Pizza 13

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Me and Hannah had a lot drama lately. She had a girlfriend who hated me and... Well it's complicated. The thing is that I felt like I'm nothing to her,like she doesn't need me... It was just terrible. I was scared cause I didn't want to lose her. I was worried about us. I knew that her new girlfriend isn't right for her but I didn't tell her cause I was already sick of all the drama. So they broke up because of her girlfriends family(her fam is messed up trust me). Then we talked about it. If you ask me a deep talk can solve anything. I told her how I felt and she told me the whole story. For a moment I just smiled as bright as I can at my phone,knowing I'm never going to lose her. She didn't forget about me. Things were just messed up and she needed to find herself. I'm happy cause I know that she is my true best friend. She is my sis and she's never going to leave me. I was just so happy cause we talked again and stuff. But I still feel like something has change. We're not that connected anymore. We don't talk as much. And I'm still afraid and unsure. I think it's going to stay that way until I met her. Until it happens. Cause if things changed in less then a year who knows what could happen in six years. I just hope it's staying the same way like it started. She is actually that one person I've been looking for. That chick who is going to walk with me on the streets and some girls are just going to look at us and be like damn they are goals. She is the one and I cannot lose her! Like never ever ever😂❤️😘💖💖

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