Pizza 11

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Today Hannah sent a parcel for me. I can't wait to see it! We came so far! I love her more everyday it's so sick. I love it. My problems kinda left haha. I'm feeling better and I'm not depressed that much. Hannah is trying so hard to stop the depression because of me. I'm happy about it and I know that she'll do it. She's going to be happy! We both have holidays now and it's amazing. We can talk all day long. I'm seeing my real life besties tomorrow. But Hannah is better then them to be honest. I really miss them because I can see them just on holidays. We're going to have the best time of the year. It's christmas but I don't feel that way. It's weird. I'm really exited about the New year! My grandpa it's getting me a guitar! I'm going to play a guitar!! I'm really happy about it. I wished that for a long time. I was thinking about the TV show we have here in Slovenia. They help you to make your dreams come true. I was thinking about telling them about me and Hannah. Who knows maybe I still have some luck. I think I'll do it. It's definitely worth trying. I feel really weird these days. I feel like I'm putting my life together. I feel like I'm going to do big stuff in my life. For the first time I feel like everything it's going to be just fine. I found myself and I'm happy about it. The only thing I'm not happy about are the people around me. My "friends". I feel like I don't have any friends here. I have it on the other side of   Slovenia and on the other side of the world. But nobody is around me. I can't wait to start High School even though I'm really scared. New people,new me. And than four years of school and hard work so I can move to Australia. I'm exited about my life cause I know that many of things will happen. I have big dreams and plans. You never know what could happen. No matter what I'm going to be with Hannah!! Love you sweetie! 💖😘

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