chapter two

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A/N: Yay for chapter two! I'll warn you now that there's a brief description of a hurt animal, implied sexual assault, and graphic depictions of violence in this chapter.

Also, there's some canon dialogue (which is weird because it's usually a pet peeve of mine). There might be some more in future chapters, but not a lot. I'll only add it if I either think it's important to the relationship dynamic or if it helps explain stuff I'd otherwise have no idea how to explain. Hope you enjoy!


strike the match, strike the match now

we're a perfect match, perfect somehow

we were meant for one another

come a little closer


"What he has is pure empathy," Hannibal tells Jack when the agent calls the next day. "He can assume your point of view, or mine, and maybe some other point of view that scare him. It's an uncomfortable gift, Jack."

"But he's stable?"


"That's all I need. Thank you, doctor."


"Wait up, Graham!"

Head snapping in the direction of the voice, Will stops as he sees Beverly jogging towards him.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she says, a little breathless. "I just finished for the day, I was wondering if you wanted to get something to eat."

"Oh," Will murmurs as he continues walking. "I've got plans, sorry."

"Don't worry about it," she shrugs, holding the door open for Will to leave the building first. "Dinner plans, huh?"


"This a date?"

Will rolls his eyes as Beverly winks at him, a grin gracing her features as they walk side by side to their cars.

"More like my psychiatrist invited me to dinner."

"Isn't that breaking some kind of ethical code?"

"It would be, I guess, but he's not officially my ps—"

Will stops abruptly when a figure appears before them, red hair falling down her back and a recording device in her hands. The mostly relaxed state he'd been in disappears in an instant, his posture straightening as tension consumes his body. From the corner of his eyes, he can see Beverly's grin die to be replaced by a clenched jaw and narrowed eyes.

"What do you want?"

"How does it feel to be a killer, Graham?"

"Fuck off, Freddie."


"Go to—"

"Is that why you let the girl die?"

"I didn't let anyo—"

"Personally I'm surprised you're still allowed to wo—"

"Okay, that's enough," Beverly cuts in, grabbing Will's arm and pushing him around Freddie.

She continues to push him in the direction of his car, rolling her eyes as Freddie calls out behind them, the sound of her heels clanking against gavel as she rushes to follow.

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