too bad you can't take Artemis with you." She sighed. I looked down and her fuzzy self.
"Yeah. I would take her everywhere." I cuddled her closer.
"Well, Zola. I'll be downstairs chatting to your mother." And she closed the door. I sighed and Artemis woke up and tilted her head at me.
"Go back to sleep, baby." I whispered. She rested her head on my collarbone and fell back asleep. I yawned. Maybe I should call Rylie. I facetimed her.
"Hey Zola what's up." She grinned.
"Not much, but look who's here." I tilted the camera down at Artemis softly snoring.
"I swear she's the cutest thing I've ever seen." She laughed.
"You'll never guess what." I smiled.
"What?" She asked.
"I'm allowed to go see the world! You know, travel." I exclaimed.
"Wow, Zola! That's great. I always knew you wanted to travel. Anyway, I gotta go my mum's calling me, cya!"
"Cya!" I said, and she ended the call. I cuddled with Artemis a few more minutes until mum called me downstairs.
"Darling! Breakfasts ready!" I carried Artemis downstairs and sat her on my old high chair. I still kept it for her since she likes being at the table like a human. She sat there proudly looking around. Me, Grandma, Mum and dad ate our breakfast in peace. Artemis gobbled up her breakfast too. Lovely doggy food. It smelled disgusting but if she likes it that's all that matters.
Anyway, tomorrow's a big day. I have to get a job and earn some money. Whoopdedoo.

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