Chapter 1

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key: y/n= your name-h/l= hair length-h/c=hair color-e/c= eye color- s/t= skin tone
A/n: this takes place one year in the future of Gravity Falls. Here goes nothing. 😓 I've just never wrote anything like this. The photo above is your house without the Mystery Shack part.
Your POV
I was lying on my bed playing with my white fire. It was just the opposite of my Mother's. I never knew my father. He was a mortal and died in a car crash when I was 250 or 2 and a half.
  I was in the Nightmare Realm as always until my mother came barging in yelling, "y/n get all your thing packed! We have to go to the mortal realm!"
"What?!" I shouted excitedly while my eyes light up with joy. 
"Hurry and pack!" she continued yelling. I walked inside the closest and snapped. My stuff started pack its self in my back pack. That thing never runs out of space. I heard mother screaming at Angel. I grabbed my backpack and ran toward the door. Angel beat me there.
"You might want to do something about that," she said pointing at my demon circle shape. I snapped my fingers and I was human with h/l h/c hair, e/c eyes, and s/t skin. Mother pushed us out the door in her human form. She had reddish brown hair and brown eyes. She had pale skin and her body was perfect. Angel was always in her human form, with her sky blue eyes, long light blonde hair, pale skin, and perfect curves. I'm only 1,300 so I don't really have a great human form with all the perfect stuff. If I was a mortal I would be 13. I looked back at our house and I saw a bulldozer. It flattened the house. I felt tears threaten to come out. I had lived there my whole life. Now all of my childhood just got destroyed before my eyes. Mother creates a portal and ushers us through. I look at my 1,700 year old sister. She looks more upset then I do. Angel ignored her feelings and jumped through the portal. Then it was my turn. I tripped over the edge and fall flat on my face. I hate not floating. In human form no demon can float so not many demons use it. At least not full grown demons. All the 1,100- 2,600 demons thought it would be cool to be human. I'm against it. It's stupid really. Why would anyone not want to use their powers. I get myself up because Angel is no help whatsoever. I look up on my hands and knees to see I'm at the edge of a forest.
"Hey do you need help?" I hear a not too squeaky voice ask.
"I-I'm fine," I said a little in shock. I feel a tear roll down my cheek. Not because of the pain of falling on my face. I lost my father, my baby brother, and now my home. I hear Angel shout my name. I didn't care nor was I coming at this time I couldn't.
"A-Are you crying?" the voice asked. I don't hold it in. I've already embarrassed myself so what does it matter. I sit down and put my head in my hands. The kid awkwardly sat next to me. I wipe my eyes Angel was going to find me sooner or later I didn't need her ranting about how demons don't cry.
"I wonder why this girl is crying? She's kind of cute." I hear the kid think. I feel my cheeks heat up.
"Y/n?! Y/n?!" Angel called out. The kid got up and offered his hand. Insanely blushing I take it and stand up.
"Thanks," I muttered trying not to look at him. I brush the dirt of my mint green dress. The dirt falls to my cream colored flats.
"You're welcome hey are you ok?" he asked.
"Yeah," I said wishing uncle Bill was here. (Sorry just roll with it please) He would make some humans do something stupid and it always made me laugh. I finally looked up at the boy. He had brown hair covered by a blue and white pine tree trucker hat. He had brown eyes and was wearing a blue flannel shirt with a white under shirt. He had on jeans and tennis shoes to complete the look. He showed me a small smile. I would have tried to smile back but I just saw my house get destroyed.
"I'm Dipper Pines," said the boy who I guess I should call Dipper and held out his hand.
"Y/n Code," I said shaking his hand. "Well my sister is looking for me so I better go." With that I ran off. I bumped right into Angel.
"Where were you?" she questioned.
"Oh I-I was at the edge of the forest." I stuttered.
"How did that happen?" she asked.
"I don't know. Where's mother?" I replied.
"She's right back there," Angel said as if I would know.
"Oh," I said. I looked down and saw a scrape on my knee. Angel ignored me and started walking to where mother was. "Dipper Pines?" I mumbled following Angel slowly trying to get more information on this Dipper kid.
"What are you thinking about?" Angel asked. I guess it was obvious I was distracted.
"Huh? Oh just some kid who helped me," I said.
"Hm, Dipper Pines aka: Pine Tree," Angel started. She read my mind. She hasn't done that in a long time. I was never important enough for her to read my mind. Wait a minute Pine Tree? Uncle Bill hates Pine Tree and Shooting Star. Oh man and he thought I was cute.
"Oh snap Uncle Bill is going to be so mad! I can't believe Pine Tree thought you were cute!" Angel said reading my thoughts again. Now I feel bad for him. Uncle Bill will give him night mares for a while.
~time skip to 6:43~
"Do you think we should warn him?" I asked Angel at Dinner.
"Probably best if we let him figure it out," she said.
"What are you girls talking about?" Mother asked.
"A boy thought y/n was cute," Angel said smiling.
"Shut up," I said blushing and threw a fire ball at her. She dodged it.
"What was his name?" Mother asked.
"Dipper Pines," I said with no real emotion.
"Oh man, Bill's going to be mad," mother said.
"Hell yeah I'm mad!" I heard Uncle Bill yell.
"It's not like I even know him. Just take it easy on him okay?" I said.
"Fine but he's still getting nightmares," Bill said.
"I'm fine with that," I said plainly. We were sitting around the table at uncle Bill's place. Bill came out in his normal uniform. He had a long yellow coat with tails and black pants. He had that silly top hat and now tie. I don't know how but he learned how to float in human form. No one else can do that. I want to do it so bad.
"Well y/n," Bill started and ruffled my hair,"you need to get to sleep once you're done eating. I'll teach you the trick on flying later." he whispered that last part and I smiled. Uncle Bill was really nice to me.
A/n: there my first Dipper x Reader chapter. My god this took forever because my brother was being a nag and I had to put my phone away. So since I really want to read, I'll be watching you!! Thanks for Reading!!

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