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Boom. Clatter. Chang. It all happened at once. A bright flash nearly blinded me. I covered my eyes. I could hear the ambulances and people gasping and fleeing. I could hear the fire crackling beside me. I struggled to open my eyes.
"It's gonna be okay." This man looked at me, cupping my face. I groaned and tried to lift my head, "No, rest." He said, lifting me up and putting me on a stretcher. I felt pain in both of my legs.
"Wh-Wh.." I struggled to speak. Then that same man comforted me. He rested my head on his hand.
"It's okay, beautiful lady." He smiled. He was a very handsome young man in a white doctors suit. My vision was very blurry but I could make our his face. He had soft light brown eyes, and warm brown soft hair. I tried my best to smile. Then it dawned upon me.
"Wh.. Wh.." I struggled, determined to speak, "Aeson.." Was the only word I could spit out.
"That man who you were with? He went in a different ambulance." He said softly, "Do you know your name?" He asked. I nodded slowly, my whole body shaking.
"Z.. Zola." I stuttered.
"A beautiful name for a beautiful lady." He smiled, scribbling something down.
"Parents?" I asked. I felt stupid, speaking like a toddler. He must've saw it in my eyes.
"Don't worry, it'll be hard to recover your speech," He began, "Just rest, and your parents are on the way to the hospital." Suddenly the doors flung open and I was being wheeled indoors into the humongous white hospital. People stared at me pityingly. I saw another man like me in the distance. He was surrounded by muttering doctors and nurses while being wheeled to the same room as me. I closed my eyes while the man held my shaking hand. I woke up later in a white room. I could open my eyes, but I struggled. The man stood in front of me, smiling.
"Hello Zola." He greeted warmly.
"What happened?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.
"You were in a car crash, that man beside you, he was driving." He pointed to the man beside me. He had his eyes closed, and his face pale. I suddenly focused.
"Aeson!" I gasped so loudly that I clutched my head, pounding, "Ow.." I gritted my teeth.
"You should rest." He smiled and walked a little closer. He pulled up a stool and plopped himself on it.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"I'm Dr.Collins." He said, "Call me Xavier."
"Hi, Xavier." I smiled, taking my hand away from my head. I suddenly frowned.
"Crash? Who was driving?" I said.
"We're not sure. All we know is that it was on purpose." He sighed, "The police are looking into it."
"You're a very handsome man." I slipped out. I slapped my forehead. He laughed.
"You're a very sexy woman." He grinned and walked out. I smiled goofily and prodded Aeson next to me.
"Babes." I whispered. No reaction. I started worrying. Then a nurse walked in.
"Don't poke him like that." She frowned, bringing me a plate of dinner.
"Why is he not talking?" I asked, looking down at my dinner.
"He's in a coma dear," She sighed. I gasped.
"No he can't be." I croaked putting my head in my hands.
"I'm sorry dear." She sighed, taking the tray out of my room. I grabbed Aeson's hand. Ice cold. And pale. He looked ghostly. A few tears ran down my cheek. Mum and Dad came into the room. They gasped, seeing me holding hands with Aeson and seeing me crying.
"Oh darling." She said sorrowfully, throwing her soft arms around me. My dad came behind her and hugged me too.
"We were worried about you." Dad smiled, "Your mother here kept me up all night talking about you." He laughed.
"Oh be quiet you." Mum smirked, breaking our hug. Suddenly Grandma Tia and Aunt Dylan burst into the room.
"Let's get this party started!" Grandma danced embarrassingly.
"Mum pipe down." Dad laughed.
"Party pooper." Grandma hissed. We all laughed.
"How are you dear." Aunt Dylan said.
"I'm good." I smiled.
"Well, well, well." Grandma began, "Who's this handsome man." She grinned, squatting between mine and Aeson's bed.
"That's Aeson," I smiled, looking at him, "He's in a coma."
"Oh dear." Grandma sighed.
"Poor man." Aunt Dylan said pitifully.
A few more weeks passed, and mine and Xavier's relationship improved and so did my mobility. My legs were partially paralysed for a while, but they started healing. Even though I had to walk around with crutches, and if it got tiring I had a wheelchair. Xavier took me for a spin in my wheelchair around the hospital. We had a great time. Aeson's state was improving. He could now mumble things and move his hands slightly. I was soon to be released.
"I don't want you to leave." Xavier moaned, giving me puppy dog eyes. I laughed.
"Well if I ever end up in another car crash you know it's your job." I joked. We exchanged numbers and planned to meet up on Thursday this week. Today was Tuesday. Xavier kissed me on my cheek as I was released. Aeson was still in there but improving, but I didn't feel guilty. After a while of using my crutches, I could walk with my own two legs. Not one time when I was in the hospital Casper didn't visit me. Proves that he cares so much. I could whack him around the head with my old crutches. But one day, there was a knock on the door. I opened it.
"Miss. Clifford?" A woman in police uniform stood at my door.
"That's me." I said.
"We.. know who drove that car into you, ma'am." She sighed, looking guilty for some reason. I frowned, why was she looking so worried? Surely someone wasn't out to get me. Or were they? Who knows.

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