chapter four

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hurt me

there's two of us

bristling with desire

the pleasure's pain and fire

burn me


Jack wastes no time when they arrive at the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, ushering both Will and Hannibal to Dr. Chilton's office before being shown the crime scene.

Hannibal stands just in front of the door, watching intently as Will steps forward and surveys the scene. Seeing the nurses' cooling body, he admits to himself that Able Gideon did a rather good job at recreating what the public knew to be the Ripper's last victim.

Far too good a job, really. As far as he can remember, wound patterns had never been released.

"Were there any other signs Dr. Gideon was the Chesapeake Ripper before now, Frederick?" he asks quietly, eyes drifting away from Will to look at Dr. Chilton.

"He fits the profile," the other man replies, gaze trained on Will as the profiler bends to examine the body. "When did they get you involved on the hunt for the Ripper?"

Hannibal's lips turn upward ever so slightly, "They didn't."

"Then why are you here, Dr. Lecter?"

"For Will's sake."

Chilton's head snaps towards Hannibal, and the man cocks a perfectly trimmed eyebrow. "You are Will Graham's psychiatrist?"

"Of sorts."

"Of sorts?" Chilton repeats, head tilting slightly. "For how long, Hannibal?"

"A few months."

"And you hadn't thought to let me know?"

"Frederick," Hannibal chastises, smirking. "You know that's unethical."

"Screw ethics," Chilton murmurs, leaning in closer to the other doctor. "You have to know Graham's a hot topic in psychiatric circles."

"I am well aware of what is said about dear Will," Hannibal tells him. "I have no wish to add fuel to the fire, as the saying goes."

"Why not? If I were in your position, I'd be exploiting the opportunity any way I could."

"Which," Hannibal says slowly, eyes moving back in the direction of Will, "Is exactly why we're lucky you are not in my position, Frederick. There are enough people in Will's mind as is, he does not need you writing journals about him."

Chilton huffs a laugh, arms folding over each other as he leans against the wall. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you cared about him, Hannibal."

Hannibal opens his mouth to reply, but closes it again when Will gasps loudly, his breath coming in erratic, unsteady puffs as he emerges from whatever thoughts had been clouding his head.

"As far as we know, it's been two years since the Chesapeake Ripper killed?" Will asks, still not turning away from the mutilated body.

"That's correct," Jack replies.

"When was Gideon admitted?"

"Almost two years ago."

Will nods slowly before finally turning and looking towards Chilton, "Can I speak with him?"

"Not now," the doctor replies. "But if you could come back tomorrow—"

"Yes," Will interrupts impatiently.

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