Christmas: Ch. 2

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After breakfast it was present time. Landyn was only three months old since she was born in September and so we didn't get her any presents. However, Aspyn and Noah insisted they get their baby sister a Christmas present. I sat down on the couch with Landyn in my arms and Ryan beside me as Aspyn struggled to read the names on the presents and Noah then put them in piles.

"And this one's for mommy from daddy!" Aspyn exclaimed as she held up the last present. Noah came and set it in front of me before both kids ran to their stack of presents. We went around in a circle, each opening one, until only the kids were left. Aspyn had helped Landyn open her presents and Noah had taken pictures with the small camera Ryan and I got him. Soon my mom and Ryan's parents would arrive for lunch and then stay the afternoon. Claire wasn't able to make it because she lives in Seattle and since she's nine months pregnant, her and her husband didn't want to take the risk of traveling down here. 

"Mommy, when are Papa and Nana McCartan coming and Gammy Bonnie coming?" Noah asked, climbing onto Ryan's lap. 

"Any minute now. Go get dressed, buddy." Ryan answered. Noah and Aspyn ran upstairs and got dressed. I followed them after giving Landyn to Ryan and helped them both get dressed. Ryan put Landyn in a cute Christmas outfit that matched Aspyn's then got changed himself. I changed before him so I could watch the kids downstairs before our parents came. Five minutes later, two cars pulled into our driveway and the kids started jumping around. Aspyn was the first one out the door and gave my mother a huge hug. Noah hugged Jerome and then Wendy. Aspyn hugged them next while Noah hugged my mom. Both our parents gave the kids presents to carry inside and then carried the food in themselves. 

"Mommy! Nana, Papa, and Gammy are here!" Aspyn announced as Ryan came down the stairs. 

"Yeah, they are." I smiled at her. Her smile grew bigger and she ran to set the presents under the tree. I was struggling to get the baby carrier strapped on so I wouldn't have to hold Landyn the whole time but she could be with me. Ryan must have noticed because he came over and held Landyn while I fixed the strap. I took Landyn back and put her in the carrier before going to help my mom carry things inside. After all of us got caught up and greeted each other, Noah and Aspyn were quick to point out presents. We let them open their presents and play with them while we continued to chat. 


photo of Aspyn is attached

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