chapter seven

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Sorry this took so long! I was writing stuff for spacedogs week, and then I started Uni and had no time. Anyway, I hope this is the ending you all hoped for!

Chapter warnings: Will being a sad smol, graphic violence and dead bodies, homophobia.

i got all i need

when you're here loving me

fire meet gasoline

burn with me tonight


"What do you think we should do?"

"It's obvious she knows something about our involvement that could be detrimental to our lives here."

"Something she will undoubtedly tell everyone, and then they'll all know," Will mutters, watching as his dogs run around the yard, happy and fed, not a care in the world. "Killing her would be like giftwrapping the truth."

"Unfortunately, it is inevitable that they discover our secret," Hannibal murmurs, snaking an arm around Will's waist and bringing him closer. "It is only a matter of whether or not we want Miss Lounds alive."

Will leans into Hannibal's embrace, relishing the warmth the other man offers in the chilled air. "We may as well have some fun."

Hannibal places a soft kiss to the top of Will's forehead, lips stretching into a smile. "I was hoping you would say that."

Will smiles back, the serenity of their morning returning.

"We'd have to flee afterwards. Otherwise we'll get caught."

"I can arrange that," Hannibal tells him. "I can arrange a perfect getaway, just the two of us, if that is what you want."

"I'd have to leave my dogs behind."

Hannibal sighs, eyes following the wagging tails of Will's beloved dogs. To him, they mean next to nothing, but he understands the affection Will feels, and he wishes he didn't have to ruin that.

"Yes," he says, voice quiet. "I'm sorry, my dear boy, but I cannot get seven dogs on an aeroplane without raising suspicion."

Will nods and turns in Hannibal's embrace, moving so his face buries in the crook of the older man's neck, his cheek rubbing against the fabric of his jacket. "Will you let me get new ones?" he murmurs, arms enclosing around Hannibal's waist.

Hannibal pulls him close, an almost unsettling warmth spreading through his chest at Will's open affection. "I'll give you anything your heart desires, Will."

Will pulls back slightly, just enough so he's able to see Hannibal's face. He smiles at the fondness he finds, his mind automatically contrasting it with the way the other man looks while killing someone.

He leans up, mouth pressing against Hannibal gently before saying, "Give me a day or two to figure out my dogs."


They move inside once the dogs tire, and though it takes some convincing, Will manages to get Hannibal to lie in his bed, arms wrapped around Will while the animals sleep around them.

"This is unhygienic."

"I don't care," Will tells him, nuzzling into his side while an arm remains stretched out, fingers threading through the soft fur of Winston's head. "Besides, I want to spend some time with them before they go."

"Would you prefer I leave?"

"No," he says, stifling a yawn. "Jack may have ruined our morning, but I still want my post-sex cuddling."

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