Thanks again /Fifty seven

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Thank you so much . I feel so honoured I started this book last week and now it's up to 1.1k . Thank you so much , you guys are the reasons I am continuing . I really appreciate that you waste your time to read these jokes . Thank you , love you and thanks again .

10 Things I know about you

1. You're either a male or a female

2. You were born with a tongue

3. You can't lick your elbow

4. You just attempted to do it .

5. You're laughing at yourself right now

6. If you did it wow !

7. You didn't notice that there isn't a number four .

8.  You just checked to see of their was a number four .

9. Your laughing at yourself right now

10. If you didn't enjoy this you're going to either let me know in the comment section , vote , both or you won't say anything or vote or you will vote and  not say anything .

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