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(A/N: I'm so sorry, it's literally been months without updates and I am so, so sorry. Inspiration just hasn't been present lately, but I finally finished a chapter! Anyways, the point of this A/N is to tell you that I've changed Cass' name to Ivy! Just thought I should tell you to avoid confusion! Okay read on, ily guys)

While I was walking home it hit me that Michael might actually know this girl! I mean, the chances are there, right? They both have dyed hair, that's enough connection for them to know each other, right? Maybe they've met wherever it is that Michael buys his hair dye? Yeah, it's totally worth a shot!

I had no idea when Michael would be done with the concert and whatever he would be doing after, so I found my phone and dialed his number right away.

"Hey, this is Michael being too busy doing something else, so leave a message and I might get back to you."

"Hey, Michael, I met a girl and I desperately need your help, so call me back as soon as possible," I said before hanging up. I slid my phone back into my pocket as I entered the apartment. I could hear the sound of the TV from the living room, indicating that my mum was most likely home.

"Ashton?" she called out right after I got in, only further proving my suspicions. She knew I was going to a concert, so she probably wasn't expecting me home this soon. What she didn't know, was that I had to use my secret fake ID to get in and that I managed to fucking lose it. She didn't need to know that, though.

"Yeah," I said, just loud enough for her to hear me. I kicked off my shoes and shrugged my jacket off before hanging it up. Seconds later she was standing in the doorframe.

"I thought you were going to a concert?" she asked.

"I wasn't feeling too good." Liar, liar, pants on fire.

"Are you sick?" she asked, quickly putting the back of her hand on my forehead. "You do feel a little bit warm, I'll go get the—"

"Mum, I'm fine, I just need to rest," I cut her off before she got the time to finish her sentence. I knew she would take it all the way and make me lay in bed with a wet cloth on my forehead while she took my temperature, only to become paranoid because I didn't have a fever and make up all sorts of assumptions about what could be wrong with me. I had been down that road before, and it surely wasn't a road I wanted to go down again if I could avoid it.

"Are you sure?" she asked reluctantly. I was her only child, which meant that she always had and always would treat me as a helpless infant in some cases. For her, I would always be her little baby, but I guess that's just how it is with parents. They never want their children to grow up.

"I'm sure, mum," I said with a small smile. She looked at me for a second to see whether I was lying or not before she gave me a small nod and a kiss on the forehead.

"Okay, tell me if you get any worse," she said softly before returning to the living room. I quickly went to my bedroom, throwing myself on the bed and burying my head in the pillow.

When I thought about it, I actually did feel a little bit weird, a bit different almost, but I chose to ignore it. If it was something serious, I'd find out eventually and deal with it then. No need to worry about it now. Besides, the only thing I could think about was Ivy. Her purple hair, her blue eyes, her beautiful face. Everything about her was just... Perfect.

I always used to think that the word perfect was stupid, that there was no such thing, and I know it's so cliche, but Ivy made me regret ever thinking that. She convinced me the second I saw her that she was indeed perfect, and it almost felt as if the word perfect got a whole new meaning upon meeting Ivy, the new meaning a thousand times more beautiful than the last.

My cheesy and rather cringe worthy thoughts carried on for hours, switching between daydreaming and just thinking until my ringtone pulled me back to reality. I frantically searched around me for my phone, throwing the duvet to the side in an attempt to find it. It really shouldn't have come as a surprise when my phone was slung across the room when I moved the duvet, considering how clumsy I was most of the time, but I was still startled as I watched it go with wide eyes.

A few curse words escaped my lips as I quickly went to retrieve it, scanning it for any damages before looking at the caller ID. I was hoping it would be Michael, but it wasn't. It was Evan, whom I had nothing against at all, but I still wished it was Michael (for selfish reasons, of course). I swiped my thumb across the screen to answer and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey," I said, walking over to my bed again and laying down.

"Hey, Adriana and I are going out to watch a movie and we wanted to see if you would like to join us," Evan said. I quickly went over my options, deciding that I loved hanging out with Evan and Adriana and all, but that I'd much rather stay home the rest of the night. I'm such a loser.

"Sorry man, I haven't been feeling too well today," I said, telling him the same lie I'd told my mum. I felt bad for lying, but I figured it was better than telling him that I didn't want to hang out with them. He could have taken it the wrong way, and it really had nothing to do with them. I enjoyed hanging out with them, they were two very good friends of mine and one of the cutest couples I had ever seen, but I just wasn't in the mood.

"Oh, I hope you feel better then," he said, sounding genuinely concerned, making me feel even worse for lying.

"Thank you, I probably just need some rest," I said quietly.

"Get some rest then and we'll hopefully see you on Monday."

"Yeah, have fun," I answered before we hung up.

It hit me that I might find Ivy on Facebook when I saw the app logo on my phone after hanging up, so I quickly clicked on the app and searched her name. I didn't know her last name, only Ivy, and unfortunately, there was a lot of people named Ivy on Facebook.

When I didn't find her, I spent an hour mindlessly scrolling through social medias, catching up on what my friends and acquaintances were doing while I was at home feeling sad, before I put my phone away and pulled my duvet over me. I was tired of waiting for Michael to call me up, and knowing him, he probably wouldn't even call back before tomorrow.

That was the thing about Michael, he was extremely selfish sometimes. I had known exactly what I was getting myself into when I decided to befriend him, yet I had chosen to do it without thinking over it, and now I had this selfish prick as my best and only friend. It didn't matter, though, because I knew that I wouldn't switch him out for anything. Somewhere inside of me, though I would never admit it, I loved him, but not in a romantic way, of course, just in a friendly way. No homo. Goddammit Ashton, you're so awkward.

If only I got a dollar every time I said that to myself. I'd be loaded by now. Man, that would have been great. Imagine all the things I could get. Like... I don't know, pizzas, I guess? I'm not into big, castle-like houses and fancy cars, nor do I want women to find me attractive just because of my money. That's just superficial and not something I want.

I want real love in a happy marriage with an amazing woman who loves me as much as I love her, and a house in the suburbs with space for my two or three little ones to run around in, and a good life that isn't ruled by petty things like money, and wow, I'm making myself even more sad and needy. I didn't even know that was possible. Congratulations, moron. You really know how to bring a person down. Or, well, yourself, at least.

I let out what could possibly have been the deepest sigh made in human history as I tried to brush aside the totally irrelevant thoughts and go to sleep. I was tired at the same time as I wasn't, but I closed my eyes nevertheless and forced myself to sleep, hoping that I'd wake up to Michael's call the next morning. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2016 ⏰

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