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"I'm home!" I yelled out when I was finally inside of our tiny apartment. I was sure my mother was home by now, as her job in the kindergarten ended at 2 p.m. She had always loved children, so when we had to move here a job as a kindergarten teacher seemed perfect. It was a good way to keep her mind off of how much she missed my father.

Though she was devastated to be parted from my father, she slowly became used to it. I mean, they're Eros and Psyche (though my mother changed her name to Anne Marie so she could blend in more easily here amongst the humans). I can imagine that no one loves each other as much as they do, especially since my father is the God of Love. They went through a great deal to finally be together.

I used to love it when my mother told me about their story, about everything she had to go through, the torpor she fell in and how she in the end was allowed to be with my father and got ambrosia, the drink of immortality. She was only a mortal human after all, if she hadn't gotten the ambrosia she would have died sooner or later while my father would have lived on.

I would ask her to tell their story every time I couldn't fall asleep. Whenever I figured out that it was bedtime and I was far from tired I would beg her to tell their story, and no matter how tired she was of re-telling it she would always give in and do it once more. I knew now that there was a lot more to the story than what she told me, but I was glad she left out those things back then. I wouldn't have wanted to know them anyways.

"You're home early," my mum said as she walked out of the kitchen, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm just really tired," I replied, shrugging slightly. My mum was fully aware of how tired the job had been making me lately, so she nodded to tell me that she understood and smiled gently.

"It's okay. Are you hungry?" she asked.

"A little bit," I replied. Actually, a whole lot, but I'm more tired.

"Then it's a good time to start making dinner," she chuckled mildly. "And meanwhile you'll have time to rest." At last!

I did as she suggested and went into the living room before I laid down on the couch and turned on the TV. I knew that if I laid down on my bed I would probably sleep away the rest of the day and night, but in the living room I would manage to just rest while watching whatever interesting show that was on. Yeah, sure, just keep telling yourself that.

I flipped through the channels until I found a show I liked. I put the remote on the table and sighed lightly. My eyelids were getting heavier for each minute that passed, and every time I blinked I wanted to just keep them shut and let the sleep take over me.

When I could barely keep my eyes open anymore I decided that I needed a nap, so I finally gave in and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep almost immediately.


"Honey, wake up, dinner's ready." My mother's voice (along with her hand shaking me gently) brought me out of my deep slumber around an hour later.

I groaned lightly, not wanting to get up, but once I realized how hungry I was I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I could sleep again later. I stood up and stretched a little bit while yawning.

"Did you have a nice nap?" my mum asked with a small chuckle. I replied with a nod and a breathy laugh, the sleep still having its effect on me. I followed her into the kitchen and sat down by the table, filling up my glass with the cold water from the mug. I quickly gulped it down and pushed my hair out of my face, instantly feeling more awake.

"How many people did you manage to help today?" my mum asked me while we ate. Oh crap.

"One..." I muttered. I felt ashamed of my answer, but I didn't want to lie to her. It just felt wrong lying to my parents, I always preferred telling them the truth unless I really couldn't, which didn't happen too often. I trusted them enough to be able to tell them mostly everything. Or, well, nothing too interesting ever happens in my boring life that I'll need to lie about.

"It's okay, honey. Your father knows how exhausting your job is," she smiled understandingly. I replied with a small nod, because I knew that she was right, but I still felt like I wasn't doing my job. I didn't want to let my father down.

When I was done eating I remembered how much homework I had to do, and just the thought of it gave me a headache. I sighed and pulled my hand through my hair. I was still so tired, even after the nap, and I wanted nothing more than to go to bed, but I had way too much to do. Therefore, I helped my mother clean up the kitchen, kissed her on the forehead and thanked her for the dinner before I went into my room.

We lived in a tiny apartment, mostly because we didn't need anything big and expensive. Most of the time it was only my mum and I here, so the small apartment was more than enough. It was just big enough to have space for the two of us, and my father when he occasionally visited, without getting very cramped, and I loved it. I felt lonely enough as it was, and living in a big house wouldn't have done much to help me, to say the least.

I liked the closeness we got in here, it made me feel less alone. I only had one actual friend in school (and outside of school, who am I kidding), and I didn't exactly like considering my mother as my friend because it made me sound even more like a loner, so I was stuck with Michael. I'm such a loser, dear lord.

Michael was sassy most of the time, and he was always flirting with some girl, but he was better than nothing. Plus, he was a lot of fun to be with at times, so it somewhat made up for all the times he ditched me for girls. Almost, at least.

I found all the books and sheets I had to read through and put them on my bed before I changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I plumped down on my bed and made myself comfy, preparing myself for a long night, but knowing that I would fall asleep halfway into it, and just as I had predicted, I was sound asleep after only an hour.

A/N: so this chap is crappy but I thought I should update bc it's Christmas and all


ily guys

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