chapter five

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so come on

i'll take you on, take you on

i ache for love, ache for us

why don't you come

don't you come a little closer


Blood oozes out from Matthew's stomach, the sticky substance painting what used to be a silver bench crimson.

Will watches on, unblinking, as Hannibal digs the metal rod in deeper, skin ripping open to accompany the object. The older man twists it before pushing downwards, and Will hears the sickening crunch of a bone breaking fill the room.

He hadn't asked how Hannibal knew where to find Matthew, he hadn't even been surprised that the other man knew. He was so eager to see Hannibal in this state that he didn't care.

He'd been worried at first, when they'd arrived at Matthew's street. The houses were packed closely together, mere metres separating each home from the next, and Will was certain someone would hear them, even at such a late hour. They were incredibly lucky that one of Matthew's neighbours had decided it was the perfect time to throw a party.

Even inside, watching Hannibal turn the other man into a picturesque victim of the Chesapeake Ripper, he could hear the pumping electronic music. It would have annoyed him, at any other time, but he couldn't help but be thankful for it as it smothered the screams and hurt whimpers that escaped Matthew's mouth.

The body was laid across his kitchen bench, a steel little island in the middle of the room. Hannibal had snuck up behind him when they'd first entered the house, injecting him with some kind of fluid that made him placid before hoisting him on top of it. Will had watched, awed, as Hannibal cut the body open, Brown's eyes wide as he watched his own blood trickle down his torso and onto the tiled floor.

Hannibal had cut right down his middle, ripping his chest open until Will could see the expansion and contraction of Matthew's still working lungs. Hannibal brought a cooler with them, and Will had held it open while the doctor ripped the organs from Brown's body before carefully packing them away.

He'd died before Hannibal had started to really mutilate the body, and Will felt oddly upset that Matthew wouldn't be able to see the artwork Hannibal would eventually turn him into.

"Would you like to help?" Hannibal's asks, his voice pulling Will from his trance like state.

He moves his gaze from Matthew to Hannibal, eyes trailing the long strips of dark blood that cover the plastic suit he wears, the odd splatter that covers his face.

"I... Yes."

There are already various objects sticking out from Matthew's cooling body. Will doesn't think there's much room for anything more, but he'd hardly done anything and watching Hannibal have all the fun only heightened his desires.

Hannibal reaches an arm out, beckoning him to his side. "Enjoying yourself, my dear boy?"

Will nods slowly, torn between getting a closer look of Matthew's body and looking to see what Hannibal was doing. He opts for the latter, lips twitching into an amused smile when he sees the doctor pull a crowbar from the black duffle bag they'd brought with them. It's new, the silver of the sharp edge shining in the light, but a crowbar all the same.


Hannibal returns the smile, "For old time's sake."

Will snorts then, shaking his head, "It was barely two months ago."

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